Sandwiches on the table with red fish. Sandwiches with red fish: recipes and design

Sandwiches with red fish are everyone’s favorite dish with which you can decorate any holiday table or simply please your family on a weekday. In this review you will find the most delicious and proven recipes, both classic and original.

Making sandwiches with red fish is a simple process that does not require special skills, but still, you need to know a few features:

  • For sandwiches you should use only fresh ingredients. Cut or prepare components immediately before preparing them.
  • You can use any type of bread, both white and black whole grain. The choice depends on the preferences of the guests and the hostess who will cook them.
  • Cut the fish into thin strips or layers. To be sure of the quality of lightly salted fish, you can prepare it yourself.
  • Often, special “salmon oil” is used to make sandwiches. It is easy to prepare by thoroughly mixing 120 g. salted fish, 200 gr. butter and finely chopped herbs to taste.
  • Sandwiches with red fish will appear more appetizing on lightly toasted small bread. You don't need croutons for this, just a slightly crispy crust. You can dry the bread directly in the pan. Spread the butter only on the cooled loaf.

Sandwich with salmon and curd cheese

Due to the fact that curd cheese is soft, it can be easily spread on any bread. This component is used to make sandwiches, both for the holiday table and for preparing a regular breakfast.

Main Components
  • White bread.
  • Lightly salted trout ( or any other type of salted fish).
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Fresh dill.


  1. Finely chop the dill and mix with the cheese into a homogeneous consistency. Cut out the desired shapes for canapés in bread (preferably a loaf) and dry it a little in the oven or fry in a frying pan.
  2. Remove the pieces of bread from the oven and cool, then spread with cheese.
  3. Place the fish. To make sandwiches with red fish more aesthetically pleasing, cut the fish into thin pieces and roll them into roses, which you can use to decorate the top of the canapes.
  4. You can decorate the top with a small sprig of dill or parsley.

When preparing sandwiches with red fish, curd cheese can be decorated with tomatoes, cucumbers, caviar, shrimp, ham, pepper, lettuce, crab sticks, and thin slices of lemon.

Option with red fish and cucumber

Incredibly delicious sandwiches with red fish and fresh crispy cucumber.


  • Lightly salted or salted salmon.
  • Butter.
  • Fresh cucumbers.
  • Bread.

Cooking features

  1. Salmon is cut into thin strips. “Life hack” - to cut fish conveniently and quickly, you can place it in the freezer for 1-2 hours. The butter must be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that it can be easily spread on the bread.
  2. The cucumbers are washed well and cut into thin slices.
  3. Cut the bread into the desired shape. Triangle or rectangle sandwiches will look best. For delicious canapés, use only fresh bread ( Suitable for both black and white). A sandwich with toasted bread in a frying pan will be original and tasty.
  4. Grease each piece of bread with a thin even layer of butter, place the prepared cucumber, and salmon on top of it. A small sprig of greenery for each red fish sandwich will help diversify the appearance.
Using red fish and cucumber as the basis of a sandwich, you can prepare several types of canapés that can be complemented:
  • cream cheese.
  • any greens.
  • hard, smoked or curd cheese.
  • chicken eggs.
  • crab sticks.
  • olives.
  • lemon

Sandwiches with butter and salmon

A hearty and beautiful dish that can only take a few minutes to prepare. Even if you change the ingredients or decorate it in your own way, this will not spoil the dish. The recipe is banal, but the sandwiches turn out very tasty.

  • Loaf.
  • Butter.
  • Salted salmon or trout.
  • Greens, tomatoes or other products as decoration.


  1. Cut the loaf into pieces of any shape, preferably small slices.
  2. Grease them with butter.
  3. Place thinly sliced ​​fish.
  4. Decorate with herbs or any other products you wish.

The dish can be made more refined by making a sail out of fish on bread or making a rosette on toast out of a thin strip and adding a sprig of herbs to it. The appetizing appearance of the dish is guaranteed.

Sandwiches with red fish are usually prepared for the holiday table. Their simultaneous simplicity and originality lies in the fact that the housewife can add any component that is lying around in the refrigerator at her discretion.

Hello, dear hostesses and owners. I’m glad to see you again, my regular readers, and those who visited my blog for the first time, don’t be shy! 🌞

So you ask, why are you so happy today? And I walk around with a smile from ear to ear because two days ago we salted red fish. My husband salts it so hard it will make you rock!

And I, as usual, pestered him with the tenacity of an icebreaker, asking him not to be greedy and to let me film the salting process. So to speak, declassify our outrageously simple recipe for public use. I've already posted it, don't miss it!

Well, on this optimistic note, having a decent amount of lightly salted red fish in stock, I decided to compile my personal hit parade of delicious sandwiches for the holiday table.

You can’t miss this opportunity, oh, you can’t, the fish flies away very quickly... or should I say swims away? 🤔.

In general, guys, hang in there. I’ll show you the most awesome, favorite options. I'm just sure you'll appreciate it!

Sandwiches with red fish - simple and delicious recipes

The simplest recipe that everyone knows is a version of red fish with regular butter.

When there weren’t all these fashionable spreads made from cream and curd cheeses, everything was made with butter and it turned out very well, by the way.

Oh, I feel like now the slippers will fly at me along with the shouts of “Give me something new!” We ate fish and butter back in Soviet times!” And I, rubbing the bruised places, will answer: “Well, friends, this is a classic! Classics cannot become obsolete.” And I will smile as kindly as Comrade Stalin. 😀

Don’t worry and don’t rush to accuse me of being retrograde, we will have new and interesting recipes just below. If you can't wait, you can go down there right away ⬇.

Sandwich with red fish and butter

In the meantime, I’ll dwell in more detail on this classic version. It sank into my soul as a child, and I believe that an old horse does not spoil the furrow. And now we’ll add a twist to even such a simple and old recipe. And it will look very stylish on the holiday table.


  • Baguette (or loaf) - 1 pc.
  • Red fish - arbitrary.
  • Butter - optional.
  • Greens and lemon for serving.

So, I cut the baguette a little diagonally so that the pieces are more elongated. Of course, you can cut it into round pieces, it will also be beautiful. It all depends on the idea.

So what can you do with a baguette? Legend has it that if you fry it until lightly browned and crunchy, the sandwiches will turn out tastier. You can fry the baguette in a dry frying pan or in an oven with top heat at 180 degrees for literally 5-7 minutes.

I take out the butter a little in advance so that it is softened enough when the time comes and spreads easily. Which is exactly what I do.

With such a moderate, neat layer, there is no need to overdo it.

Place slices of lightly salted salmon on top of the butter. And we could have stopped there; everyone used to do exactly that. This is already very, very tasty!

But now give everyone beauty, abundance, decoration, new ideas. Therefore, I will decorate the serving plate with salad greens and lemon slices. The look really turns out to be much more presentable.

From this option comes the following, you can combine them in one plate at the time of serving.

Option with caviar, fish and butter

To give the good old sandwiches a “second wind,” I’ll put a little red caviar on top of each slice. Of course, natural, salmon - you can’t spoil the classics with cheap imitations.

The ingredients are the same as above + natural red caviar.

Now the simplest recipe will definitely sparkle with new colors and flavors! It turns out elegant, festive, VERY tasty. I don’t know about you, but I have sandwiches like these on my table, they’re amazing! 😉

With herbs, fish and butter on white bread

And the last option with butter, fish, herbs and sesame seeds. Also very awesome, tasty and filling.

Ingredients in arbitrary proportions:

  • Small buns.
  • Butter.
  • Salad greens.
  • Any red fish.
  • Parsley dill.
  • Roasted sesame seeds.

In this version, I use these small round buns, their size is no more than 8 cm in diameter, very tiny.

By the way, they are suitable for making homemade mini-burgers. But today I will make delicious sandwiches from them.

To do this, I cut the buns in half, and in the half where the bottom is rounded, I level it by cutting it with a knife.

I fry them in a dry frying pan until lightly browned to make them crispier.

In the same frying pan, I immediately fry a portion of sesame seeds (if you don’t have them fried), this takes literally a minute and a half, with constant stirring. It is necessary that the sesame seeds only slightly change color from white to cream. And that’s it, pour it into a separate small container.

Place a thin slice of butter on each part of the bun. Since the buns are still warm from the pan, the butter will begin to melt and soak them. All that remains is to further distribute it with a knife.

The next step will be lettuce leaves, which I wash, immediately shake off excess water and tear into arbitrary pieces with my hands. I spread it on bread and butter.

I place chopped red fish slices on top.

And all that remains is to additionally decorate the treat with parsley leaves, dill and sesame seeds.

By the way, many people underestimate sesame, but in vain. It goes well with red fish and gives a delicate nutty note when used in sandwiches. Well, very cool!

These are the options for sandwiches with noble fish and butter that I have in my collection. 👍

Let's now move on to the options with cream cheese, there is also something to look at and something to please your taste buds.

Sandwiches on a festive table with red fish and cream cheese

A beauty, isn't it? 😍 They taste great too, you can trust me. Let me show you step by step how to make such beauty.

Ingredients optional:

  • Baguette (loaf).
  • Red fish.
  • Soft cream cheese.
  • Red caviar.
  • Parsley leaves and dill.

Cut the baguette into portions and, if desired, brown in a dry frying pan to make it crispier.

We take any cream cheese (the main thing is that it is tasty) and spread it on our baguette.

Using the tip of a fork, I shape the edges of the spread a little so that it does not look disheveled. This is how the frill turns out.

Next, take a thin and long slice of fish and roll it “into a snail,” that is, simply in a circle. We transfer it to the sandwich, I did it on the edge, but you can also install it in the center, it all depends on your compositional idea.

And slightly straighten our “rose” so that it looks better. Decorate with parsley leaves and dill blades of grass. This is already great and you can use this option.

But, in order to completely complete the image, we’ll make another bright accent of red caviar. It glows like some kind of precious stones.

A truly beautiful and tasty option for the holiday table!

Recipe with tomatoes, fish and herbs on dark bread


  • The fish is red.
  • Black bread with caraway seeds.
  • Salad greens.
  • Cherry tomatoes are red and yellow.
  • Cream cheese.
  • Parsley dill.

How would you describe the taste of these sandwiches? Perhaps it is multi-stage, like the aroma of a perfume and reveals itself in stages. First, there is a very bright combination of sweet and sour tomato slices with the characteristic taste of black bread, followed by muted fish with cream cheese and additionally enriching the composition with notes of greenery - lettuce, dill, parsley.

When I tried it for the first time, I was delighted with this explosion of flavor. In my opinion, a very successful combination of products.

It is very important that the tomatoes taste good and not taste like grass.

Have you noticed that in winter, tomatoes in stores become tasteless? They are brought from greenhouses or somewhere else, but apparently the lack of sun affects them, and such tomatoes are usually tasteless and don’t even smell. I really don’t like this time of tasteless tomatoes, because they also lose their value in dishes during cooking.

But it’s good that they bring cherry tomatoes from Israel to our store; they are always amazing, even in winter, when ordinary tomatoes already taste like silage.

Sorry, back to sandwiches. I take black bread. And I cut off the sides.

I spread the slices with cream cheese.

I cover each slice with a green leaf of lettuce.

I also place red fish diagonally here.

The tomatoes need to be seasoned with just a little salt for a brighter taste.

All that remains is to decorate them with additional greenery. And the awesome appetizer is ready!

They also look like a New Year tree, decorated with colorful balls and garland. In general, whatever the occasion, these “traffic light” sandwiches will look delicious on the holiday table and delight guests with their taste.

Options for sandwiches on crackers

The final fish and cream cheese appetizer option is boutiques on crackers.

They have their own charm, they look great together on one tray, and they are eagerly taken from the table while waiting for hot dishes to be served. I have three options for you.

First option:

  • Crackers.
  • Cream cheese.
  • Red fish.
  • Green olives.
  • A piece of lemon.
  • Parsley leaf.

Second option:

  • Crackers.
  • Cream cheese.
  • The fish is red.
  • Black olives.
  • A sprig of dill.

Third option:

  • Crackers.
  • Cream cheese.
  • Red caviar.
  • Lemon slices.
  • Parsley leaf.

Of course, we don’t take sweet crackers, preferably salty or neutral ones.

Spread cream cheese on each cracker. You can use any, the main thing is that it tastes good on its own.

And then it’s up to your discretion and imagination. Fans of black olives will definitely like the first two options. But the fastest, as you probably already guessed, is the version with red caviar. 😉 Lemon in this case plays a purely decorative role; it is not necessary to eat it, although there are lovers.

I hope that you have already liked some of the recipes. And I move on to options with curd cheese, which are also very tasty and beautiful.

Delicious sandwiches with curd cheese and red fish

These are the charming ladybugs you can make for your holiday table. This is a very elegant and tasty option.

You will have to tinker a little with the decoration, but the effect of presentation is worth it! Only the most callous cracker at the party will remain indifferent. 😄


  • Black bread.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • The fish is red.
  • Salad leaves.
  • Cherry tomatoes.
  • Olives.
  • Parsley.
  • Mayonnaise.

I take some black bread and cut off the sides. I spread cream cheese on top.

By the way, I like it more than creamy, although they differ in something not very perceptible, some shades of taste.

Next we place a thin slice of fish. There is no need to cut it very thick, otherwise it will be awkward to place the “ladybug”.

We hide the filling under a green leaf of lettuce. Take a cherry tomato and cut it in half, cutting off a little where the stalk is attached to make an even cut. We also cut the pitted olive in half.

We build a “ladybug” figurine on top of a lettuce leaf. We make dots with mayonnaise (I cut off the corner of the pack with scissors so that I can squeeze out a thin stream). We complement the composition with a parsley leaf. Super!

P.S. I know that there will always be a person who, with a sour face and a sense of superiority over me, a humble blogger, will notice that real ladybugs have black dots, not white. Buddy, I know about this. And, if you want to completely match the original, you can make dots and grooves from olives. I will fully support you and bow to your patience.

I take everything much more simply, on holidays there is always little time for cooking, and I don’t have time to do it... this medical term will not be used on the table. Therefore, forgive me for this liberty, I am an artist, I see it that way! 😀

I wish the rest of you a bon appetit!

With egg, red caviar and fish on white bread

And I offer another recipe involving cottage cheese, fish, and red caviar. Mmm!


  • White bread (baguette).
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Red fish.
  • Quail eggs.
  • Red caviar.
  • Greenery.

Cut the baguette into circles and spread with cottage cheese and herbs. Boil quail eggs until hard-boiled for 8 minutes, cool under cold water.

Place a slice of fish on each sandwich. Peel the eggs and cut into thin slices. For this you will need a good sharp knife.

Place the chopped eggs on the bread. Add a spoonful of red caviar. And we decorate our appetizer with greens.

Perfect! 👍

We continue our journey through delicious holiday sandwiches.

Sandwiches with red fish and cucumber

Lightly salted fish traditionally goes well with fresh cucumber. I offer you this combination in various combinations with the most beautiful design!

Sandwiches Herringbone

A very elegant option for a festive New Year's table. They look bright, attract attention quickly, and are eaten with the greatest pleasure. 😍


  • Gray bread.
  • Red lightly salted fish.
  • Fresh cucumber.
  • Red caviar.
  • Cottage cheese or cream cheese.
  • Dill.

First, let's make the preparation. Take a slice of bread, cut off the crust and sides so as to give it the shape of a triangle. Don't make the top too thin (sharp), it will be difficult to put the filling on it.

We cover the bread with cheese spread, it can be curd or cream cheese, processed cheese or even cottage cheese.

I immediately put some caviar on top and lay out a thin layer of red fish.

Next, I cut the cucumber into circles, and these circles in half again. I lay out the halves so that they look in different directions, thus creating a spruce silhouette. “I decorate” my delicious Christmas tree with “garlands” of red caviar.

I complement the image a little with mayonnaise and herbs. This is such a bright, beautiful and very tasty snack!

Such sandwiches will not go unnoticed and your guests will be delighted!

Snack on sandwiches Pirate ships

I also offer you 3 elegant options for snack sandwiches with a combination of fish and fresh cucumber. You can cook each of them separately or combine them together on one tray as a platter.

As you can see, they are made in the same style and will look great together! For fixation, I used ordinary decorative skewers.

First option:

  • Gray bread.
  • Curd cheese with herbs.
  • Slice of fish.
  • Cucumber strip.
  • Parsley dill.

Second option:

  • Gray bread.
  • Curd cheese with herbs.
  • Fish.
  • A slice of fresh cucumber.
  • A piece of lemon.
  • Parsley.

Third option:

  • Gray bread.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Fish.
  • Lettuce leaf.
  • Cucumber slice.
  • Quail egg.

I took gray bread, it goes great with red fish. Don’t be afraid to show your imagination and try different versions of bread (real chefs don’t live by baguettes alone!) And cut into diamonds, cutting off the hard sides.

I spread the bread with curd cheese and herbs, it’s hard to see in the photo, but it’s there, the manufacturer was just being greedy 😊. But the cheese itself is very tasty.

It can cut very neat, long and beautiful strips, which I then thread onto a skewer to create an interesting wave.

For other options, I simply cut the cucumber thinly with a knife. I collect the ingredients and secure with a skewer. Amazingly delicious little sandwiches are ready!

When I look at them, for some reason I have an association with pirate ships. 😊

I also found this recipe on YouTube, it’s also an interesting option, try it!

Let's move on to avocado recipes that will look great on your holiday table.

Recipe for sandwiches with red fish and avocado

A spectacular option for a holiday table with delicate slices of avocado and cottage cheese.


  • Gray (or white) bread.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Red fish.
  • Avocado.
  • Greens for decoration.

We cut the bread randomly. I always remove the sides, and I am left with simple rectangles. We cut the avocado in a circle, hold on to the halves and twist them with our hands in different directions - the fruit will easily open.

I’ll remove the half with the pit for now; I’ll need it for the next recipe.

And from the empty half I cut the skin and cut it into slices very thin. Then I place a rolled piece of salmon in the center, imitating a pink bud.

Avocado slices fit perfectly around. It should be lightly salted, and if desired, even peppered.

There is one downside to this recipe. The fact is that the option with roses, how can I say it, is a little uneconomical. If many guests are expected, then there may not be enough fish for a large number of sandwiches. Then this (see photo below) economy option at minimum wage comes into play.

It’s also beautiful, although not as impressive. But the taste will be the same and, in fact, it will even be more convenient to eat.

In general, see for yourself what you like best.

Option with fish, cucumber and avocado

And another beautiful option with avocado paste, on dark bread, see below.


  • Black bread.
  • Fish.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Avocado.
  • Fresh cucumber.
  • Dill.

First, let's make a paste of cream cheese and avocado. To do this, mash the avocado pulp with a fork or pass through the finest grater. You can puree with a blender, choose what is more convenient for you.

Mix grated avocado with cottage cheese or cream cheese in a 1:1 ratio. You will end up with a light green avocado paste. It will need to be salted and peppered as desired.

You can also not mix it with cheese, but leave it green, it will also be beautiful and tasty. It's up to your taste.

Take some dark bread and cut it into rectangles, cutting off the hard side. Spread generously with avocado paste.

We lay out 1-2 slices of red fish and, to decorate our sandwiches, cut off a piece of fresh cucumber that is not too large in diameter.

We cut several shallow grooves on the outside of the vegetable, but do not go close to the center, leave it whole.

Cut several cucumber “flowers” ​​and decorate the composition with them. Place a drop of mayonnaise in the center. Garnish with dill.

Beautiful and elegant, and oh so delicious! The note of avocado fits in very harmoniously and emphasizes the taste of the fish - perfect! 😊

Decorating sandwiches with red fish for a festive table

I hope that you liked my delicious hit parade, and that you have already looked for recipes that will decorate your holiday table.

Here are a few more successful (in my opinion) design ideas.

The collage is made from photos found on the Internet. As you can see, there are a great many design ideas.

I showed you some product compositions that go well together, as well as some design ideas. And you, thanks to your imagination and tastes, can use them to come up with something even more beautiful and tastier.

Of course, you can experiment with ingredients, fillings, spreads and different bread options yourself. I believe in you and really want your holiday to be a success, and your guests to be amazed by the beauty of your table!

Sandwiches for the holiday table (classic method)

Many people can afford to make sandwiches with red caviar and fish only for a holiday. They don't want to just serve like everyone else does. The festive mood will be at its best if you decorate the dishes on the table in every possible way. For example, even simple sandwiches with caviar can be made into a “fairy tale”.

Required Products:

A jar of red caviar;
butter (70 grams);
baguette (1 piece).


First of all, you have to cut the baguette into even pieces. This is such a long loaf, designed specifically for sandwiches with caviar, sprats, cod liver, etc. They come in several types, so you can choose any of them. Some people like it with sesame seeds, while others prefer a regular baguette. There is bread already with marked cuts. Cut along them to get identical pieces.

Once you've decided on the bread and cut it into pieces, start spreading the butter. By the way, do not forget to take it out in advance so that it is soft. Place caviar on top of the butter using a small spoon. Now the sandwich is ready to decorate. You can place a sprig of dill on top of each sandwich. Bon appetit!

Sandwiches with red fish and caviar

Sandwiches with caviar are considered a traditional holiday snack. Many housewives love to cook them, because they take little time, but they turn out delicious. The unusual taste of caviar and lemon will captivate all guests.

Required Products:

Bread or baguette;
a pack of butter;
a piece of salmon (choose the fish salt at your discretion);
whole lemon;
jar of red caviar.


First of all, you will need to wash the lemon and remove the peel. We just need lemon zest. We will grate it on a grater with small holes. Mix zest shavings with softened butter. Now we take the lemon itself without the peel. Squeeze the juice from it and pour 2 large spoons into the mixture. Now all this should be mixed thoroughly. For these purposes, it is better to use a mixer or blender.

Cut the red chop into thin slices in the direction of the grain. If you choose regular bread for holiday sandwiches, then it can be beautifully cut into small triangles. Or you can take a baguette and cut it into portions.

Each piece is smeared with the prepared creamy mixture, and salmon is laid out on top. Place caviar on top of the fish with a small spoon. So our wonderful sandwiches are ready. Now you can decorate them however you want. Serve them to the table and treat your guests!

Delicious shrimp sandwiches

You can make very small sandwiches that are somewhat reminiscent of canapés. They are served as a snack in many restaurants. So as not to bite off the sandwich several times, but to immediately put it in your mouth and eat it. These mini-sandwiches delight children too. You can submit these.

Attention! The products are designed for a certain number of sandwiches. If you need more, use more ingredients.

Required Products:

Red caviar (55 grams);
cream cheese (55 grams);
butter (35 grams);
2 large spoons of finely chopped dill;
French baguette.


Take the baguette and cut into portions. The approximate thickness is 1 cm. In the meantime, the frying pan should already be on the fire. Place the prepared bread pieces in a frying pan and fry them on both sides.

As a result, the sides should end up without a crust. That is, you should have crumb circles. Coat all sides with butter and sprinkle with chopped dill.

Prepare a sandwich platter. Place our pieces on it, and place a small spoon of cheese on top of each. Then - caviar and shrimp for each sandwich. Ready-made mini-sandwiches can be served.

Sandwiches with red fish and garlic

Sandwiches with red fish are considered a real delicacy. Now we will tell you about a very tasty and simple recipe for making sandwiches. Using this method, the appetizing mass is applied to warm bread baked in the oven. This will be the whole point.

Required Products:

Cream cheese (210 grams);
a piece of red fish (salmon);
French baguette;
2 cloves of garlic;
80 grams of chopped fresh dill.


Cut the baguette not as usual, but diagonally so that you get long pieces. Now for the new things about this recipe. Here you will need to melt the butter, and then use a brush to grease the cut pieces on both sides. Next, they should be placed on a baking sheet and placed in the oven. After 5 minutes you can take them out. The main thing is that they have time to brown a little.

Then mix cheese and mayonnaise. Peel the garlic cloves and grate them on a fine grater. Wash and chop the dill. Connect all these components. Grease all pieces of bread with the prepared mixture. Try to do this while the bread is warm.

Cut the red fish into thin pieces and place one on each piece of bread. There, use your discretion, perhaps you can put two pieces somewhere. Usually such sandwiches are decorated with greens. But if you have a well-developed imagination, then you can decorate them in any way you like: olives, lemon slices, cucumbers and even kiwi.

Snack on crackers

It is not necessary to make sandwiches on bread or baguette. There is an excellent and at the same time unusual option for preparing a holiday snack - a snack on crackers with caviar. This dish will help you decorate your holiday table without much effort. This snack always helps out when you just come home from work and guests are already on the doorstep. Our recipe makes 10 servings. You control the amount of ingredients yourself, depending on how many sandwiches you need.

Required Products:

A jar of red caviar;
a pack of crackers;
Dutch cheese (210 grams);
a couple of cloves of garlic.


Place all the ingredients in front of you. Grate the cheese in advance using a grater with medium holes. Peel the garlic cloves. Grate them on a fine grater or use a press for these purposes. Add garlic gruel to the grated cheese and season with mayonnaise. Mix everything well. Now our filling is ready.

Take crackers and place the prepared cheese mixture on each one. Distribute evenly around the entire perimeter. Place a second cracker and a little more mixture on top. You can put caviar in the center, but in our case we make a salmon rosette. Place the sandwiches on the prepared dish and sprinkle with chopped dill. A delicious snack can be served to the table.

Fish oil for sandwiches

It is not always possible to use red fish for sandwiches as a garnish on top. Sometimes you can use it to make a spread for bread. It turns out very tasty and beautiful. Be sure to treat your guests to such an innovation in culinary art.

Required Products:

Lightly smoked red fish;
a pack of butter;
mustard (French);
fish seasoning.


Let's start cooking. We lay out all the necessary products in front of us. Wash and chop fresh dill. Red fish is cut into small cubes. Meanwhile, the butter should have softened at room temperature. Add fish, herbs, a small spoonful of mustard and seasoning each. Mix everything well.

Using your hands, form the prepared mass into a rectangle that will resemble a stick of butter in shape. Wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator. Then you can grease the pieces of bread with the prepared butter and serve. There is no need to decorate anything here, since the mass itself turns out to be multi-colored and beautiful.

Sandwiches with red caviar and capers

We all know that appetizing appetizers are always quickly distributed among the guests without dampening their appetite before the main course is served. There is a very exotic recipe for making sandwiches. This appetizer is prepared for everyone.

Required Products:

A piece of red fish (salmon);
sour cream;
olive oil.


Wash the dill and chop finely, first removing the hard stems. Combine greens with sour cream and stir. Pour in the olive oil and mix again. Peel and chop the onion. Now place the crackers on the prepared dish and brush each one with sour cream.

Roll a strip of salmon into a circle and place on top of each cracker. And place the onion in the middle. Stick capers in there. Then drizzle all the sandwiches with olive oil. A delicious exotic snack is ready. You can start tasting!

Hot sandwiches with red fish

There are also those who decorate their culinary masterpiece with lemon slices and olives, making flowers. Or you can put lettuce leaves on a dish and place pieces of bread or baguette, greased with butter, on them. Pieces of salmon or any other red fish are placed on top. And the final touch is the lady cow. It is made from cherry tomatoes and olives.

Use your imagination and create your own culinary masterpieces. Impress your guests with your abilities. Good luck!

Hot fish sandwiches cooked in the oven, Can be served for breakfast or as a snack. They turn out very tasty, slightly crispy on the bottom, juicy, soft inside and on top. I had pieces of fresh salmon, you can use other fish, just cut it into thin pieces. In any case, it will turn out great!


To prepare hot fish sandwiches in the oven you will need:

pieces (trimmings) of salmon or other fish - 100 g;

white loaf - 5-6 slices;

raw egg - 1-2 pcs.;

milk - 70 ml;

salt, freshly ground black pepper - to taste;

mayonnaise (or sour cream) - 2-3 tbsp. l.;

vegetable oil - 1 tsp;

hard cheese - 70 g.

Cooking steps

Beat the egg and milk thoroughly with a whisk or fork. Dip one side of each loaf slice into the milk-egg mixture.

Cover a baking sheet with parchment and grease it with vegetable oil. Place all the loaf slices on a baking sheet so that the side of the bread dipped in the milk-egg mixture is on top. Place thin pieces of fish on the slices.

Grease with a little mayonnaise (or sour cream).

Sprinkle the fish sandwiches with grated hard cheese on a medium grater.

Bake sandwiches for 15-20 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Very tasty, juicy, appetizing hot sandwiches with fish, cooked in the oven, serve.

Bon appetit!

Very soon, the symbol of the New Year 2020 - the White Metal Rat - will knock on the doors of each of us, and it’s time to prepare food for the festive table. Today we will talk about red fish. In fact, there are quite a few varieties of fish with pink or reddish meat, but in our country they are all usually called red fish, which is a delicacy. Accordingly, dishes of this category must be treated with respect, in accordance with the high status of the fish. Our cooking lesson today is dedicated to making delicious sandwiches with red fish for the New Year 2020, which you can make at home yourself, guided by our 7 recipes with photos.


  • Baguette or Borodino bread;
  • Butter;
  • Lightly salted salmon or other red fish;
  • Kiwi.


  1. Cut the baguette into thin slices and brush with butter.
  2. Cut salmon or other red fish into thin strips, 1 cm thick.
  3. Cut the kiwi into thin slices.
  4. Take slices of malo and place fish fillet on them on one side, and a circle of kiwi on the other side. Done!

Sandwiches with red fish and kiwi for the New Year 2020 are an excellent option for surprising your loved ones on a festive night. Such sandwiches are decorated in different ways, some decorate them with herbs, while others cut fish or kiwi into thin strips, adding bell pepper, and make it striped, alternating all of the above products. The end result is very unusual and beautiful; it is simply impossible not to notice such a miracle. Try it and you will probably like it.

Sandwiches with salmon and mascarpone


  • White baguette;
  • Lightly salted salmon - a small piece;
  • Mascarpone to taste;
  • Lemon juice teaspoon;
  • Olives - to taste.


  1. Slice the baguette thinly and brush each slice with mascarpone.
  2. Place a thin piece of lightly salted salmon on top of the cheese.
  3. We cut pitted olives into circles or halves and decorate our sandwich with them, which we sprinkle with lemon juice at the end. There you go!

Sandwich with red fish and avocado paste

  1. Fry the loaf slices in oil until crunchy.
  2. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, and chop the pulp. Add pepper and lemon juice, mix thoroughly. Add chopped parsley there.
  3. Spread the prepared paste on each slice of loaf.
  4. We cut the cherry tomatoes in half, pierce each half with a skewer, and stick it into the sandwich.
  5. We roll the fish cut into strips into “roses” and place them on top of the sandwiches.

Video lesson on making a red fish sandwich

Sandwich "Borodinsky"

  1. Using a cookie cutter, cut the black bread into heart-shaped slices.
  2. Brush the bread with softened butter, sprinkle finely chopped dill, parsley and green onions on top.
  3. Next, place pieces of red fish on it and sprinkle with chopped green onions again. As you can see, these and other sandwiches with red fish for the New Year 2020 are quite easy to prepare, but on the festive table they create the most incredible atmosphere.

Sandwiches with triangles

This recipe is quite original, not so much in the ingredients as in the presentation form. But, if you try, you can end up with a truly beautiful dish, worthy of a photo in the best culinary magazines, and your New Year will be decorated with perhaps one of the most colorful dishes.

  1. Cut white or rye bread (whichever you prefer) into triangular pieces.
  2. Grease them with butter and arrange large leaves of fresh parsley.
  3. Cut the red fish into thin rectangular strips and string them onto skewers or toothpicks in a wavy shape in the shape of a sailboat, which is stuck in the center of the sandwich itself - the base of the “boat”.
  4. If you are using a toothpick rather than a skewer, you can thread another small olive onto its tip.

Sandwich “Merchant”

Red fish has always been considered a product of aristocrats. We ate it not only for the New Year, but also every day. It was always quite expensive, and for a long time only merchants and other wealthy classes could afford it. Apparently, the recipe for this sandwich originates from those times. So we propose to prepare such a red fish sandwich for the New Year's table 2020.

  1. For this option, you first need to prepare the fish roll.
  2. Beat the red fish fillet a little to a thickness of 1-1.5 centimeters, generously spread it with soft butter, roll it into a roll and put it in the refrigerator until the butter hardens.
  3. When the roll has cooled, cut it into oval pieces (cut diagonally).
  4. Cut round slices from white or rye bread, put small green lettuce leaves on top of the sandwich, then a slice of fresh cucumber and chopped pieces of fish roll on it. Such sandwiches with red fish really look very rich and aristocratic, and in taste they can compete with more refined dishes for the New Year 2020.

Sandwich "Escort"

  1. Cut the French baguette into pieces 1.5-2 centimeters thick.
  2. Melt the cheese a little and spread it on the baguette slices.
  3. Crumble finely chopped herbs (dill, parsley, green onion) on top.
  4. Next, neatly cut pieces of red fish are beautifully placed on the sandwich and sprinkled with herbs again.


What other sandwiches with red fish to prepare for the New Year 2020, you can decide for yourself. Use our ideas or, using any of them as a basis, build your own culinary masterpieces. Happy New Year!
