How to make the first starter for kvass. Carbonated homemade kvass made from bread without yeast

Kvass is an ancient sweet and sour drink known in many Slavic cuisines. Kvass was always present on every festive table. At home it was prepared from flour or bread or malt in some recipes with the addition of spices, herbs, berries, and honey. In addition to its excellent taste, the drink has beneficial properties; it was added to the diet of convalescent people.

Kvass is easy to prepare at home at any time of the year. Today, kvass is primarily consumed as a soft drink in hot weather, and is also used to prepare some dishes, such as okroshka. One of the main ingredients in kvass is sourdough. Sourdough for kvass comes in different forms; there are recipes for starters with yeast and those without yeast. Any recipe described below is suitable for making kvass at home.

How to prepare sourdough for kvass

Rye sourdough for kvass from flour is useful not only for making a homemade drink, it can be used when kneading without yeast dough for baking bread. This dough can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time and used for its intended purpose as needed. Kvass made with rye sourdough without yeast is more natural and tastier. Preparing sourdough from flour for homemade kvass is not a complicated process; any housewife can repeat the recipe in her kitchen at home.


  • Rye flour – 12 tbsp;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tsp;
  • Water – 1 tbsp.


  1. Pour half a glass of water into a clean glass bowl, add four tablespoons of flour and sugar. Stir the mixture thoroughly until smooth, cover the jar with a clean, damp towel and leave at room temperature for a day.
  2. After a day, the starter begins to ferment, it needs to be fed. Pour in a quarter glass of water and add 4 tablespoons of flour. Stir and leave the covered jar for another day.
  3. On the third day, we repeat the process, pour in the remaining water and pour in 4 tablespoons of flour, the starter should have the consistency of sour cream, and the smell of kvass, rye bread.
  4. On the fourth day, the flour starter will be ready, it should smell pleasant, bubbles will appear in it. Take the required amount of dough for the drink and put the rest in the refrigerator. Once a week you need to feed the starter by adding 2 teaspoons of flour.

Video recipe for sourdough made from flour

Recipe with hops:


  • Rye flour – 2 tbsp;
  • Hops – 3 tbsp;
  • Honey – 2 tbsp;
  • Water – 0.5 l.


  1. Boil water and add hops, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
  2. Strain the hop broth through a sieve and pour it into a jar. Cool to a temperature of 35-40 degrees.
  3. Add flour, honey and mix thoroughly until the mixture becomes creamy.
  4. Cover the container with gauze and leave for two days in a warm place. After two days, the hop starter will begin to “play”, this indicates that the starter for kvass without yeast is ready. It can also be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe with raisins


  • Rye malt bread – 1 loaf;
  • Granulated sugar – 3 tbsp;
  • Raisins – 1 handful.


  1. Cut the bread into small pieces and make crackers out of them in the oven.
  2. Fill a suitable liter container halfway with breadcrumbs, add sugar and raisins. Pour in warm water.
  3. Cover the container with a damp towel and leave for two days to ferment. The starter is ready.

Yeast starter recipe

This is the simplest and fastest sourdough recipe that you can prepare yourself at home.


  • Wheat or rye flour – 2 tbsp;
  • Dry yeast – 10 g;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • Boiled water – 100 ml.


Mix flour with sugar, add yeast, stir thoroughly. Add warm water at a temperature of 25-28 degrees. Shake the contents of the jar again and place in a warm place. After 20-30 minutes the dough will rise and the starter will be ready for use.

Kvass on rye sourdough with malt

Homemade vigorous kvass with rye malt according to the recipe will be ready in a day. The result is a carbonated, tasty and aromatic drink that can be consumed in any quantity, but only at home. Although kvass is considered a non-alcoholic drink, it contains 1-2% alcohol! How to make a starter for kvass was described above.


  • Rye sourdough – 100 g;
  • Granulated sugar – 100 g;
  • Rye malt – 100 g;
  • Water – 3 l.


  1. Place the malt in a saucepan. Heat one liter of water to a boil, pour in the malt, add sugar and stir. Close the pan with a lid, wrap it in a warm blanket, and leave for 5-7 hours.
  2. Add the rest of the water to the cooled infusion, pour in the starter and mix everything. Leave the pan warm for a day.
  3. Strain the kvass through a sieve or cheesecloth, pour into bottles, and close well. Leave at room temperature for 3-4 hours, then place the bottles in a cool room. In a day, the carbonated drink will be ready.

White kvass recipe


Kvass is a delicious, refreshing drink with a low alcohol content that is refreshing in the summer and quickly quenches thirst. Store shelves offer a variety of brands of factory-made product, but only the homemade version is considered truly useful.

Preparing kvass is not difficult or expensive, because it consists of simple components. The most important thing is to know how to make sourdough for homemade kvass. Here are 10 ways.

A similar starter can be made from rye flour, which is diluted with water to a thick consistency similar to sour cream.

Season everything with a few spoons of sugar or honey and leave for 2-3 days until a slight sour taste appears. Additionally, add a handful of raisins, but this is not a required ingredient.

The mixture is poured with water, 3 liters, left for 3 days, filtered, and the young kvass is diluted with 2 tablespoons of honey. The liquid is put into the basement, waited 2-3 days, and the drink is ready for use. The starter can be reused all summer long.

Homemade kvass from black bread

You will need 20 g of baker's yeast, 0.5 black bread, cut into small cubes, 3-4 tbsp. l sugar and water. Homemade bread is dried in a frying pan or baking sheet, poured into a liter jar and filled with boiled water.

The ingredient should sit and swell, turning into thick sour cream. While the water is hot, sugar is dissolved in it; when the temperature reaches 35 degrees, yeast is added.

The container is covered with a napkin so that the carbon dioxide formed as a result of fermentation comes out. No plastic or tin lids. This amount of starter is enough for a 10-liter can. Recipe for kvass from bread You can view .

Intoxicating version of homemade kvass

This homemade kvass has a rich taste and high degree. You can replenish your supplies of hops, or more precisely, cones, at the nearest pharmacy. You only need 3 tablespoons of raw materials, add sugar or honey to the product - a spoon is enough, water - 0.5 liters, and thicken with flour.

The cones are poured with boiling water in an enamel pan and placed on low heat for about 15 minutes. The broth is passed through cheesecloth, cooled to 35-40 degrees, and any sweetener is added. Add flour in small portions and mix thoroughly until the mixture becomes thick, like sour cream. Cover the jar with a napkin, let it sit for 2 days, and then store it in the refrigerator, using it if necessary.

Homemade kvass with a refreshing effect

You can make an unusual homemade starter from 4 liters of water, 800 g of crackers (it’s better to take rye crackers), 100 g of honey or sugar, the same amount of grated horseradish, 50 g of raisins and 20 yeast.

The crackers are poured into a jar, the container is filled with boiling water and waited for 4 hours, then strained, the bread is mixed with yeast, and the mass is left to ferment for 6 hours. After time, mix with honey and horseradish, distribute into bottles or jars, and top with a pinch of raisins. Fill everything with water, and after 2 hours you get a homemade vigorous drink.

Dietary homemade kvass, without sugar

A dough is kneaded from a kilogram of rye flour, without salt and other additives except water. Place in a bowl, cover with gauze and several layers of cloth, leave for 3 hours. The mass must ferment, and it is diluted with boiled water.

From time to time you can replenish used supplies by adding boiled water and adding rye flour to make a new batch of homemade kvass.

Wheat-rye variety of kvass

You need to take 150 g of rye and white bread, crumble it into a jar, add a spoonful of sugar and pour water over the ingredients up to the shoulders of the vessel. Cover with a saucer or glass lid and place in a warm place for 3 days.

The finished kvass is poured into a separate container, and a little sugar is added to the sourdough with bread, and filled with water. A new portion of the drink will be ready in 2-3 days.

Both tasty and healthy kvass

The base of kvass is prepared from wheat (3 cups), which is infused for 10 days in cold water, then washed, placed in a basin and sprouted for 2 days, covered with a towel on top.

Grains with small sprouts are ground using a meat grinder or crushed into a paste in a blender, mixed with sugar, or even better - honey (5 cups), 8 tablespoons of kvass wort are added and poured with 4 liters of water.

The drink is infused next to a warm radiator, covered with a napkin, until carbonated bubbles appear. It will be similar to sweet soda, which...

How to make real Russian kvass

An unusual drink with a slight refreshing taste can be made from crushed malt, preferably barley. Take 300 g of raw materials, mix in 1 kg of rye malt, also crushed, and 600 g of rye flour. Form a dough from the ingredients diluted with 3 liters of hot water, and leave in a bowl for an hour, then put in a cast-iron pot, cover with a lid, and put in the oven for several hours to evaporate.

The workpiece is scraped off the cast iron walls and poured with boiling water; after a day, it is transferred to a container in which the kvass will be prepared. Pour the base with 16 liters of boiled water, season with rye breadcrumbs (130 g) and stale rye bread (80 g).

The ingredients should sit for 10 hours, after which the wort is poured into a clean barrel, and the settled grounds are filled with a new portion of water. It is drained after 3 hours, mixed with the first portion, and mint infusion is added (30 g of leaves are boiled in 100 ml of water). The vessel is removed to the basement, where the liquid should ferment.

A day later, 1 kg of molasses is poured into the drink and kept for another 4 days. Kvass is ready for use and can be stored in the basement for about a month.

Healing beet kvass

This drink is useful for hypertensive patients and helps cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful substances.

Sourdough is prepared from large beets, peeled and grated, 4 tablespoons of sugar and a crust of stale bread. All ingredients are placed in a glass jar and mixed thoroughly. All that remains is to pour boiled water over the mixture and leave for 3 days. Strain, bottle, and put in the refrigerator.

Ancient sourdough recipes

You can prepare sourdough without yeast, using heated water, a little honey and grapes, an alternative is apple peel.

The ingredients are mixed and placed in a warm place to allow fermentation to begin. After 3 days, the liquid is drained, rye crackers are added, and after 3 days of fermentation, the sourdough is ready to become a tasty bread drink.

What will help you better quench your thirst on a hot day? Well, of course, kvass! It has long been believed that kvass is not only able to quench thirst, but also has a tonic effect on the body, improves digestion, and gives strength.

In lean years, this drink was considered a folk remedy for vitamin deficiency, since kvass contains many vitamins and beneficial microelements. Having studied kvass, modern scientists discovered B vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins in this wonderful drink. It also contains compounds of manganese, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which are easily absorbed by the human body.
Thanks to its chemical composition, kvass can be classified as a dietary and even medicinal drink. The traditions of drinking this drink are not forgotten in the modern world.

To make tasty and healthy homemade kvass, you will need sourdough starter. A good quality starter is 100% successful for your homemade kvass.
It won’t be difficult to buy sourdough in the store, but there is no certainty that using it will make the kvass tasty and healthy.

There are a large number of sourdough recipes for homemade kvass; they usually migrate from one housewife to another. Many people experiment by adding different ingredients to them, thereby creating their own unique drink.

Sourdough for kvass can be made with or without yeast. How to make sourdough for kvass? Let's look at several recipes for making sourdough that are popular among housewives.

According to the given recipe, the starter for kvass and the kvass itself are prepared as easily as possible.

For preparation you will need: rye bread, yeast, sugar and clean drinking water.

First you need to prepare crackers for future sourdough. Take two loaves of rye bread, cut it into small cubes about 2 cm in size. Place them on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Fry the bread until golden brown. Then make sure that the crackers do not burn too much. To prepare the sourdough we will use a small amount of crackers, the rest will be added to the kvass as it is made.

So, let's prepare the starter. Pour crackers into a liter jar, filling it halfway.

Dissolve 15 grams of yeast and 2 tablespoons of sugar in a small amount of drinking water. Pour this mixture into a jar of breadcrumbs, add water without adding two centimeters to the top level of the jar. We send the starter to a warm place for fermentation. The time depends on the temperature in which the starter is located, usually from 1-2 days.

After the time has passed, when the starter has fermented, drain the liquid from the liter jar. Place the sourdough crackers in a three-liter jar, add one and a half cups of fresh crackers, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and pour clean drinking water into the jar. Leave in a warm place.

In two days, and in the hot season in a day, the kvass will be ready. Pour the finished drink into a suitable container and send it to cool in the refrigerator.

And in the same three-liter jar we will start a new portion of kvass. Add half a glass of new crackers to the old crackers, add a couple of tablespoons of sugar, fill with water and return to a warm place. And so the process of producing homemade kvass according to grandma’s recipe is repeated.

When there are a lot of crackers in the jar, you can transfer some of them to a second three-liter jar or share the starter with friends.

To prepare you will need:

  • 250 grams of rye bread;
  • 2 tablespoons raisins;
  • 4 tablespoons sugar;
  • Clean drinking water.

Borodino bread is ideal for this sourdough recipe. As in the previous recipe, cut the bread into small pieces and dry in the oven. You need to fry until the cubes have blackish crusts. Do not overcook, otherwise the kvass will turn out bitter.

Place the fried crackers in a liter jar and pour boiling water over them. The water should completely cover the crackers. Add four tablespoons of sugar, stir and leave to cool to a temperature of 35-37 degrees. Next, pour two tablespoons of raisins into the jar, mix and send to a warm place for the fermentation process.

After 2-3 days, the starter will foam and have a sour smell. This indicates that the starter is ready. Next, you need to select the top part of the soggy crackers, transfer them to a clean jar, and pour out the rest of the slurry. Add two tablespoons of sugar and some dried bread to the selected breadcrumbs, add water again and send to a warm place. We repeat this process 2 more times and as a result you will get a wonderful starter from which you can make tasty and healthy kvass.

See also for baking bread, pancakes, pies, etc.

Bread leaven with yeast

To prepare this starter you will need:

  • Sugar -100 grams;
  • Water (boiled, warm) - 1 glass;
  • Pressed yeast - 50 grams;
  • Dried bread crumbs - 2 tablespoons.

Take warm boiled water (about 40 degrees) and dissolve 100 grams of sugar in it. Pour this water over the bread crumbs and leave for 1 hour.

Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of warm water and add to the soaked bread crumbs. Place in a warm place for 2 days. After the time has passed, the bread starter for making kvass is ready.

The grounds are the same leaven that is made from rye flour. It can be prepared with or without yeast. The cooking process with yeast will be faster, but at first there will be a slight taste of yeast in the kvass, which will go away with subsequent updates of the grounds.

Let's consider the process of preparing sourdough without yeast with the addition of raisins. If you want to speed up the fermentation process, you can add half a teaspoon of yeast.

And so, fill a liter jar halfway with rye flour, gradually add water to it, mix. We take enough water so that the consistency of the mixture turns out to be like pancake dough. Stir so that there are no lumps. Then add raisins, 10-15 pieces will be enough, cover the grounds with a napkin and send them to a warm place for the fermentation process. In two or three days the kvass starter will be ready. Remove the raisins from the grounds. We store the grounds in the refrigerator.

How to make kvass from grounds on rye flour

Next we will tell you how to make kvass from the grounds that we prepared in the previous recipe. To prepare 10 liters of kvass, we need 500-600 grams of rye flour grounds.
We take the grounds out of the refrigerator, add two tablespoons of rye flour and three tablespoons of sugar to it. Mix well to obtain a mixture without lumps, and put in a warm place.

Pour 8.5 liters of water into a suitable saucepan and boil it.

We take a bucket or other container in which we will make kvass, pour about 400 grams of rye flour into it, add 1 glass of sugar. Pour in some warm water and stir this mixture. The mixture should look like sour cream, without lumps. Then gradually pour in boiling water, while stirring well. Close the bucket with a lid, wrap it in a blanket and leave to cool for 4-5 hours.

After the mixture in the bucket has cooled to the temperature of fresh milk, pour the grounds into it, mix, and close the bucket with a lid. Cover the top with an additional towel and put it in a warm place.

After 6-8 hours, a bubbly foam should appear on the surface of the kvass, this indicates that the kvass is ready. Pour the kvass into jars or bottles and put it in the refrigerator to cool.

Pour some of the remaining grounds into a liter jar and also put it in the refrigerator for storage until the next time you make kvass. We throw away the rest of the slurry or share the starter with friends and neighbors.

How to make sourdough without yeast with honey

To prepare this starter you will need: honey, grape skins, apple peels, rye bread and boiled water.

Pour 100 milliliters of warm boiled water into a saucepan, add apple peels, 50 grams of honey and grape skins. Mix all components thoroughly and send to a warm, dark place for the fermentation process. After three days, the starter must be strained and about 100 grams of rye bread crumbs or the same amount of fried crackers added to it. Place again in a dark place for 2-3 days until the fermentation process is active. The starter is ready, you can start preparing the leaven.

The essence of preparing sourdough according to this recipe is that we immediately prepare the kvass, drain it, and use the remaining sediment as a sourdough starter for the subsequent preparation of a new portion of the drink.

To prepare you will need:

  • Rye flour - 1 tablespoon;
  • Two tablespoons of sugar;
  • One tablespoon of raisins;
  • Two tablespoons of hops;
  • 10 grams of pressed yeast;
  • 300 grams of rye bread crackers.
  • Three liters of water.

Start by diluting the yeast in a small amount of warm water. Add sugar and flour, stir until smooth.

Place crackers in a three-liter jar and fill them with hot water to 4/5 of the volume. Add raisins and hop cones to the jar. And leave to cool to a temperature of 30-35 degrees.

Then pour the yeast mixture into the jar, stir, cover with a towel or napkin and put in a warm place. After 2-3 days, drain the finished kvass through cheesecloth and send it to cool in the refrigerator.

Add three tablespoons of sugar and some croutons to the leaven remaining in the jar, add water and return to a warm place. After the second draining, part of the starter can be put in the refrigerator for storage, and with the rest, repeat the process of making kvass: add sugar, crackers, add water and ferment.

As a result of these steps, you will get an excellent sourdough with hops. Periodically “feed” it with fresh hop cones and a small amount of raisins and for a long time you will enjoy a wonderful, very healthy drink.

In this article you got acquainted with the best sourdough recipes for. Choose the one that suits you and enjoy this wonderful drink. In each recipe, you can change the amount of sugar, thereby selecting it to suit your taste. Also, the color of kvass can be adjusted by the degree of frying of crackers.

There are several ways. However, you will need to get the necessary ingredients; they are different in each recipe, but very useful. As a result, you will be able to support your body in the sweltering heat.

Bread sourdough

Bread is considered the most popular because the drink based on it is very tasty. To prepare it you will need to find 125 g of sugar, 250 ml of warm water, 50 g of pressed yeast, 20 g of dried bread.

When all the ingredients for the starter have been collected, you will need to take a saucepan, pour in some boiled water, put it on the fire and heat it to 40°C. After this, you should dissolve sugar in it and soak the dry bread crumbs. The mass is left alone for an hour so that it brews well. During this time, you need to soak the yeast in warm water. Now the contents of both glasses are mixed and placed in a dark place for 2 days. After this time, the bread starter can be used for cooking.

Sourdough without yeast

Sourdough is no less popular, but it will take longer to ferment. However, the taste will be simply amazing, so it’s worth preparing it according to this recipe at least once. For sourdough without yeast, the following ingredients are needed: 50 g honey, 100 g apple peels, 100 ml boiled water, grape skins.

A little warm boiled water is poured into a saucepan, honey, apple peels and grape skins are added. All ingredients are mixed well and placed in a dark place for fermentation. As soon as 3 days have passed, the container with the starter is taken out and crumbs of dried rye bread are added to it. Then she goes back to the dark place. As soon as the fermentation process becomes active, you can begin preparing kvass.

Sourdough of their rye bread

You can make sourdough from rye bread, then the drink will have a unique taste and a darker color. This will require 1.5 kg of rye bread, 100 g of yeast, 3 cups of sugar, 10 liters of boiled water.

First you need to take rye bread, chop it finely and fry until golden brown in a frying pan with vegetable oil. After that, everything is transferred to a saucepan and poured with boiling water. Now this mass should stand for 4 hours. Then it is filtered, and yeast, ground with sugar, is added to it. All this will need to be mixed and strained through cheesecloth. The grounds will remain in it, which is the leaven.

– an unsurpassed Russian drink with a centuries-old history. Excellent taste with “sparkles” of natural carbonation and undoubted health benefits make the drink a favorite of many.

The basis of a quality product prepared at home is kvass starter, the recipe for which is well known to experienced housewives.

Those who are younger sometimes think that it is too difficult. We hasten to assure you: there is nothing complicated, time-consuming or requiring effort in this process. But the taste of the drink and its naturalness will delight all household members.

Reference. The first chronicle mentions of kvass date back to the 900s of our era.

But it was probably prepared before. For centuries, kvass was prepared in all drinking establishments and not a single cookbook could do without recipes for this popular drink.

Kvass is not an exact and only correct recipe. Each housewife has every right to make her own adjustments to it and create the drink that she likes.

Carefully. If you want to get a sweet drink, do not overdo it with the amount of sugar and holding time.

Kvass should be removed from the sediment when it is still sweet, but carbonation is already felt in the taste. It will accumulate carbon dioxide in a few hours in the refrigerator, and not in room conditions. Otherwise, the drink will turn out to be alcoholic.

But first of all, you need to learn how to make sourdough correctly, choosing your favorite recipe from the variety offered. Suitable products for making sourdough are:

  • rye bread or crackers made from it;
  • rye and wheat flour;
  • dry or compressed yeast;
  • raisin;
  • honey and/or sugar;
  • hop.

No, no, you won’t have to use all of the listed products in one starter, but they all create a “nutrient medium” so that we can enjoy the sparkles of gas in future kvass.

In order for the starter to be successful, it is necessary to follow some generally accepted rules:

  1. The most suitable cookware from glass(jar). You can also use enameled or stainless steel. Just not aluminum, oxidative processes occur in it, and as a result this will have a negative impact on the taste and healthfulness of the drink.
  2. The raw materials must be fresh and high quality.
  3. Sourdough don't close tightly, since fermentation requires oxygen.
  4. The finished starter can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 14 days, then it is replaced.
  5. Many people use once prepared (usually bread) sourdough throughout the entire warm period. To do this, take the grounds from the finished kvass, divide it into two parts and reuse each part. And so on ad infinitum.

The importance of using sourdough

To obtain ready-made kvass using starter culture, it takes from 5 to 8 hours, while the “full process” of fermentation takes up to 3 days.

In addition to speeding up the cooking process, it is you who control what you put in the starter and what quality the products are.

And thus, you get a drink rich in B vitamins, minerals, and lactic acid. It gives strength, quenches thirst and hunger, and normalizes digestion. Useful for children and adults.

In addition, it has been proven that kvass is an excellent helper for those who struggle with alcohol addiction!

Important. Sour sourdough (strong sour smell, vinegary taste) is unsuitable for creating a drink. It needs to be replaced with a fresh one.

How to make sourdough using yeast?

Using yeast you can get fastest result. Kvass will cook quickly. It will be foamy and “spicy” due to the presence of a large amount of carbon dioxide produced by yeast in the process of life.

Peculiarities. A yeasty taste is possible in the first batches of a drink made with yeast. Dry yeast suffers less from this.

Dry yeast recipe

Required ingredients:

  • half a loaf of black bread. Or a half-liter jar of Borodinsky or other bread you love, cut into cubes;
  • sugar – a couple of tablespoons, approximately 50-70 g;
  • dry baker's yeast – 15 g;
  • water - about 0.5 liters, but variations are possible plus or minus.

Bread cut into cubes is fried until dark brown. It is important not to “burn”, otherwise the kvass will become bitter. This can be done either on a baking sheet in the oven or in a dry frying pan while stirring.

Place the cubes in a jar. Half a liter is enough, but a liter is more convenient for mixing. The crackers are poured with boiling water so that the mass becomes as thick as sour cream. If you accidentally overfill it, you need to add crackers. Or more water if it's too thick.

Add sugar here. We wait until it cools down to 30 degrees and add yeast.

Attention. If you add yeast to a hot mixture, it will lose activity (die) and the starter will not work.

Cover the jar with a linen napkin and leave to ferment. 5-6 hours is enough. The hissing and appearance of foam will be clearly noticeable. That's it, you can't drag it out. Either we put in kvass (this amount of starter is enough for 8-10 liters), or we cover the jar with a nylon lid and put it in the refrigerator.

If you don’t have time to immediately start the kvass, don’t overcook the starter; it’s better to let it sit in the cold. At +5°C (in the refrigerator) the yeast does not show activity and the product will not peroxidize. And when you add crackers to a warm sweet infusion, fermentation will immediately be restored.

With fresh pressed yeast

The recipe is the same as for dry yeast, only in this case we use raw pressed baker’s yeast (not alcoholic!). It is enough to take 30 g for the same amount of ingredients. Please note:

  • do not exceed the specified amount of sugar for the starter. Already during the preparation of kvass, you can experiment with its quantity. For a three-liter jar take from 50 to 200 g of sugar. In other words - to taste;
  • In the first two or three batches of kvass based on this starter, you will smell the yeast. Then he disappears;
  • since the amount of starter will increase after each preparation of kvass, it will need to be either partially thrown away or distributed to neighbors and friends.

How to cook raisins without yeast?

Raisins perfectly replace yeast, creating the same “carbonated” effect. However, this interpretation is incorrect, since fermentation also occurs due to yeast, but not created in the laboratory, but wild, found on the skins of the berries. That’s why many people don’t wash raisins, so as not to wash off the yeast.

Reference. There are no contraindications for washing raisins. The main thing is not to use anything other than water for this. And it’s cold.

  • crackers from 0.5 kg of fresh black bread;
  • half a glass of sugar or 5-6 spoons;
  • a handful of raisins (40-50 grams);
  • boiling water - about 0.5 liters.

Place crackers in a jar. You can add sugar immediately. Pour boiling water, stir and wait until it cools. When the temperature is no higher than 35°C, add raisins.

The sourdough will need 2-3 days to ferment. At this time, it should be warm (25-27°C), covered with a waffle towel or cloth napkin. Then they make kvass or put it in the refrigerator, but with a lid.

Bread leaven with yeast

It is not necessary to use crackers for sourdough; regular black bread. The proportions are the same as for yeast starter (depending on whether you use raw or dry yeast).

Crumble the bread into a jar, pour boiling water over it, add sugar. Let it sit until it cools to lukewarm. Then comes the turn of yeast. Stir, cover with a cloth and wait until fermentation is clearly visible (8-10 hours). Close and transfer to the refrigerator or use immediately.

Advice. It’s better to take Borodino bread, it will give the finished drink sourness and a rich bready aroma.

Kvass grounds made from rye flour

This has been a popular recipe since pre-revolutionary times. Kvass made from grounds turns out aromatic, without a yeasty aftertaste. We will provide a recipe without yeast. Although such grounds ferment longer, they are of better quality. If you wish, you can add yeast to speed up the process, but know that their taste will disappear from the kvass only after several updates of the grounds.

  • half a liter jar of rye flour;
  • 2 heaped spoons of sugar;
  • Prepare 0.5 liters of warm water, but do not pour it all at once.

Pour flour into a liter jar and add sugar. Pour in warm water and, using a whisk, make the dough as for pancakes. If there are a few lumps left, don’t worry, after an hour they will remove themselves (dissolve). Stir again and add up to 20 raisins. Cover with a napkin and let it sit in a warm room. As a rule, the grounds mature in 2-3 days.

Attention. Try again after two days. The grounds are ready when the sourness is noticeable in it.

Hop starter

To prepare it, take:

  • 3 full tablespoons of dry. If you don’t have one that you collected and dried yourself, buy it at the pharmacy;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar or honey;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • flour 1 - 1.5 cups.

Pour boiling water over the hops in an enamel saucepan and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Add sugar (honey) to the cooled to 40 degrees and strained broth and, adding flour, knead the dough as thick as sour cream. Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for two to three days. The starter should begin to foam. Continue storing in the refrigerator.

Yeast-free sourdough with honey

Required ingredients:

  • Honey – 2 tbsp.
  • Raisins - 1 teaspoon with top. It can be replaced with the same amount of grape skins or a handful of ripe grapes.
  • Water - half a glass.
  • Peel from one or two apples.
  • Rye bread – 2 pieces (100 g).

Pour warm boiled water into an enamel pan and throw in apple peels and raisins or grape skins. Add honey and stir. Leave in a warm place for 3 days. If fermentation is evident, finely crumble 2 pieces of black bread. Mix everything again and leave for another three days. Now the starter is ready, add the kvass.

Methods for making kvass without starter

Often kvass is made without first preparing the starter. Let's share several of these methods.

Homemade kvass without yeast

As mentioned above, the role of yeast may well be fulfilled by raisin. So let's take:

  • half a loaf (about 450 g) of black bread;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 40 g raisins;
  • sugar - to taste: from 3 spoons to a glass.

Cut the bread into pieces, fry in the oven until golden. Fill a three-liter jar or enamel pan with boiling water. Add sugar. When it cools down to warm, add raisins. Cover loosely so that carbon dioxide can escape. Leave it warm.

After half a day or two, signs of fermentation will appear. But the kvass should be kept for another 2-3 days. Then strain, close in bottles and leave in the room for another 4-6 hours. Then place in the refrigerator. The marc can be used for new portions of kvass up to 4 times. You need to add water, sugar and a crust of bread for flavor.

Advice. Plastic bottles are convenient for carbonation. As soon as the bottle has become hard, put it in the refrigerator, where the taste of the drink stabilizes.

On dry concentrate

A ready-made dry concentrate for making kvass at home is available for sale. Its main components are rye flour (an option is black bread crackers) and malt (from barley or rye). A package containing 500 g is designed for 15 liters of drink. But if you don’t need that much, then you can prepare 5 three-liter jars of excellent-tasting kvass. Take:

  • 100 g concentrate;
  • 100-120 g sugar;
  • 10 g raw or 5 g dry yeast;
  • 10-15 g white raisins.

The concentrate is poured with a liter of boiling water, covered and left for two hours. Then filter. Dissolve the yeast in warm water in a cup and let it rise. Boiled cooled water is added to the infusion, sugar and raisins are added, stirred and left to ferment in a warm place for 3 days. Then the raisins are removed, the kvass is bottled and kept in the refrigerator for several hours.
