What mushrooms do they contain? Porcini

Let's continue the mushroom topic and talk about the beneficial properties of mushrooms and their use in medicine. Mushrooms are a valuable food product containing proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. We eat mushrooms boiled, fried, salted, pickled and dried. The beneficial properties of mushrooms were discovered several thousand years ago and have been constantly studied and used in medicine and nutrition.

Modern scientists never cease to be amazed by this unique product, mushrooms are so rich in useful compounds.

Fresh mushrooms contain up to 95% water. Of the compounds, 70% is protein, of carbohydrates, in addition to glucose, it contains the sugar trehalose and the sugar alcohol mannitol. Instead of fiber, mushroom shells consist of fungin. Minerals make up 1% of the weight; these are salts of potassium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur and chlorine.

Mushrooms contain 18 types of amino acids, a number of vitamins B1, B2, B, PP, C, D, E. All this has a beneficial effect on our body.
Young mushrooms are most valued; the cap contains more useful substances than the stem. It is not recommended to collect old mushrooms; they are poorly digested and you can get an upset stomach or worse, poisoning. In old mushrooms, the process of protein breakdown occurs.

In the previous article, we said that mushrooms are a perishable product and therefore need to be processed on the day of collection. Cooked ones cannot be stored for a long time, even in the refrigerator; prepare the amount to eat at one time.

When frying and boiling mushrooms, a significant part of the beneficial substances is destroyed; in salted and dried mushrooms, much more of them remain. When dried, almost all the protein is preserved, so dried mushrooms are very healthy and nutritious.

  • A set of beneficial compounds in mushrooms helps normalize metabolism.
  • Have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • They improve blood formation processes and strengthen blood vessels, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • They have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails, teeth and skin, and are a natural elixir of youth.
  • Regulate blood pressure.
  • Removes harmful cholesterol from the blood.
  • Participate in the production of hormones by the pituitary gland.
  • Beta-glucans support the immune system and have a high anti-cancer effect. This effect is also achieved thanks to melanin, one of the most powerful natural antioxidants.
  • Eating mushrooms prevents anxiety and stress, has a beneficial effect on brain function, and significantly reduces mental exhaustion and feelings of irritation and anxiety.

Watch a video about the benefits of mushrooms:

Useful properties of mushrooms in medicine and folk recipes

There are many useful mushrooms growing in nature, I only told you about my favorite mushrooms. The benefits of mushrooms for the human body have been proven by scientists, and the process of picking mushrooms is no less useful, it lifts the mood and heals the soul.


Despite all the usefulness of mushrooms, there are a number of contraindications:

  • Mushrooms in any form are contraindicated for children under 6 years of age.
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers are prohibited from consuming mushrooms.
  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, cholecystitis and pancreatitis.
  • Collect young mushrooms; don’t even look at overgrown ones; mushrooms have the ability, like a sponge, to absorb harmful substances from the air and earth. Do not pick mushrooms near roads and landfills.
  • Collect only familiar mushrooms. And remember that everything is good in moderation, you should not eat only mushroom dishes during the mushroom season, it can harm the stomach.

The site “I am a villager” wishes you good health and a successful mushroom picking! If the article was useful to you, share with your friends and press the social network buttons. I am very interested in your opinion about the article and please share your recipes for using mushrooms in folk medicine.

: benefit or harm to the body?

They love it very much in Russia mushrooms. They are salted and pickled, frozen, made into caviar, and added to fried potatoes, vegetable dishes and porridges. This is a tasty and healthy product, but under certain conditions it can harm the body.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The nutritional value of mushrooms directly depends on their age. Young plants are the most delicious and nutritious. They contain a high content of enzymes, vitamins, and mineral salts. Older plants retain less valuable nutrients and inorganic compounds. They are practically useless.

The chemical composition of mushrooms is truly unique. 90-95% is water, the rest is dry matter. Among them are the enzymes amylase, lipase, proteinase, and oxidoreductase. Edible plants also contain a lot of vitamins A, group B, C, D, PP, and also:

  1. 70% of dry matter is protein, which is why the plants are even called “forest meat.” This is an indispensable product for vegetarians.
  2. In terms of composition and amount of carbohydrates, mushrooms are close to plants. However, they still contain insulin, dextrin, and glycogen.
  3. In terms of vitamin content, mushrooms overtake liver and yeast, but many of them are destroyed during heat treatment. This primarily concerns carotene and vitamin C.
  4. The mineral content in edible plants is low, but sufficient to saturate the body with potassium, phosphorus, and iron. There is little calcium in these plants. But it will be well absorbed if you add sour cream or milk to the mushroom dish. Small amounts of iodine, copper, magnesium and zinc are also beneficial to the body, as these trace elements are involved in cellular metabolism.

The calorie content of mushrooms is low. It varies between 10-34 Kcal per 100 g of product. The most calories are in porcini mushrooms, the least in nigella mushrooms. The calorie content of dried and salted mushrooms is about 24 Kcal per 100 g of product.

Mushrooms: beneficial properties for the body

In addition to excellent taste, edible plants are also valued for their beneficial properties, which are ensured by a balanced composition. By eating only 200-300 g of mushrooms every day, an adult will satisfy the daily protein requirement. Also, lovers of these plants will not have any difficulty losing weight; they will be able to protect the heart, blood vessels, and even prevent cancer.

Substances contained in mushrooms are used to make antibiotics, including penicillin. Eastern medicine claims that kombucha is a natural medicine that relieves inflammation and pain. Traditional physicians prepare potions from fly agaric to treat nervous disorders, and from dung beetle - remedies for alcoholism. Chaga is used to create medicines for various tumors.

Dietary product

Mushrooms contain few calories, so they fit into any diet, and also normalize metabolism and stimulate the removal of excess fluid from the body. Plants go well with cereals and pasta. Such dishes reduce appetite and fill you up well. Due to the zinc content, mushroom dishes accelerate carbohydrate metabolism. You can eat them instead of meat - the benefits will be the same, but the body will not receive extra calories, which will subsequently settle on the waist and sides.

Hearty product

The calorie content of mushrooms is low, but it is a very nutritious product that makes you feel full for a long time. It’s enough to add a little butter or champignons to your regular lunch - and you won’t need snacks until dinner.

Reduced cravings for sweets

Mushrooms are an essential source of zinc for the human body. With a lack of this mineral, an irresistible desire appears to eat something sweet or drink alcohol. These problems can be solved by eating mushrooms regularly.

Benefits for men

Zinc, which is found in large quantities in mushrooms, improves potency. This is a good alternative for men who don't like seafood.

Strengthening the heart, blood vessels and immunity

Mushroom dishes help strengthen the immune system. The antioxidant selenium, found in edible plants, is a natural remedy for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases. This substance normalizes blood pressure and helps remove “bad” cholesterol.

Many mushrooms contain a substance that lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. Most of it is in oyster mushrooms. You need to eat 50 g of them per day, then cholesterol will decrease by 10%.

Prevention of cancer and HIV infections

Scientists have proven that some types of mushrooms contain lenithan. This is a substance that provides effective prevention of the development of cancer. It also prevents the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from entering the body.

It is useful for women to eat champignons to prevent the development of breast cancer. They are especially rich in a substance that inhibits the functions of enzymes that synthesize estrogen.

Possible harm to the body

For mushrooms to be beneficial, they must be eaten boiled. After frying, they lose most of their beneficial properties. Also, these tasty plants do not go well with raw vegetables. Such combinations cause flatulence. Therefore, it is better to prepare a side dish from boiled or stewed vegetables.

There are also several other disadvantages to these tasty and nutritious plants:

  1. Heavy product. The body needs a lot of enzymes to digest mushrooms. Therefore, they should not be given to young children and elderly people. They may experience stomach pain and other digestive problems.
  2. Prolonged digestion. Since mushroom dishes are heavy food, they are not the best food for dinner. It's better to leave the plants for lunch.
  3. Potential allergen. Nowadays, many people suffer from food allergies. If you are susceptible to this disease, avoid mushrooms. They are one of the most dangerous allergens.
  4. Possibility of bloating and flatulence. Prolonged digestion sometimes leads to the fact that mushrooms begin to ferment in the intestines. As a result, gases are formed.

The main danger is that edible mushrooms accumulate toxic substances if they grow near highways, military training grounds, chemical plants, or in areas with poor ecology. Therefore, when shopping at markets, ask where the plants were collected.

Nature has given man a unique product - mushrooms. Organisms that are biologically distinct from plants and animals are not only an integral part of the natural environment around us, but also provide benefits to human health. Mushrooms are similar in mineral composition to fruits, and in the amount of carbohydrates they are similar to vegetables. Mushrooms are superior to meat in terms of protein, which is why they are also called “forest meat.” However, it is worth remembering that mushrooms can cause irreparable harm to human health. To prevent this from happening, you need to collect and buy only fresh mushrooms and follow the rules for their preparation.

Mushrooms contain virtually no fat and are 90% water, so they are low in calories - 34 kcal per 100 g, are easily digestible and are considered a dietary product. Mushrooms have a rich and balanced composition of useful elements:

  • 18 amino acids;
  • vitamins: A, group B, D, E;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • micro- and macroelements: potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, sulfur, iron;
  • lecithin;
  • fatty acid glycerides;
  • unsaturated fatty acids: butyric, stearic, palmitic;
  • natural antibiotics;
  • fiber and chitin.

The protein content of mushrooms can increase if they are dried. Dried mushrooms consist of 75% protein compounds.

Beneficial features

The benefits of mushrooms for the human body are undeniable. Since ancient times, folk healers have treated people with wild mushrooms for many diseases. For example, white mushroom extract was applied to frostbitten areas of the skin, chanterelle tincture helped fight boils, morels calmed the nerves, and boletus relieved migraines.

What is the value and miraculous power of mushrooms:

  1. They help the body get rid of excess fluid, improve metabolism and promote weight loss.
  2. Strengthen the immune system.
  3. They remove harmful cholesterol from the body, as well as toxins and heavy metals.
  4. Helps avoid mental exhaustion and prevent emotional disorders.
  5. Good for healthy skin, bones, teeth, nails and hair.
  6. Improves hematopoiesis.
  7. They have wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties.
  8. Normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland.

The most valuable in terms of nutritional and healing qualities are porcini mushrooms, boletuses, boletus, chanterelles, saffron milk caps, and russula.

For example, mushrooms such as milk mushrooms are most useful when salted or fried in sour cream and onions. If you use them regularly, then after a while the extra pounds will begin to melt away. And pickled or fried honey mushrooms are a source of energy, especially for those who are concerned about diabetes. Porcini mushrooms can also be pickled, fried, dried or salted. This mushroom, along with boletus, has a lot of nutrients, in which it is superior to some types of mushrooms: milk mushrooms, champignons, honey mushrooms, boletus and others.

And at the same time, each mushroom has its own characteristics, some contain more proteins and enzymes, others differ in taste and wonderful aroma, and others help fight many diseases.

Who should use mushrooms with caution?

Pregnant and lactating women, as well as children, are primarily at risk. This group of people is the most vulnerable. They have reduced immunity, a fragile body, and mushrooms are known to absorb many chemicals contained in the air. Before giving mushrooms to a child or a pregnant woman, it is worth thinking about the fact that the environmental situation is changing for the worse every year. If earlier our grandmothers were not afraid to give their children wild mushrooms, now we should think about the possible harm of the product.

Still, mushrooms are a nutritious food, and children and pregnant and lactating women should eat well every day. Therefore, it is better to give preference to cultivated mushrooms from the supermarket, grown for sale in compliance with certain technologies. Such mushrooms undergo quality control, and the conditions for their transportation and storage are strictly observed.

As for children, parents have the right to decide for themselves when to start giving their child mushrooms. Many experts recommend starting to give oyster mushrooms or champignons to children over 5-7 years old (no more than once a week). Since it is quite difficult for the children's gastrointestinal tract to digest all the substances that mushrooms contain. This can lead to frustration.

Contraindications and harm of mushrooms

Mushrooms should not be consumed by people with the following diseases:

  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver and kidneys;
  • gout;
  • eczema.

In addition, if mushrooms are collected, prepared and stored incorrectly, their consumption can lead to dire consequences, including death.

Despite their low calorie content, mushrooms are considered heavy food; even healthy people should not abuse them. You should also not exclude individual intolerance to mushrooms and the risk of possible allergic reactions, especially in children.

Mushrooms are loved in many countries for their extraordinary taste and abundance of nutrients. The benefits of mushrooms for human health are beyond doubt. However, it is necessary to understand them well, collect them in areas with a clean environment, buy them from trusted places and not abuse them.

Top 10 healthiest mushrooms

The benefits of mushrooms for the human body are undeniable. From time immemorial, folk healers used forest gifts to treat various ailments: porcini mushroom extract was used for frostbite, chanterelle infusion fought against boils, morels calmed the nerves, and with the help of boletus they got rid of headaches.

Main beneficial properties of mushrooms

  • Mushrooms are an excellent source of protein. Some varieties are as nutritious as beef. Just 150 g of dried mushrooms can provide the body with the daily requirement for meat;
  • Mushrooms are a low-calorie product that consists of 90% water, practically does not contain starch, sodium and cholesterol, helps the body get rid of excess fluid (due to the presence of potassium), improves metabolism, and all this promotes weight loss;
  • Miracle hats play an important role in strengthening the immune system. When consumed regularly, mushrooms prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The antioxidant selenium they provide is found only in some vegetables and fruits;
  • Thanks to the abundance of zinc and B vitamins, mushrooms are beneficial for the nervous system, they prevent emotional disorders and help avoid mental exhaustion;
  • The presence of vitamin D makes mushrooms beneficial for healthy skin, bones, teeth, nails and hair.
The most valuable for their nutritional and healing qualities are considered to be porcini mushrooms, boletus, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, milk mushrooms, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, saffron milk caps and even the ubiquitous russula.

White mushrooms

1. Porcini mushrooms (boletus mushrooms)
Porcini mushrooms are a valuable source of proteins, enzymes and dietary fiber. Sulfur and polysaccharides in their composition can provide significant support in the fight against cancer, lecithin and the alkaloid hercedine are very important for the health of the cardiovascular system, riboflavin is responsible for the growth of hair, nails, skin renewal, proper functioning of the thyroid gland and the health of the body as a whole. Of all the mushrooms, boletus mushrooms contain the most complete set of amino acids, including essential ones. The vitamin and mineral composition of these noble mushrooms is also rich. They contain potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, manganese, zinc, tocopherol, niacin, thiamine, folic and ascorbic acid. Boletuses have wound-healing, immunomodulatory and antitumor properties.


2. Boletus (red mushrooms)
In terms of nutritional and taste qualities, boletuses are practically not inferior to boletus mushrooms. These mushrooms contain a lot of potassium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A and C, fiber, lecithin, enzymes and fatty acids. In terms of nicotinic acid content, they are not inferior to liver, and in terms of the concentration of B vitamins they are close to grain crops. There is more protein in boletus than in meat. Valuable amino acids, the source of which they are, are especially important for people whose bodies are weakened by previous operations, infectious diseases, and various types of inflammatory processes. Dry red mushroom powder is taken to cleanse the blood and reduce cholesterol levels.

Saffron milk caps

3. Saffron milk caps
These mushrooms have been collected in Rus' since ancient times. If gourmets have given boletus the title of “king of mushrooms,” then saffron milk cap is called “grand prince.” Both peasants and kings valued these mushrooms for their original taste and wonderful aroma. Its beneficial properties are also multifaceted. In terms of digestibility by the human body, saffron milk caps are among the most valuable mushrooms. They are rich in carotenoids, valuable amino acids, iron, contain fiber, B vitamins (riboflavin, thiamine and niacin), ascorbic acid and the valuable antibiotic lactoviolin, which has a detrimental effect on the growth of many bacteria. The health benefits of saffron milk caps are also explained by the abundance of mineral salts in them - potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium. Saffron milk caps are used to treat diseases caused by metabolic disorders, rheumatism, vitiligo, and lung diseases.

Milk mushrooms

4. Milk mushrooms
In Rus', milk mushrooms have been considered the best mushrooms for centuries. The value of these forest gifts is that they are one of the few sources of vitamin D that is not of animal origin. Traditional medicine has recognized soaked milk mushrooms as one of the best remedies for the prevention of urolithiasis: the bioactive substances contained in these mushrooms prevent the formation of axalates and urates in the kidneys. Milk mushrooms are a source of vitamins C, PP and group B, provide the body with beneficial bacteria, contain natural antibiotics, which strengthen the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and suppress the proliferation of tuberculosis bacillus. Preparations from milk mushrooms are used to treat gallstone disease, kidney failure, emphysema and stomach diseases.


5. Russula
These modest mushrooms with yellow, gray, green, pink-red, purple and brown caps are loved for their pleasant taste and multifaceted beneficial properties. Russula contains an abundance of fatty acids, dietary fiber, all kinds of mono- and disaccharides, vitamins PP, C, E, B1 and B2; among the minerals they contain the most magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. The substance lecithin in these mushrooms is of great importance for health, which cleans blood vessels, prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the body, and helps with metabolic disorders. Some types of russula have an antibacterial effect and help cleanse the stomach and intestines. The enzyme russulin, found in russula, is in great demand in cheese making: only 1 g of this substance is required to curdle 200 liters of milk.


6. Boletus mushrooms
Fans of mushroom dishes know that wonderful taste is not the only advantage of boletus mushrooms; the health benefits of these mushrooms are also great. Boletus mushrooms are especially valued for their content of perfectly balanced protein, including arginine, tyrosine, leucine and glutamine. The vitamin composition of these mushrooms is also rich, it includes ascorbic and nicotinic acid, tocopherol, B vitamins and vitamin D. The ability of boletus mushrooms to remove toxins from the body is ensured by the presence of dietary fiber, and the value of this product for the health of the musculoskeletal system is due to the content of a large amount of phosphoric acid involved in the construction of enzymes. Boletus mushrooms are used to regulate blood sugar, treat kidney pathologies and disorders in the nervous system.

Honey mushrooms

7. Honey mushrooms
Honey mushrooms are rich in vitamins C and B1; different types of these mushrooms contain natural antibiotics, anticancer substances, tocopherol and nicotinic acid, potassium, sodium, magnesium and iron. Autumn honey mushrooms are used as a laxative, and meadow honey mushrooms have a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland and have a detrimental effect on E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Honey mushrooms are especially useful for people who have problems with hematopoiesis, for those suffering from coronary heart disease and diabetes. 100 g of these mushrooms can replenish the body’s daily need for honey and zinc. In terms of phosphorus and calcium content, honey mushrooms are close to fish, and the protein they contain has antitumor activity.

Oyster mushrooms

8. Oyster mushrooms
In terms of their beneficial composition, oyster mushrooms are close to meat: these mushrooms contain B vitamins, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, as well as a rather rare vitamin D2, which is involved in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestines, and the content of nicotinic acid (a particularly important vitamin for nursing mothers) Oyster mushroom is considered the most valuable mushroom. 8% of oyster mushrooms consist of minerals; just 100 g of the product can replenish the body’s daily need for potassium. These mushrooms have bactericidal properties, help remove radioactive substances from the body, strengthen blood vessels, regulate blood pressure, and reduce bad cholesterol in the blood. And recently, scientists have discovered another interesting property of these mushrooms - the ability to increase male potency.


9. Chanterelles
Mushroom lovers know that the delicate nutty taste is not the only advantage of chanterelle dishes. The benefits of these mushrooms are manifested in immunostimulating and antitumor effects, a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membranes, improved vision, the ability to remove radionuclides from the body and restore damaged pancreatic cells. Chanterelles are rich in copper, zinc, vitamins D, A, PP and group B, are a source of valuable amino acids, and are superior to carrots in beta-carotene content. Natural antibiotics found in these mushrooms are harmful to staphylococci and tubercle bacilli. Extracts from chanterelles treat liver diseases. If these mushrooms are properly prepared, they can help treat obesity (caused by improper liver function).


10. Champignons
These wonderful mushrooms are a source of lecithin, organic acids, minerals and valuable proteins. Among the vitamins, champignons contain tocopherol, vitamin D, nicotinic and folic acid. In terms of phosphorus content, champignons can compete with fish, and there are more B vitamins in these mushrooms than in fresh vegetables. The beneficial substances contained in champignons help fight fatigue, regulate mental activity, maintain good skin condition, activate the immune system, and have a beneficial effect on nerve cells, the circulatory system and the condition of the mucous membranes. Champignons have antitumor and antibacterial activity, helping the body get rid of toxins, excess cholesterol and heavy metals.

Calorie content of mushrooms

All mushrooms are considered body-safe foods. Russulas have the lowest calorie content - 15 kcal per 100 g. Camelinas contain 17 kcal per 100 g, chanterelles and milk mushrooms - 19 kcal, boletus - 20 kcal, honey mushrooms and aspen mushrooms - 22 kcal, champignons - 27 kcal, porcini mushrooms – 30 kcal, oyster mushrooms – 38 kcal per 100 g.

Harm from mushrooms

Since mushrooms are a difficult-to-digest product, you should not rely on them in case of acute inflammatory processes of the digestive system (pancreatitis, ulcers, gastritis, liver problems). It is not recommended to eat more than 100 g of pickled and salted mushrooms per day. It is not recommended to feed any mushrooms to children; babies do not have the enzymes necessary to break them down. It is highly not recommended to collect old mushrooms. Forest gifts collected in industrial areas, near busy highways, military training grounds, and chemical plants will also not be beneficial.

Delicious mushrooms

For their wonderful gastronomic qualities, abundance of vitamins, and multifaceted beneficial properties, mushrooms are loved in different countries; various dishes are prepared from them, and medicines are made from them. Forest gifts still conceal many mysteries. One thing that is certain is the health benefits of mushrooms. The main thing is to understand them, collect them in environmentally friendly areas or buy them from trusted places.

Well, have you already picked mushrooms? Now let’s figure out what their obvious advantages and no less obvious disadvantages are.


1. A large amount of protein and other nutrients.

Nutritionists jokingly call mushrooms “forest meat” because they contain a lot of protein (especially in dry mushrooms). The protein in mushrooms is 2 times more than in eggs, and 3 times more than in meat!

In addition to many amino acids (see By the way), mushrooms contain phosphorus, which they contain almost as much as fish.

2. Low in calories.

Despite their low-calorie content, mushrooms, even in small quantities, make you feel full very quickly. This miraculous property is used by nutritionists, including mushrooms in the menu during fasting diets.

3. Supports immunity.

The most beneficial substances contained in mushrooms are beta-glucans. They have a beneficial effect on the human immune system. Scientists even believe that it was thanks to the presence of a large number of mushrooms in the Lenten meals of Orthodox Christians that people in the old days were able to maintain immunity during strict fasting in early spring.

The second positive quality of beta-glucans is their antitumor activity.


1. Vitamins from them are poorly absorbed.

Unfortunately, the minerals, vitamins, and beta-glucans of mushrooms are very poorly absorbed by the human body. The size of beta-glucans in mushrooms exceeds 60 microns, and the human small intestine is designed in such a way that particles larger than 60 microns are passed through with great difficulty. To feel the real antitumor effect, you need to quickly eat about 600 kg of mushrooms...

2. Poorly digested.

Mushrooms are very difficult to digest due to the large amount of chitin in them, which is generally not absorbed by the human body. Mushrooms are even contraindicated for people with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is better not to give mushrooms to children under 12-14 years of age.

By the way, it is “thanks to” chitin that a large percentage of the nutrients contained in mushrooms are not absorbed by our body.

3. They accumulate poisons.

Mushrooms have an incredibly high ability to accumulate various toxins and radioactive compounds. Even very good mushroom pickers, who never confuse an edible mushroom with an inedible one, expose themselves and their loved ones to the danger of poisoning. They must be boiled (see Important). However, at a temperature of 100 degrees, many beneficial substances contained in mushrooms are destroyed.

Instead of output:

From a nutritional point of view, mushrooms are useless, says Lyudmila Denisenko. - But how delicious they are! If they are assembled according to the rules, and most importantly - skillfully prepared, they will bring pleasure.

In addition, many do not know that the finer the mushrooms are chopped, the faster they are absorbed by the body. Moreover, special attention should be paid to the legs - they contain the most chitin, and accordingly, they should be cut smaller than the caps. However, mushrooms cooked in any form are heavy food, the only exceptions being mushroom broths or dishes with mushroom powder.

And further. Although many mushrooms contain a full range of nutrients, it is impossible to create a complete diet from them. But by filling the volume of the stomach and intestines, they create the illusion of satiety and prevent overeating, which is often used in weight loss programs!


What do they contain?

18 amino acids, i.e. almost a complete set! Amino acids have a beneficial effect on mental activity, memory, and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Alas, they are poorly absorbed by the body, only about 10%.

B vitamins (B1, B2, B6), which contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system, are necessary to maintain good condition of hair, nails, and skin. In terms of the amount of B vitamins in their composition, mushrooms are superior to vegetables and grains.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid, niacin) plays an important role in the process of hematopoiesis and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. There is as much of this vitamin in mushrooms as in beef liver.

A large number of microelements (copper, iodine, manganese, zinc, phosphorus, potassium): necessary to maintain normal metabolism in the body, reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, and prevent viral infections.

Mushroom chitin: absorbs toxins and heavy metals well, removing them from the body during digestion.

Melanin: Nature's most potent antioxidant.


In fact, even the most edible mushrooms can cause poisoning. And not only because they accumulate toxins, but also because the mycelium of toadstools and good mushrooms in the forest can be closely intertwined. So if you see a conditionally edible mushroom (for example, a pig) near an edible mushroom, it is better to boil the collected mushrooms. And experts advise cooking in not one, but three waters! The mushroom broth boiled - drained it and filled it with cold water again. And so two or three times. Then there will definitely be no toxins or toxic substances left in the mushrooms.

Do not throw away the cloudy water with crumbs left after cleaning the mushrooms! It contains the lion's share of auxins - fungal growth hormones. It is thanks to these substances that mushrooms grow in literally two to three days. The water left over from cleaning can be used to water both home and garden plants. They will grow much better and delight you with lush foliage.
