Buckwheat pancakes. Buckwheat pancakes: thin, with kefir and “Princely”

Subtleties of cooking

Buckwheat pancakes are not something new, recently invented - in those countries where buckwheat often appears on tables and is called not porridge, but cereal, this dish has been known for quite a long time. But despite the fact that the recipe for its preparation is already “with a beard,” few people today know how to cook such pancakes. And the reason lies in the grain itself - unlike wheat, buckwheat does not contain gluten. This is very good from the point of view of maintaining health, but when it comes to preparing pancakes, considerable difficulties arise. Due to the absence of this very gluten, they turn out to be very brittle, and therefore turning them over in a frying pan and not damaging them is very difficult.

On a note! The problem is solved in the following way: wheat flour is added to the dough, sometimes part of it is equal to the amount of buckwheat flour, sometimes slightly more. It all depends on the skill and experience of the housewife, as well as on how strong a buckwheat flavor you want to get.

But even if you know how to knead the perfect dough for buckwheat pancakes, you can’t do without a good frying pan. The ideal pancake pan will be fairly heavy with a thick bottom. Previously, the most popular were, of course, cast iron, but today they can be absolutely anything. The main thing is that the material heats up evenly and retains heat well. If you prefer to cook buckwheat pancakes in a cast iron frying pan, then remember that it is better not to wash it, but only wipe it with a clean cloth or paper towel.

And lastly, about the frying method. You should not add too much fat and in general it is better not to use vegetable oil; It is advisable to grease the bottom of the pan the old fashioned way - with a piece of potato dipped in melted lard. Then, as a result, the pancakes will turn out incredibly appetizing: their edges will be crispy and crispy, and the central part will be soft, literally melting in your mouth, and loose enough to absorb the additives that you want to wrap in them.

Buckwheat yeast pancakes

This dish can be prepared either straight or sponged, but the classic recipe for yeast buckwheat pancakes still involves preparing sponge. In other words, first of all, make a small batch of “live” yeast, water, flour and granulated sugar and leave it for a while until the mixture comes up. Then the remaining ingredients are added, but usually not all the flour is added. And only after the dough has risen again, add the rest of it and start baking pancakes.

There is another option for preparing yeast pancakes from buckwheat flour, when hot water is introduced into the adze. These pancakes are called custard pancakes. But such a process cannot be carried out in a hurry - it takes quite a lot of time and the output is a rich portion of dough. Custard pancakes are usually prepared for a large company, when all family members and close friends gather at the table.

On a note! Of course, yeast buckwheat pancakes are incredibly tasty, but at the same time, such food is very heavy!

Lenten pancakes

So, we will prepare lean buckwheat pancakes using the straight method using water with the addition of yeast. For the dish we need:

  • buckwheat flour – 2 cups;
  • wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • cold water – 200 ml;
  • hot water – 700 ml;
  • “live” yeast – 20 g;
  • granulated sugar – 50 g;
  • salt – ¼ part teaspoon;
  • butter or shortening for baking.

Sift half a glass of each type of flour into a deep container and add the indicated portion of cold water. Mix the mixture thoroughly with a wooden spatula, breaking up all the lumps.

Add all the hot water, stir the mixture thoroughly again and leave it for a quarter of an hour. After this time, add yeast and sugar to the dough. Mix, cover with a clean cloth and leave in a warm place for 30-35 minutes.

Heat a frying pan over medium heat, grease its bottom with fat and proceed to baking pancakes. Using a ladle, pour the dough into the pan and distribute it evenly along the bottom. Brown the pancake on each side and place on a wide plate. We do this with all the dough.

Advice! Separately, you can prepare a vegetable stew with fresh herbs, which will be an excellent filling.

Custard pancakes

For custard pancakes made from buckwheat flour, you need to prepare the following products:

  • buckwheat flour – 300 g;
  • wheat flour – 300 g;
  • water – 750 ml;
  • “live” yeast – 25 g;
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil – 15 ml;
  • salt to taste;
  • baking fat.
Pour water into the pan and bring to a boil, then separate a small part - about 150 ml and let it cool to about 38...40°C.

On a note! You can check the temperature by putting your finger in it - it should be very warm, but not hot!

Cut the yeast into small pieces, fill them with warm water, add sugar and mix everything well. Let the dough rise.

Sift each type of flour into a separate container. Pour half the boiling water and add wheat flour into it, carefully breaking up the lumps. Leave the mixture for a while to cool slightly, then add it to the dough. Mix everything with a whisk, transfer to a warm place and leave there for an hour.

Bring the remaining portion of water to a boil and pour it over the buckwheat flour. Leave to cool at room temperature. Add the warm mass to the dough, add salt, add vegetable oil, mix well with a whisk, cover with a clean cloth and leave in a warm place for another hour. After the specified time, many bubbles should appear in the dough.

Heat a frying pan over a fire, grease its bottom with fat and a ladle carefully so as not to disturb the bubbles, pour in the first portion of dough and distribute it evenly. After about two minutes, turn the pancake over and brown it on the other side. Place the prepared pancakes in a stack on a large platter and serve.

Pancakes without yeast

Recipes for pancakes made from buckwheat flour without yeast are the simplest and fastest to make. The dough for them can be varied: with milk and kefir, with fermented baked milk and yogurt, and even with yogurt. There are also more interesting options, for example, with mead and beer. At the same time, the latter turn out to be especially tasty, but it is advisable to use not light beer, but dark beer, one that has a sweetish taste and is stronger.

If the adze turns out to be too thick, and you have already completely used the milk or kefir, then you can dilute it with mineral water. Thanks to this additive, the dough acquires a surprisingly airy structure.

Pancakes with kefir

To prepare buckwheat pancakes with kefir you will need:

  • buckwheat flour - a glass;
  • wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • kefir – 750 ml;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • vegetable oil – 50-60 ml;
  • soda - a couple of pinches;
  • salt - to taste.

Break the eggs into a deep bowl, add salt, add sugar and mix with a fork or whisk. Add kefir to the mixture, mix again, add sifted buckwheat and wheat flour. Knead the dough thoroughly, breaking up all the lumps.

Add vegetable oil and soda to the dough. Mix again and set aside for about half an hour.

Heat a frying pan over medium heat, grease it with baking fat and fry the pancakes for a couple of minutes on each side. This dough allows you to get very rosy pancakes with beautiful openwork holes.

Simple pancakes with milk

Pancakes made from buckwheat flour with milk are prepared based on the following ingredients:

  • 4-5 tablespoons each of buckwheat and wheat flour;
  • half a liter of milk;
  • a pair of eggs;
  • 60 g butter;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a quarter teaspoon of salt;
  • baking fat.
Pour the milk into a saucepan and warm it up a little over low heat. Season, add sugar and mix.

Sift buckwheat flour into a deep container, then wheat flour, beat in eggs, add milk with sugar and salt and mix everything thoroughly with a whisk. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave for half an hour to allow the dough to rest.

Melt the butter, cool and add it to the rested dough. Mix everything again and, if necessary, dilute the dough a little with milk or mineral water.

Grease the bottom of the frying pan and heat it. Mix the dough using a ladle and pour some into the pan.

Hearty buckwheat pancakes

You can make pancakes not only from buckwheat flour, but also from ready-made cereals. Pancakes made from buckwheat porridge are darker and have a very original taste: rich and somewhat sweet. So, to prepare pancake dough you will need:

  • two glasses of boiled buckwheat;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • two eggs;
  • 300 ml milk;
  • 80 g wheat flour;
  • a pinch of soda;
  • 30 g butter.

Combine buckwheat porridge with sugar, pour everything into the bowl of a food processor and mix thoroughly. The result should be a homogeneous puree. Add eggs, pour in milk and mix everything. Sift the flour, add soda and also add it to the dough. Knead everything.

Heat the frying pan thoroughly, grease it with a thin layer of lard and pour the dough into a ladle. Distribute evenly and bake for two minutes, turn over and fry for about another minute.

On a note! In the times of ancient Rus', buckwheat porridge was ground only lightly, which is why the pancakes turned out to be very fluffy and tall!

Breton pancakes - with beer

To prepare these pancakes you will need:

  • buckwheat flour – 120 g;
  • wheat flour – 190 g;
  • a pair of eggs;
  • milk – 300 ml;
  • beer – 300 ml;
  • butter – 40 g;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • baking fat.
So, first you need to sift each type of flour and combine them in a deep bowl. Add a small pinch of salt. Make a hole in the center of the flour slide, crack the eggs into it and pour in the preheated milk.

Using a whisk, thoroughly knead the dough, leaving no lumps, then gradually pour beer into it in a thin stream. As a result, the dough should become like liquid sour cream. Cover the bowl with the dough with a clean towel and leave for an hour.

Melt a piece of butter, let it cool and pour it into the dough. Heat the frying pan, grease its bottom with a thin layer of fat and pour in the dough using a ladle. Fry the pancakes until golden brown on each side.

Once upon a time they were the most beloved in Rus'. Not all of our ancestors could afford wheat. Millet, pea, oat and buckwheat pancakes were in use. And no one complained, because they turned out very tasty. Now such dishes are a delicacy for us, because we don’t get the opportunity to try such exotic things very often. And not many people know that making pancakes from buckwheat flour at home is not difficult. This article will present two recipes for preparing this delicious dish.

How to cook and what to serve with?

First of all, do not try to make buckwheat flour yourself by grinding the grain in a coffee grinder. You still won’t achieve the desired effect, so it’s better to find a ready-made product on the shelves of your nearest store. In addition, this buckwheat flour contains little gluten. Therefore, it is necessary to mix wheat into it so that the pancakes do not fall apart. Sugar can be added to the dough depending on your own taste or the quality of the filling. Keep in mind that in Rus' pancakes were not stuffed. They were served with “snacks”: caviar, salted fish fillet, eggs and cottage cheese. Everyone chose a product to their taste. Then he would dip his filled pancake into melted butter and would snack on ice-cold vodka with it. How could it be otherwise, since pancakes made from buckwheat flour have been considered a festive dish since ancient times. They were often fried on Maslenitsa.

Pancakes with milk. Ingredients

Even the most delicious wheat dishes can get boring after a whole week. Therefore, let's thoroughly prepare for the upcoming holiday and learn how to make pancakes from buckwheat flour. Cooking recipes usually require the use of the following products:

  • milk - 500 milliliters;
  • butter - 70 grams;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • buckwheat flour - 150 grams;
  • wheat flour - 100 grams;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

Pancakes with milk. Cooking method

All products should be at room temperature immediately before use. Only under this condition will pancakes made from buckwheat flour turn out rosy and appetizing.

  1. First of all, you should combine wheat and buckwheat flour in one container and add salt and sugar to them. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly.
  2. Then you need to add chicken eggs and a couple of tablespoons of milk to the resulting mixture.
  3. After this, all products should be thoroughly mixed again to avoid the formation of lumps.
  4. Now you need to gradually add milk (one tablespoon at a time) to the mixture to knead a homogeneous dough. It is important to do this carefully, carefully mixing all the ingredients together.
  5. The result should be a fairly liquid dough, into which melted butter should be added.
  6. Next, all products must be thoroughly mixed again. After this, the dough should be allowed to brew: it should be put aside for twenty-five to thirty minutes.
  7. Then you can start baking pancakes. This must be done in a dry frying pan. You need to pour a ladle of dough into it in one go, and then quickly distribute it over the entire surface of the dish.
  8. You need to fry pancakes made from buckwheat flour on both sides, making sure that they are thoroughly browned.
  9. The finished treat must be placed in a neat pile. In this case, each pancake should be generously greased with butter.

The dangers of gluten

Modern realities force people to turn to ancient, time-tested recipes. Nowadays, some patients suffer from celiac disease - an intolerance to gluten (gluten), which is found in a variety of cereals. It is found in barley, rye, oats and wheat. Modern methods of processing grain into flour cause this dangerous disease in people, which manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction to food and various problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Such patients are shown a gluten-free menu. So is it really impossible for them to enjoy traditional treats during the oil week? There is an exit. Buckwheat flour does not contain gluten. Pancakes made from this product will be an excellent alternative to wheat ones. But, as mentioned above, it is impossible to make them without a binder. However, potato starch can easily replace gluten. How to prepare buckwheat pancakes without wheat flour will be written below.

Gluten free pancakes. Ingredients

In order to prepare these pancakes, you will need the following products:

  • buckwheat flour - 50 grams;
  • rice flour - 50 grams;
  • potato starch - 50 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - 5 grams;
  • sugar - 30 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 30 milliliters;
  • salt - 5 grams;
  • milk - 500 milliliters;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece.

Gluten free pancakes. Cooking method

  1. To begin, mix sugar, egg, vanilla sugar, salt, butter and baking powder together.
  2. After this, you need to combine rice and buckwheat flour in one container.
  3. Then half the flour mass should be combined with the egg mixture. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly.
  4. Next, you need to heat the milk a little. The product should not be brought to a boil.
  5. Now 120 milliliters of milk needs to be poured into the pancake dough. Then you need to add the rest of the flour to it. All products should be thoroughly mixed again.
  6. After this, you need to add the remaining milk to the dough. The ingredients must be brought to a homogeneous state.
  7. It should be remembered that buckwheat flour has a special property, recipes (pancakes) from which are discussed in this article. During the process of kneading the dough, it swells greatly. Therefore, the consistency of the resulting product must be constantly monitored. If necessary, it can be diluted with a small amount of milk.
  8. It is better to bake pancakes from buckwheat flour in a cast iron frying pan with thick walls. It must be constantly lubricated with sunflower oil. It is customary to stack the finished treat on a plate.

The dish is ready! Of course, real pancakes cannot do without a suitable filling. For it you can use: minced boiled chicken mixed with chopped cheese; cottage cheese with raisins; rice with dill and eggs and other delicious foods. Pancakes can be eaten without filling, dipping them in butter or sour cream. It all depends on your tastes and preferences.


Now you know how to make pancakes from buckwheat flour. Recipes for creating dishes are not very diverse. The main thing is to knead a homogeneous dough from certain products, which must include flour, butter, eggs, sugar and salt (to taste). The product can be stirred with both milk and purified warm water. And, as you already know, it is important to use some kind of binding component in cooking: starch or wheat flour. Pancakes are a dish that every Russian person has loved since childhood. And learning to cook this dish is the task of every real housewife. Bon appetit!

“Two cooks don’t have time to bake. “Black” pancakes are baked in frying pans and buckwheat, golden brown ones, placed in piles, and the clever foreman Proshin, with an earring in his ear, slaps them on the table, as if giving them a bald patch. It sounds juicy - blunder! Everyone takes turns: blunder... blunder... blunder! Steam comes from the pancakes with screws!

(“Summer of the Lord”, I. Shmelev)

In the century before last, pancakes for Maslenitsa were most often baked from buckwheat flour. Traditionally they were served with sour cream, jam or fish And chopped egg. Buckwheat pancakes were called “red” for their reddish color. They turned out special - fluffy, light, with a slightly noticeable pleasant sourness. Nowadays it is not easy to find buckwheat flour on sale, and the one that is available is expensive and made abroad. It’s easier to prepare flour at home: just dry the buckwheat well in the oven and grind it in a blender.

from the book “Russian Recipes You Love”


1 cup buckwheat flour
1/2 cup wheat flour
3 eggs 5 tbsp. l. Sahara
2 glasses of milk
1 tsp. baking powder
Vegetable oil for frying
A piece of butter for greasing pancakes
1/2 tsp. salt


1. In a deep bowl, beat the eggs and sugar well. Eggs must be from the refrigerator.

2. Pour in cold milk and beat well again. Add salt. Add 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and mix.

3. Mix both types of sifted flour, add baking powder.

4. Add flour into the milk and eggs in a thin stream, stirring constantly. The result should be a dough with the consistency of thick sour cream: if the dough is liquid, add more buckwheat flour, if it is too stiff, add milk.

5. Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan (it is convenient to distribute the oil over the frying pan using half a potato, pricked on a fork).

6. Bake pancakes: a pancake uses about a ladle of dough. If necessary, add vegetable oil to the pan.

7. Grease each pancake with butter so that they do not stick together in the stack.

Regular pancakes made from wheat flour are frequent guests on our table. But sometimes the housewife can go overboard and cook buckwheat. They come out with a very unique taste, spongy and fluffy. It’s more difficult to bake them than regular ones, but these kinds of pancakes have always been the main thing in Rus'. What's the matter? Such deliciousness breaks when you try to roll it. Let's talk about how to properly cook pancakes from

Breton buckwheat pancakes

Such food is popular not only among Slavic peoples. Bretons, for example, residents of northern France, are sure that this is an original French dish. They will hospitably welcome you with ruddy, elastic pancakes with mushrooms, butter, aged aromatic cheese and a mug of cider. A couple of tips before you start baking pancakes from Recipes, firstly, are based on mixing all the ingredients with a mixer.

Secondly, if you decide to stuff them, do it while they are still warm and elastic. We will need: three eggs, four tablespoons of buckwheat flour, five tablespoons of wheat flour, butter - 50 grams, 0.7 liters of water, one teaspoon of granulated sugar, one third of a teaspoon of salt. Now let’s tell you about buckwheat flour. There are recipes for every taste!

Cooking process

Beat the eggs, add to them one by one: ¼ teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon granulated sugar, buckwheat flour, wheat flour. Add water and mix well. The dough should be the same thickness as for regular dough. Considering that buckwheat flour swells in water, you need to wait 20 minutes and, if necessary, add more water. Melt and cool slightly half the butter, pour it into the dough and mix thoroughly again.

Fry the pancakes in a heated frying pan, which we pre-lubricate with a little oil. Literally a couple of minutes on each side. Grease all pancakes with butter and serve warm. We continue to prepare pancakes from buckwheat flour, now we will consider Russian recipes.

Traditional Russian buckwheat pancakes

These pancakes are recommended to be served with salted mushrooms in sour cream, a traditional Russian appetizer. So, take two and a half glasses of milk and boil, and lightly heat one third. Dissolve buckwheat flour in half a glass of water at room temperature. While stirring, add almost boiling milk. Cool a little. Dissolve the yeast in a third of a glass of warm milk and add it to the brewed flour. Using this, mix everything well, there should be no lumps left. Leave for a couple of hours, covered with a towel.

Separate the chicken eggs (separate the yolks and whites), grind the first ones with granulated sugar. Stir the dough again with a mixer and add to it: wheat flour, salt, melted butter, yolks with sugar and one glass of warmed milk. You should get a dough that resembles liquid sour cream. Beat the egg whites with a mixer and mix into our dough. Leave again for a couple of hours. Now we will fry buckwheat pancakes with yeast.

Frying yeast buckwheat pancakes

Heat a non-stick frying pan, 17-18 centimeters in diameter, well over medium heat. Add a spoonful of vegetable oil to the dough, and do this as if splashing it on the surface. Then, without stirring it, scoop it out with a soup ladle and pour it into the frying pan. Turn it in the air several times to ensure the dough spreads evenly, close the lid and bake over medium heat. After the pancake is browned on the bottom and becomes easy to come away from the pan, turn it over and finish baking without a lid.

So we continue to fry the pancakes, without stirring the dough, but sometimes adding a spoonful of vegetable oil. Lubricate the finished product with butter, having previously melted it. Good made from buckwheat flour. Recipes offer thousands of options for filling pancakes. Let's consider one of them.

Chop and scald the onion, chop the garlic, chop the dill and mix with sour cream. Then add salted mushrooms and mix.

Cooking buckwheat pancakes without wheat flour

These very unusual pancakes, to which no wheat flour is added, have a pleasant nutty taste. They are quite suitable for filling with various fillings, both sweet and not. For example, it would be very original to put salmon and shrimp in them.

The necessary products for making six buckwheat - one hundred grams, an egg - one medium size, vegetable oil. The recipe is simple:

on kefir

In order to prepare buckwheat pancakes with kefir, we will need: whey - 400 ml, granulated sugar - 20 grams, buckwheat and wheat flour - 150 grams each, sunflower oil - 30 grams, soda on the tip of a knife, one egg. In a warm mixture of kefir and whey, mix sugar, water and salt. Beat the egg. Add flour little by little and knead the dough. At the end of the preparatory work, pour in a little sunflower oil. Pour the mixture into a heated frying pan.

The pancakes are approximately 14-15 centimeters in diameter and plump. Fry for two minutes on each side. What do you think of the simplest recipe? Pancakes made from buckwheat flour and kefir are ready! Bon appetit!

And again buckwheat pancakes with kefir

Buckwheat pancakes with kefir are one of the dish options in traditional Russian cuisine. Nowadays, most housewives use wheat flour, so the recipes we are considering can be called exotic. We offer you several such methods, without yeast. Their peculiarity is that buckwheat flour contains almost no gluten and pancakes can easily tear. To prevent this, wheat is added. To make it we will need: ½ cup of buckwheat flour, one cup of wheat flour, granulated sugar - two tablespoons, salt - ½ teaspoon, kefir - two cups, boiling water - one cup and two chicken eggs.

Cooking process

Mix flour with salt and kefir, beaten eggs and granulated sugar. Mix everything thoroughly using a blender. Then we brew our mixture with a cup of boiling water and immediately begin baking a delicious delicacy. We should have fragrant and fluffy pancakes.

Pancakes with milk and kefir

Let's diversify the dish a little more. Necessary ingredients: buckwheat and wheat flour - half a glass each, warm milk - one and a half glasses, kefir - half a glass, chicken eggs - two pieces, sunflower oil - two tablespoons, granulated sugar - one spoon, soda - ½ teaspoon and salt - small pinch. Now let’s prepare pancakes from buckwheat flour and kefir. Sift the flour and, stirring constantly, pour in warm milk.

Then add granulated sugar, egg yolks, butter and salt. Heat the kefir well on the stove, but don’t bring it to a boil and put soda in it. Add the foamed kefir to the flour and stir, then combine with the whites whipped before. We bake pancakes in a hot frying pan. Lubricate with oil or lard. Serve the finished dish hot, with sour cream or honey. As you can see, pancakes are easy to prepare from buckwheat flour. The recipes are simple and varied. Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!

Making wonderful buckwheat pancakes:

In a separate container, beat the eggs until they have a thick, slightly white consistency. Leave separately for at least 2-3 minutes. This way the egg mass is saturated with oxygen and, combining with the dough, makes it even more airy.

Add sugar, salt to warm (about 30-40 degrees) water and add buckwheat flour, stirring methodically with a whisk or fork. It is important that the water is really warm. Ground buckwheat has larger particles than “standard” wheat.

By the way, adherents of proper and healthy eating can not buy ready-made buckwheat flour in supermarkets, but make it themselves. You just need to “crush” the aromatic buckwheat in a coffee grinder. Simply and easily!

Pour the previously beaten eggs into the resulting mass. Mix everything thoroughly until completely homogeneous.

Heat the frying pan thoroughly with a small amount of oil. Pour one portion of pancakes into a ladle.

When the edges are browned, turn the pancake over to the other side. We fry it the same way. Buckwheat pancakes will become even more flavorful and tender if, when stacking them on top of each other, each layer is lightly moistened with butter. It is convenient to apply it directly with a fork.

You can serve buckwheat pancakes with anything: butter, condensed milk, jam, preserves, fresh berries, jelly, milk, etc. They will also be an ideal “container” in the form of an envelope for meat or mushrooms, if you do not make the dough very sweet .
