Lyrics fruit kefir. Fruit kefir

So, the name of the group was born when six guys from the Rostov art school got together to record four songs for the maxi-single “Kroet...A”. At that time, the group members were:

Alexey Busurin - vocals

Konstantin Negodaev - guitar

Dmitry Fomin - bass

Alexander Bazuev - drums

Andrey Kalistratov - trumpet

The single was recorded in 1.5 hours of studio time with a budget of $50.

The band's name was intended as a mockery and a caustic intent to create an alternative in their city. The group “Fruit Kefir” got its name because of the combination of different styles in its music. Initially, “Fruit Kefir” was conceived as a combination of the incompatible, a combination of the incompatible. But now the group explains its ideology this way:

In the theory of the Russian language there is such a term - “oxymoron” (a deliberate combination of contradictory concepts - “living corpse”, “white crow” and “poor luxury”). the “Fruit Kefir” group is just such a case. The silence here is screaming, the sarcasm is sad, and the sadness is light.

“Everything that is easy is difficult! Everything that is impossible is possible!” - this is a kind of slogan of the group, emphasizing the fact that everything in this world is relative.
We call the style of our music “Oxymoron funky punk”, a simplified version - “Fruit kefir”.
Fruit Kefir is a contradiction, Fruit Kefir is an intrigue,
Fruit kefir is a path to emotions that everyone experiences, but not
knows how to put it into words.

Alexey Busurin. From an early age he has not taken off his headphones. The first voice device was made from a microphone taken from a telephone booth and a speaker stolen from a school band.

Graduated from music school, piano class. After school, he went to study to become an accountant-financier, unfortunately, he did not quickly realize that he did not need it. Then he entered the Rostov College of Arts, where he tried to study pop-jazz vocals. Soon Alexey got tired of this too, because these classes (as Alexey believes) did not develop his individuality. He seriously begins to compose songs in which he develops his “kefir” style, both in composing and performing musical material. He introduces the band’s guitarist, Konstantin Negodaev, to this baggage.

Konstantin Negodaev. He is interested in oriental art. Knows three Japanese writers. As a youth, he made wood products and distributed them to his friends. And he sold one wooden smoking pipe to a foreigner. After I became interested in the guitar, I gave up wood burning.

After recording the single, Kostya and Lyosha, along with the rest of the guys, give numerous concerts in Rostov, among which it is worth noting joint concerts with the groups Vopli Vidoplyasova and Zdob si Zdub, participation in the “Old Miller” festival with the groups Chaif, Spleen and Night Snipers..

Having recorded a demo album, with the help of the ensemble of the Rostov Conservatory, Alexey and Kostya decide to move to Moscow, in which Rostov musician Dmitry Chalenko helped them a lot. He introduced Alexey to Billy's Band, who in turn awarded the disc to the guys of their friend Valery Maryanov, then the host of the "Kitchen" program on the TVC channel. The broadcast immediately attracted the attention of the people, and the guys are doing several concerts in Moscow. But before that It is worth noting that besides Alexey, the rest of the Rostov participants, including Konstantin, never moved to Moscow.

Having moved to Moscow, trying to get along in the city anthill, Alexey got a job in a music store, where he sold music to people on media. One working day, Alexey, not without a scandal, quit. On the same day, Shum, now known as the founder of the independent label “Vdokh” and producer of the group 5"nizza, called him, offering cooperation. Around the same time, Alexey met Timur Nekrasov.

Timur Nekrasov. A follower of aristocratic pressure, a developer of sound illusions, a monogamist, he devotes everything he doesn’t do to his only love - the women’s volleyball team. Which one is kept secret?

A couple of months later, the “Vdokh” label releases the group’s first album with the same name “Fruit Kefir”. From this moment we can, based on relatively correct dates, reconstruct the biography of the team.

The group's first album, "Fruit Kefir", was released in 2005, but again not with the lineup in which we see the group now.

At that time, the members of the Fruit Kefir group were:

Alexey Busurin - vocals

Konstantin Negodaev - guitar

Dmitry Fomin - bass

Maxim Kabalskis - drums

Hovagem Sultanyan - alto saxophone

Yuri Sabitov - trumpet

In the same year, the group gives concerts in Moscow, performs live on Nashe Radio, and participates in the Wings and Invasion festivals. Alexey lives in Moscow, the rest of the guys come from Rostov. The songs “White chocolate or see for yourself how high”, “Spring (song of someone who lost a dog)” and “Run into the clouds” become hits among Internet users and fans of club rock music.

Around the same time, the group recorded their second record entitled “Silence!”, but with a different bassist:

Alexey Busurin - vocals

Konstantin Negodaev - guitar

Kirill Afonin - bass

Maxim Kabalskis - drums

Hovagem Sultanyan - alto saxophone

Yuri Sabitov - trumpet

The album will be released in 2006. From which the songs “Silence”, “Polina”, “Oh, Spring” and “Sadness” will take the place of contenders for folk hits. And the magazine “Rovesnik” will call Alexey perhaps the best rock vocalist in the country.

After playing a certain number of concerts in Moscow, Rostov, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Volgograd, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia, bassist Kirill Afonin left the group and Alexey disbanded the band. Problems in the vocalist’s personal life and the lack of opportunity to rehearse and create new songs leave a mark of inaction on the group, and Alexey decides to invite new people. But teaching them to play what he wanted turned out to be no easy task: he had to learn to play almost all the musical instruments involved in the project himself.

During that period, he met Leonid Klimin and Oleg Shuntsov.

Leonid Klimin. Developer of low-frequency vibrations, triple specialist in taking out the brain and putting it in a cardboard box. Skating mogul of perception.

Oleg Shuntsov. Witness to the screening of the feature film "Give My Landing Leg"

Head of the organization “No Death!” Potential intellectual. Loves Jimi Hendrix.

At the beginning of 2008, after working a little together, Kostya, Lenya, Lyosha, Timur and Oleg began recording a new record. Having broken ties with the “Vdokh” label, the group is organizing a campaign “Buy a badge and become a sponsor of the group’s third album, Fruit Kefir.”

At the beginning of 2009, the group shot a video for the song “Nothing at All” and in August of this year presented a single of the same name. At the same time, the video for the song is in hot rotation on the A-One TV channel. This November the group receives an award-

RAMP 2009 opening of the year.

In December 2009, the group’s third album, entitled “Checkered Album,” was released.

Currently members of the team:

Alexey Busurin - vocals

Konstantin Negodaev - guitar

Leonid Klimin - bass

Oleg Shuntsov - drums

Timur Nekrasov - tenor saxophone

Have you ever tried fruit kefir? No? Then we recommend doing it right now. After all, such a drink turns out to be so tasty and nutritious that no adult, much less a child, can refuse it.

Today we will tell you how fruit kefir is made. In addition, we will present a detailed method for preparing a fermented milk drink at home. After all, store-bought products do not always meet all quality and safety requirements.

Made from kefir

You can prepare this delicacy in different ways. We will present the simplest and most accessible of them.

So, to make fruit kefir, we need:

  • sweet soft peach (large nectarine can be used) - 2 pcs.;
  • soft sweet apricot - 4 pcs.;
  • store-bought fresh kefir 2.5% - 1 l.

Ingredient Processing

To prepare fruit kefir, you should process all purchased products in advance. The peach must be washed, pitted and cut in half. As for apricots, they need to be processed in exactly the same way. However, this product should be cut somewhat differently - preferably into small cubes.

The process of preparing fruit treats

After the fruits are processed, you should start preparing a delicious drink. To do this, place halves of soft peaches in a blender bowl and then beat at maximum speed until smooth. Next, you need to pour the fermented milk drink into the kitchen device. After mixing the ingredients together, they should be poured into glasses. Before serving, add chopped apricots to the kefir.

It should be noted that this drink turns out to be very tasty and nutritious. It is very similar to yogurt and children absolutely love it.

Preparing berry kefir drink

Berry kefir, the photo of which is presented in this article, turns out to be just as tasty as the above-prepared one. To make it at home, we will need:

  • sweet ripe raspberries - 100 g;
  • any liquid honey - 2 large spoons;
  • fresh blueberries - 40 g;
  • fresh kefir 2.5% - 1 l.

Preparing Ingredients

Kefir, the price of which varies between 40-50 Russian rubles, is best purchased for a berry drink that is not very fatty. To make delicious yogurt from it, you should process all the ingredients in advance. Garden fresh strawberries must be washed, then placed in a blender bowl and blended into a homogeneous porridge at high speed. As for blueberries, you should simply rinse them.

Method for preparing milk drink

How to make delicious yogurt using store-bought kefir? You can find a photo of a drink prepared at home in the materials of this article.

So, after you get a homogeneous berry pulp from raspberries and strawberries, you should add liquid honey to it, and also pour in low-fat kefir. By whipping the ingredients with a mixer, you should get a bright pink sweet drink. Next, you need to pour it into glasses and decorate with blueberries.

Homemade kefir: step-by-step recipe

As you can see, there are many ways to prepare a delicious kefir drink. By adding berries or fruits to such a product, you can make very tasty and healthy yogurt yourself. However, it should be noted that store-bought kefir does not always meet all quality and safety requirements. In this regard, it is recommended to prepare it yourself. You don't need a lot of effort or products for this.

So how can you make homemade kefir? The recipe for preparing such a fermented milk drink involves the use of the following products:

  • milk of maximum freshness, full-fat (it is better to take country milk) - 2.5 l;
  • store-bought or homemade kefir 1% - 1 glass.

Making kefir at home

Making homemade kefir is quite easy. To do this, you need to take a three-liter glass jar, pour cow's milk into it, and then place it in a large saucepan with a napkin or waffle towel on the bottom. After this, you need to pour regular drinking water into a metal container with a jar. In the future, the resulting structure must be placed on the slab. The contents of the pan should be heated under constant supervision.

After the milk in the can reaches a temperature of 40 degrees, it must be carefully removed from the water. After adding a glass of kefir to a glass container, both ingredients should be thoroughly mixed.

Having carried out all the described steps, the jar of milk drink must be closed with a plastic lid, and then wrapped well in a blanket and left near the heating radiator for exactly one day. This time is enough for you to get very tasty and thick kefir.

Preparing a flavorful drink from homemade kefir

Kefir prepared according to the method described above turns out very tasty and fatty. It should be noted that such a drink is much healthier than what is sold in the store. That is why we recommend using only this for making fruit or berry yoghurts.

So, to make a very tasty and aromatic drink from homemade kefir, we will need:

  • fresh garden strawberries - 100 g;
  • soft ripe pear - 2 pcs.;
  • liquid honey - 2 large spoons;
  • sweet soft kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh kefir 2.5% - 1 l.

Product processing for fruit yoghurt

To make a delicious drink from homemade kefir, you can use completely different berries and fruits. For example, yogurt made with strawberries, kiwi and ripe pear is very tasty. Before using these products to prepare a drink, they should be carefully processed. To do this, the ingredients need to be washed well and then peeled from the stalks, peel and seed box. Next, place the pears, kiwi and half the strawberries in a blender bowl, add liquid honey and beat at the highest speed. As for the remaining berries, small cuts should be made in them and then used for decoration.

Method for preparing drinking yogurt

After the pulp of berries, fruits and honey is ready, add low-fat kefir to it and repeat the whipping procedure. Finally, the resulting drink must be poured into glass glasses and then decorated with fresh strawberries.

Beneficial properties of fermented milk drink

For the body it is undeniable. It is very often recommended for use by those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. So, just one glass of kefir a day can replace an entire first aid kit.

Fermented milk drink should be consumed when:

It should also be said that kefir is very rich in calcium. In this regard, it is especially indicated for those who have a deficiency of this element in the body, as well as for young children and pregnant women. By the way, so that you don’t get bored with the fermented milk drink, we recommend making it by adding various fruits and berries. Detailed recipes for such delicacies are described above.

So, the name of the group was born when six guys from the Rostov art school got together to record four songs for the maxi-single “Kroet...A”. At that time, the group members were:

Alexey Busurin - vocals

Konstantin Negodaev - guitar

Dmitry Fomin - bass

Alexander Bazuev - drums

Andrey Kalistratov - trumpet

Once ready, kefir will keep in the refrigerator for more than a week. In domestic production, kefir can have a low alcohol content of up to 1 degree, while industrial products are processed in such a way that they do not contain alcohol. There is, however, a version that uses water. So let's see how to make water kefir.

Water kefir: characteristics and benefits

Kefir, which uses water instead of milk, has the same benefits, offering the option of being consumed by vegans or those with milk allergies. It can also be a taste choice to choose water kefir, as it is slightly sparkling, fresh and light, perfect for summer.

The single was recorded in 1.5 hours of studio time with a budget of $50.

The band's name was intended as a mockery and a caustic intent to create an alternative in their city. The group “Fruit Kefir” got its name because of the combination of different styles in its music. Initially, “Fruit Kefir” was conceived as a combination of the incompatible, a combination of the incompatible. But now the group explains its ideology this way:

How to make water kefir

Water kefir is prepared with a few simple steps. To customize it, you can also change some of the ingredients and use natural juices instead of water. But let's look at the “traditional” recipe. You will also need a large glass jar and a colander.

Mix everything until the sugar melts and seal everything with a cap or cloth held in place with an elastic. Filter within 48 hours and store in the refrigerator, consuming within 4-5 days.

  • Fill the jar with water and pour out the kefir.
  • Add sugar, lemon, even squeezed with grated skin and mix well.
  • Add drained rice.
  • Leave at room temperature for two days, stirring after the first 24 hours.
Water kefir, but also the same granules, can be frozen and used, for example, in fresh summer recipes.

In the theory of the Russian language there is such a term - “oxymoron” (a deliberate combination of contradictory concepts - “living corpse”, “white crow” and “poor luxury”). the “Fruit Kefir” group is just such a case. The silence here is screaming, the sarcasm is sad, and the sadness is light.

“Everything that is easy is difficult! Everything that is impossible is possible!” - this is a kind of slogan of the group, emphasizing the fact that everything in this world is relative.
We call the style of our music “Oxymoron funky punk”, a simplified version - “Fruit kefir”.
Fruit Kefir is a contradiction, Fruit Kefir is an intrigue,
Fruit kefir is a path to emotions that everyone experiences, but not
knows how to put it into words.

Before suggesting some, let's see what kind of kefir granules are used in this preparation and how to find them. In addition to powder fermenters, kefir grains can also be used. The latter are not easy to find, you must contact those who produce them and be sure to use any grinds in the shipment because the grains that inhabit the grain are alive.

For a detoxifying effect, add water or milk, a green apple or blueberry, carrots and oatmeal to your kefir. Should kefir with coffee and cream cool off on hot summer days? In any case, even with kefir there is room for imagination: prepare aperitifs with iced kefir and add fruits and spices as desired.

Alexey Busurin. From an early age he has not taken off his headphones. The first voice device was made from a microphone taken from a telephone booth and a speaker stolen from a school band.

Graduated from music school, piano class. After school, he went to study to become an accountant-financier, unfortunately, he did not quickly realize that he did not need it. Then he entered the Rostov College of Arts, where he tried to study pop-jazz vocals. Soon Alexey got tired of this too, because these classes (as Alexey believes) did not develop his individuality. He seriously begins to compose songs in which he develops his “kefir” style, both in composing and performing musical material. He introduces the band’s guitarist, Konstantin Negodaev, to this baggage.

Give it a try and let us know how it goes, keeping in mind the last recommendation. Side effects associated with kefir, milk, or water may occur in people with very sensitive or unbalanced bowels. In this case, you may suffer from nausea, headaches, flatulence and stomach pain, so it is always recommended to consume these fermented foods gradually and, if in any doubt, consult your healthcare professional.

Taste, of course, is all personal, but the benefits of kefir are absolutely obvious. Why don't you try to prepare yourself a little to combat winter sickness? Four hands Francesca Bono and Elena Rizzo Nervo. During the summer, enjoy healthy fruit smoothies - it's a very pleasant sensation for the palate. Also have a smoothie with as many fresh fruits and healthy ingredients that are good for our well-being.

Konstantin Negodaev. He is interested in oriental art. Knows three Japanese writers. As a youth, he made wood products and distributed them to his friends. And he sold one wooden smoking pipe to a foreigner. After I became interested in the guitar, I gave up wood burning.

After recording the single, Kostya and Lyosha, along with the rest of the guys, give numerous concerts in Rostov, among which it is worth noting joint concerts with the groups Vopli Vidoplyasova and Zdob si Zdub, participation in the “Old Miller” festival with the groups Chaif, Spleen and Night Snipers..

There are so many possible recipes and endless ingredients to create a delicious and nutritious smoothie. We bring you 7 delicious instant recipes that can also be customized according to your taste and the ingredients you have at your disposal.

Add flaxseed oil for a healthy dose of omega fatty acids. This sunflower includes tropical bananas, coconut, pineapple-rich bromine and coconut water ice cubes, rich in electrolytes that help revitalize the body and satisfy your taste buds. Several fibers help cleanse yourself from the inside out.

Having recorded a demo album, with the help of the ensemble of the Rostov Conservatory, Alexey and Kostya decide to move to Moscow, in which Rostov musician Dmitry Chalenko helped them a lot. He introduced Alexey to Billy's Band, who in turn awarded the disc to the guys of their friend Valery Maryanov, then the host of the "Kitchen" program on the TVC channel. The broadcast immediately attracted the attention of the people, and the guys are doing several concerts in Moscow. But before that It is worth noting that besides Alexey, the rest of the Rostov participants, including Konstantin, never moved to Moscow.

This mixture is also rich in potassium to help you stay hydrated. Mix at low speed and gradually increase until smooth. Add banana, peaches, mint if desired and smooth until desired result is achieved.

Intriguing, interesting, beautiful, just like you. He will start a new fashion: blue cocktails. This "blue" smoothie is filled with smooth blueberries, refreshing mint, cleansing seeds and creamy banana, it's simple and delicious for a fresh start. Add vegetable yogurt for some probiotics too.

Having moved to Moscow, trying to get along in the city anthill, Alexey got a job in a music store, where he sold music to people on media. One working day, Alexey quit, not without a scandal. On the same day, Shum, now known as the founder of the independent label “Vdokh” and producer of the group 5"nizza, called him, offering cooperation. Around the same time, Alexey met Timur Nekrasov.

Use fresh or frozen berries. This is for everyone who expresses lovers like my husband who loves cappuccino. This is the vegan answer to espresso drinks. Strive to enjoy coffee-flavored drinks; Luckily, coffee and cocoa contain antioxidants!

It is also rich in carbohydrate energy. Made with frozen berries, creamy yogurt, and potassium-rich banana, this purple smoothie has a fantastic flavor that will energize your day. Prepare this when you want oats but can't stand the heat. The complex carbohydrates in oatmeal help keep you full of energy in the morning. Adding monounsaturated fats such as nuts will further prolong the energy sensation by slowing its release. The race is steadily and steadily won.

Timur Nekrasov. A follower of aristocratic pressure, a developer of sound illusions, a monogamist, he devotes everything he doesn’t do to his only love - the women’s volleyball team. Which one is kept secret?

A couple of months later, the “Vdokh” label releases the group’s first album with the same name “Fruit Kefir”. From this moment we can, based on relatively correct dates, reconstruct the biography of the team.

Add remaining ingredients and stir until smooth. These recipes often use soy milk. Did you like these cocktails? Have you customized them with other ingredients? Let us know your opinion and send us your photos of your milkshakes.

Yogurt seems like a "healthy" food, but not all yogurts we find on the market are the same, so choosing which product to consume is important. We see the main features and differences of yogurt that we find in the market. Other ingredients are often added to yogurt to improve the taste, such as sugar, fruit and sometimes some additives. In addition, Italian legislation stipulates that these bacteria must be alive and vital in a total quantity of at least 10 million per gram of product, and each of these two species must be present in quantities of at least 1 million per gram before the expiration date stated on the package.

The group's first album, "Fruit Kefir", was released in 2005, but again not with the lineup in which we see the group now.

At that time, the members of the Fruit Kefir group were:

Alexey Busurin - vocals

Konstantin Negodaev - guitar

Dmitry Fomin - bass

Maxim Kabalskis - drums

Yogurt retains all the nutritional properties and energy value of milk, but is more digestible due to the smaller size of the protein particles, the greater the presence of soluble proteins and the presence of lactase, which can hydrolyze part of the lactose. In addition, lactic acid and other metabolites produced by lactic enzymes appear to have an inhibitory effect on pathogenic intestinal microflora. The presence of beta-galactosidase in milk enzymes, which can reach the small intestine and here its lactose hydrolysis activity, reduces intolerance.

Yuri Sabitov - trumpet

In the same year, the group gives concerts in Moscow, performs live on Nashe Radio, and participates in the Wings and Invasion festivals. Alexey lives in Moscow, the rest of the guys come from Rostov. The songs “White chocolate or see for yourself how high”, “Spring (song of someone who lost a dog)” and “Run into the clouds” become hits among Internet users and fans of club rock music.

In addition, yogurt seems to be able to increase lactase activity in the intestinal mucosa, due to slower intestinal transit compared to milk, improve lactose hydrolysis and work up residual intestinal lactase. White whole yogurt is made with whole milk without the addition of other ingredients, in addition to lactic enzymes. Below the average value of nutrients per 100 g of product: 66 kcal, 3.8 g protein, 3.9 g fat, 4.3 g carbohydrates.

Some yoghurts are added with sugar to increase sweetness, for example, "white cream of Müller yoghurt" containing sugar and grape sugar with a contribution of 94 kcal and 10.8 g of sugars per 100 g of product. Flaxseed white yogurt is made with skim milk with no other ingredients added, in addition to lactic enzymes. Below the average value of nutrients per 100 g of product: 36 kcal, 3.3 g protein, 0.9 g fat, 4 g carbohydrates.

Around the same time, the group recorded their second record entitled “Silence!”, but with a different bassist:

Alexey Busurin - vocals

Konstantin Negodaev - guitar

Kirill Afonin - bass

Maxim Kabalskis - drums

Hovagem Sultanyan - alto saxophone

Yuri Sabitov - trumpet

The album will be released in 2006. From which the songs “Silence”, “Polina”, “Oh, Spring” and “Sadness” will take the place of contenders for folk hits. And the magazine “Rovesnik” will call Alexey perhaps the best rock vocalist in the country.

Some yogurts are added with sugar to increase sweetness, for example, "Sweet White Creamy Sweet Parmalate Yogurt" contains sugar with a consumption of 61 kcal and 10 g of sugar per 100 g of product. Yogurt with cereals, dried fruits and seeds. Greek yogurt differs from traditional yogurt in its production process: Greek yogurt is filtered three times, unlike traditional yogurt, which is only filtered twice. The third filtration occurs very slowly and determines the differences between the two types of yogurt: the liquid that is filtered and discarded contains most of the sodium contained in the original milk and lactose, which the bacteria have not fermented.

After playing a certain number of concerts in Moscow, Rostov, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Volgograd, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia, bassist Kirill Afonin left the group and Alexey disbanded the band. Problems in the vocalist’s personal life and the lack of opportunity to rehearse and create new songs leave a mark of inaction on the group, and Alexey decides to invite new people. But teaching them to play what he wanted turned out to be not an easy task: he had to learn to play almost all the musical instruments involved in the project himself.

The remaining mass therefore has a higher protein and fat content and lower sugar content than traditional yogurt. Below the average value of nutrients per 100 g of product: 115 kcal, protein 6.4 g, fat 9.1 g, carbohydrates 2 g. Like traditional yogurt, Greek yogurt can also be made with skim milk, so the milk content is zero.

Yogurt vegetable options. In the refrigerator rack we also find alternatives to cedar yogurt, such as grass substitutes made from soy with yogurt nutritional characteristics: they are 72 kcal, 5 g protein, 4.2 g fat, 3.9 g carbohydrates per 100 g product and often added to calcium. Like yogurt, vegetable substitutes also come in natural or fruity flavors.

During that period, he met Leonid Klimin and Oleg Shuntsov.

Leonid Klimin. Developer of low-frequency vibrations, triple specialist in taking out the brain and putting it in a cardboard box. Skating mogul of perception.

Oleg Shuntsov. Witness to the screening of the feature film "Give My Landing Leg"

The table below shows the sugar content per 100g of product and a jug of some yogurt that we find in the market. Some tips for choosing yogurt. Read Food Labels Before purchasing yogurt, it is important to read the label to understand its ingredients. The ingredient list - arranged in descending order - gives us an idea of ​​what ingredients are present in the product. Prefer yogurts without added sugar, and if you just can't resist sweeter yogurt, avoid a product whose ingredient list lists sugar as one of its first ingredients. Adding Fruits Yogurt with fruits is greatly appreciated by both the largest and the smallest. Prefer a product that contains "real" fruit in the ingredient list, and is stated before added sugars. It would be better to add fresh fruits when consumed in natural yogurt. Fat content. Rich yogurt contains very little fat but is not said to have high sugar content. The presence of fat slows down the process of digestion and absorption of sugars contained in yogurt by lowering blood glucose levels after eating. Fruits, flavorings and colors are often also added. . What kind of yogurt do you prefer?

Head of the organization “No Death!” Potential intellectual. Loves Jimi Hendrix.

At the beginning of 2008, after working a little together, Kostya, Lenya, Lyosha, Timur and Oleg began recording a new record. Having broken ties with the “Vdokh” label, the group is organizing a campaign “Buy a badge and become a sponsor of the group’s third album, Fruit Kefir.”

At the beginning of 2009, the group shot a video for the song “Nothing at All” and in August of this year presented a single of the same name. At the same time, the video for the song is in hot rotation on the A-One TV channel. This November the group receives an award-

RAMP 2009 opening of the year.

In December 2009, the group’s third album, entitled “Checkered Album,” was released.

Currently members of the team:

Alexey Busurin - vocals

Konstantin Negodaev - guitar

Leonid Klimin - bass

Oleg Shuntsov - drums

Timur Nekrasov - tenor saxophone

Hello again, dear friends! Let's talk about fermented milk products today. Kefir - benefits and harm! It is useful for every person who welcomes a healthy lifestyle to know about this. If for many adults milk is an unacceptable product due to the common lactase enzyme deficiency, then kefir is well tolerated by almost all people. Fruit kefir cocktails are not only healthy, but also very tasty!

The drink has long been part of our daily diet. It can be found on the menu of both healthy people and in therapeutic and preventive nutrition for patients with a variety of diseases, ranging from cholecystitis to obesity and diabetes.

Delicious kefir cocktails can be prepared by adding a variety of fruits and berries. Thanks to this, the beneficial properties of kefir will be enhanced and drinking it will be even more pleasant.

Varieties of kefir

Every store sells many varieties of this amazingly refreshing, tasty and healthy fermented milk product. It is produced with various fillings (fruit, berry), it is enriched with probiotics (bifidobacteria, acidophilus and lactobacilli), it comes with a reduced or increased content of lactose, protein and mineral salts.

Kefir - benefits and harms are determined by its composition and varieties. You can verify this in any supermarket. There is fat kefir (3.2%), low-fat (2.5%) and low-fat (0-0.5%), and depending on the degree of ripening it is divided into weak (one-day), which has the lowest percentage of lactic acid and alcohol and strong (three-day) - a strong drink with an acid and alcohol content of up to 0.65%).

Depending on the type of kefir and the method of its preparation, it has different effects on the body. For example, nutritionists recommend drinking weak kefir for constipation, and three-day kefir, on the contrary, for indigestion and dysentery. But all varieties of the drink undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on the body, increasing its tone and defenses.

What is included in kefir

The beneficial properties of the drink are directly due to the presence in its composition of lactic acid bacteria, ethyl alcohol (up to 0.89%), milk protein, vitamins (retinol, ascorbic acid, B1, B2, B12, choline, PP), minerals (phosphorus, sodium and potassium, as well as sulfur, copper and manganese, selenium, molybdenum, etc.).

Therapeutic properties of kefir

Regular inclusion of the drink in the diet:

  • normalizes the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • enhances intestinal motility;
  • eliminates dysbacteriosis;
  • Helps cleanse the body of free radicals and carcinogens.
  • increases immunity;

Not everyone knows that up to 80% of immune cells are located in the intestines, which is why the health of the entire body directly depends on its condition.

When consuming kefir, the load on the heart and blood vessels is reduced due to better and faster breakdown of incoming food. This probiotic drink, taken an hour before bed, is especially beneficial. If you make it a rule to drink this healing drink every evening, you can significantly lose weight, normalize stools, cleanse yourself of waste and toxins, and increase your metabolism.

Compatibility of kefir with various foods

The beneficial properties of kefir depend on how well this drink is combined with the products that we simultaneously consume with it.

There are a number of products with which kefir is contraindicated:

  • whole milk;
  • seafood;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • meat.

Products with which kefir should not be combined, but still possible if necessary:

  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • seeds;
  • nuts.

Products that, when consumed simultaneously with kefir, have an excellent effect on all organs and systems:

  • vegetables, including leafy greens;
  • fruits, including dried fruits;
  • berries, including dried ones;
  • juices;
  • Bee Honey;
  • jam and other sweet preparations;
  • bread;
  • whole grain.

How to make weak kefir at home

For sourdough, you can use pharmaceutical compositions or a regular store-bought drink. For every 200 ml of homemade village milk, you should take 5-6 ml of ready-made kefir. Then the liquid is placed in a jar in a warm place for a day and your healing one-day drink is ready. You can drink it yourself, or you can prepare medicinal cocktails.

Drink with apricots

Useful for diseases of the heart and blood vessels: atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, hypertension, as well as for the prevention of anemia, stroke and myocardial infarction.

Recipe: During the 2-3 season, soften the apricots with a fork and mix with a glass of kefir. And the rest of the time, instead of fresh fruits, you should take dried apricots or apricots (after removing the seeds from them). Dried fruits are soaked for several hours in warm water, then crushed with a knife or blender and mixed with the drink.

Kefir with prunes

Dried plums, as well as fermented milk drinks, normalize digestion, relieve constipation, help strengthen intestinal motility and significantly improve its bowel function. Therefore, the combination of kefir with prunes is a miracle cure for the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Recipe: Wash several fruits, remove the seeds and soak for 3 hours in cool water, then chop the fruits with a knife and mix with kefir, and drink the water in which the plums were lying in the morning on an empty stomach. To enhance the cleansing ability and greater antibacterial effect, add a little honey to the finished cocktail.

Kefir with strawberries

This delicious nutritious cocktail is an effective remedy for metabolic disorders, pancreatitis, obesity, peptic ulcers and problems with the heart and blood vessels. The drink also relieves swelling, improves immunity and saturates the body’s cells with antioxidants.

Recipe: Mash two heaped tablespoons of fresh berries and stir in a glass of kefir. Instead of fresh berries in winter, dried, frozen or ground with sugar are used.
