Custard pancakes with kefir and eggs. Custard pancakes with kefir: different recipes and cooking secrets Recipe for delicious custard pancakes with kefir

The main feature of custard pancakes is the addition of boiling water to the dough. They can be prepared not only with kefir, but also with other dairy and fermented milk products. Depending on the cooking technology and the added products, you can bake fluffy, thick pancakes with kefir, as well as thin, delicate ones with holes. The first option is suitable for a hearty breakfast, the second - for stuffing.

The five most commonly used ingredients in kefir custard pancake recipes:

The classic version of the recipe is:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar.
  2. Pour in kefir mixed with soda.
  3. Add flour while stirring the dough.
  4. Pour in boiling water and stir quickly.
  5. Immediately fry the pancakes in a hot frying pan.

Kefir custard pancakes, or rather, the dough for them, is more suitable for frying thin pancakes. They can be filled with any filling, sweet or savory. Rolling it into a tube or roll. Designed in the form of a bag with a tied “neck” (a feather of green onion will do) or an envelope.

Five of the most nutritious recipes for custard pancakes with kefir:

  • It is enough to grease the frying pan with vegetable oil once - only for the first pancake
  • boiling water is added to the dough to obtain thin openwork pancakes
  • be sure to try the first pancake to determine if there is enough salt and/or sugar
  • Before each pouring the dough into the pan, stir it from bottom to top

Today we will bake thin and delicate custard pancakes with holes using kefir and boiling water. For some reason, I am sure that the ability to bake lace cakes is inherent in women at the genetic level. The main thing is to learn some secrets from your mother in order to delight your loved ones with the variety of pancake collection. Custard pancakes are a universal dish. They delight the eye and the rest of the body with their ruddy color and wonderful taste, and the hostess with their simplicity and speed of execution.

The main feature of the recipe is that the dough is brewed with boiling water. Thanks to this manipulation, numerous holes are formed during baking.

Pancakes made with boiling water are good because the dough comes out more homogeneous and sticky. Baking pancakes is a real pleasure; they turn over easily and never turn out lumpy. That’s why they are guaranteed to be thin and lacy.

How to bake custard pancakes with kefir

Pancake dough can be made in various ways by adding milk, boiling water, that is, water, rolled oats and semolina. There is yeast dough, made with eggs and without eggs. Cooking options make it possible to alternate pancake fillings and serving methods.

What to serve custard pancakes with

Sweet serving - with jam, condensed milk, honey and just sugar. Many people prefer to eat pancakes plainly - with sour cream. You can wrap pieces of ham, salmon, or any ready-made salad in thin lace flatbreads, turning them into an original appetizer.

Since we are talking about additions to pancakes, I take this moment and invite you to get acquainted with it by following the link. Sometimes I add a pinch of turmeric to the dough, then the baked goods become an amazingly bright color. I like to add vanilla.

If the pancakes stick

  1. It happens when the frying pan is not warm enough, is not oiled, the dough is too liquid, or the pancake is not yet baked on one side.
  2. If the pancakes stick, which is extremely rare for those made with kefir, add potato starch to the dough.

What kind of kefir goes on pancakes?

Don’t take a drink from a long time ago, buy a fresh one, then the products will meet your expectations.

By the way, kefir is an excellent substitute for fermented baked milk, and the flatbreads turn out no less appetizing.

Custard pancakes with kefir and boiling water

Everyone loves pancakes with holes, but not everyone can make them. It is cooking with kefir, brewing the dough with boiling water, that makes it possible to obtain a deliciously holey structure of the flatbread. In addition, using the cooking technology, the pancakes are guaranteed to turn over perfectly.


  • Flour - a glass.
  • Cool boiling water - a glass.
  • Kefir - a glass.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil – 4 teaspoons.
  • Salt – ½ small spoon.
  • Baking soda – ¼ tablespoon.
  • Sugar – 2 teaspoons.

Step-by-step preparation of custard pancakes in boiling water:

  1. I advise you to sift the flour, enriching the product with oxygen - the pancakes turn out fluffier.
  2. Beat the eggs separately.
  3. Combine salt with soda and sugar in a bowl, beat in eggs and pour in kefir and butter. Stir until smooth.
  4. Add the suet in small portions, stirring each portion thoroughly. Take your time, this is an important point, otherwise many lumps will form and it will be more difficult to achieve the required homogeneous state.
  5. Boil water and pour in, stirring vigorously, in a thin stream. The consistency of the test mass will be liquid - this is normal. Set the bowl aside, covered, for a quarter of an hour - let it ripen.
  6. Heat the frying pan thoroughly - this is the key to success, the first pancakes will not turn out “lumpy”, they will easily come off and turn over.
  7. Grease with oil (a piece of lard) and get to work.
  8. Pour a little batter while turning the pan to the sides, allowing the batter to spread completely over the surface.
  9. The tortillas have holes and the edges are moving away from the bottom - it’s time to turn them over.

Recipe for custard pancakes without eggs on kefir

Delicious flatbreads made with choux pastry without adding eggs come out elastic and full of holes.


  • Kefir – 400 ml.
  • Soda - half a teaspoon.
  • Flour – 250 gr.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.
  • Boiling water – 200 ml.
  • Sugar – 1.5 tablespoons.
  • Oil – 2 large spoons.

How to bake with kefir and boiling water:

  1. Add sugar, soda and salt to kefir. Stir and add flour. Mix well, breaking up any lumps.
  2. While stirring the dough, pour in boiling water. All that remains is to pour in the oil and stir again. After making sure that there are no lumps left, set the pan to warm up.
  3. Pour a little batter, then the pancakes will turn out thin. Rotate the pan, spreading the batter across the bottom. Turn over, fry and stack on a plate. Grease each one with butter. If you are going to make it with filling, the last step is not necessary.

Custard pancakes with milk and kefir with holes

Extremely tasty pancakes brewed with boiling water, which is facilitated by the addition of milk, which replaces boiling water. True, there are more calories, but you have to put up with it. But there will certainly be openwork and many holes. You can make delicious pancakes with milk without kefir. How? Follow the link and.


  • Kefir – 500 ml.
  • Milk - a glass.
  • Eggs - a couple of pieces.
  • Flour – 1-2 cups (as much as the dough will take).
  • Sunflower oil – 4 small spoons.
  • Sugar – 2 small spoons.
  • Salt - half a tablespoon.

How to make delicious custard pancakes:

  1. Heat the kefir over low heat without letting it boil. Stir, wait until the drink becomes warm enough to tolerate your finger (approximately 50 o C), and remove.
  2. Add salt, baking soda, salt, beat in the eggs and stir quickly, not allowing the whites to curdle. Add 2/3 of the flour little by little and knead the mixture. The dough will rise and become fluffy and bubbly.
  3. Boil milk, pour in, stirring vigorously, add flour, if you decide that the mass is a little runny.
  4. Add the oil and stir thoroughly again. Bake pancakes and treat your family.

Openwork custard pancakes with kefir “Vologda lace”

There is a very small difference in the proportion of components, and the taste is completely different. The delightful delicacy and many holes create an appetite, take note, the recipe for custard pancakes is worth adding to your personal notebook.


  • Kefir drink - glass.
  • Egg.
  • Flour – 150 gr.
  • Soda - a third of a teaspoon.
  • Oil - a large spoon.
  • Cool boiling water - half a glass.
  • Sugar - a tablespoon.
  • Salt - a third of a small spoon.

How to bake pancakes:

  1. Combine the dry ingredients (except soda), mix, beat in the egg.
  2. Stir again and add flour.
  3. Boil water, add baking soda, stir quickly and pour into the future dough.
  4. Knead the mixture and let stand for about five minutes. All that remains is to add oil to the dough and start baking.
To your pancake story:

Thin pancakes made with kefir and oatmeal

The recipe is designed for preparing pancakes without eggs. Excellent for fasting and dieting. But add it as you wish; you won’t spoil the pancakes with eggs.

You will need:

  • Flour - a glass.
  • Oatmeal – ½ cup.
  • Baking powder - a small spoon.
  • Olive or sunflower oil - 4 large spoons.
  • Sugar - a couple of teaspoons.
  • Kefir - half a glass.
  • Salt – 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Bread sourdough – 4-5 tbsp. spoons

Step-by-step preparation of pancakes:

  • Combine the starter, sugar with salt, butter in a bowl, pour in the kefir and stir.
  • Then add flour, stir and add ground rolled oats. Pour in boiling water, bringing the consistency to the required thickness. Stir and set aside for now to infuse.
  • After an hour, stir the mixture and start baking the cakes with holes.

Thick pancakes with choux pastry - recipe with kefir and semolina

Adding semolina makes the pancakes more tender, try it and you will appreciate the impeccable taste. Due to the texture, the tortillas do not flip very well as they are thicker than usual. Wait until they are completely cooked and then carefully turn them over.


  • Semolina – ½ cup.
  • Eggs - three pcs.
  • Flour – 1.5 cups.
  • Boiling water – 400 ml.
  • Kefir – 1.5 cups.
  • Salt - a quarter of a large spoon.
  • Dry yeast – ½ teaspoon.
  • Milk - a glass.
  • Sugar – 1.5 large spoons.
  • Soda - a quarter tablespoon.
  • Oil – 8 small spoons.


  1. Add yeast, a little sugar and flour to warm milk. After stirring, set aside for 1/4 hour in a warmer place.
  2. Sift the flour, saturating it with oxygen.
  3. In a bowl, mix the eggs with the rest of the sugar and salt.
  4. Add some flour, pour in kefir, knead the dough.
  5. Boil water, pour into the dough mixture and stir.
  6. Next, add the remaining flour, pour in the dough, butter and knead the dough. It will not come out too liquid, something between thick sour cream and regular pancake batter.
  7. Place the bowl in a warm place for an hour and a half, wait until the mass rises to the edges of the bowl.
  8. Punch down and start baking pancakes.

Choux pastry for pancakes with kefir and yeast

Kefir pancakes are adored in every family; my mother baked exactly these for Maslenitsa and filled them with various delicacies. By the way, this recipe turns out great. If you are interested, look at the options in another article.

  • Boiled water – 500 ml.
  • Kefir – 1.5 liters.
  • Yeast - a teaspoon.
  • Eggs - three pcs.
  • Sugar - a tablespoon.
  • Oil, salt.
  • Flour – 2 cups.

How to bake:

  1. Dissolve the yeast crumbs and half the amount of sugar in warm water. Let the dough sit.
  2. In a deep bowl, beat the eggs with the rest of the sugar and salt until foamy.
  3. Heat the kefir, making it lukewarm, and add the eggs. Stir and add flour in portions, kneading thoroughly.
  4. Pour in the dough, stir vigorously and add boiling water.
  5. Stir vigorously again, then the cakes will come out with holes.
  6. Leave the dough to “ripen” in a warm place, covered with a towel.
  7. After an hour, knead the mixture and add oil. Stir again and bake the pancakes.

A few pancake baking tricks

  • Follow the proportions indicated in the recipe.
  • Since the flour is different, the amount does not always coincide with that indicated in the ingredients. Focus on the consistency of the test mass. The choux pastry should not come out thick; it should be poured into the frying pan in a thin stream and spread into a thin layer.
  • Don't leave the dough for later; the next day it will stick to the pan.
  • Grease the pan with oil the first time, then do it periodically.

If you are not confident in your abilities, watch the video recipe with step-by-step preparation of custard pancakes using kefir and boiling water. And may it always be delicious for you!

I offer a recipe for custard pancakes with kefir and boiling water with cinnamon, I think that one day they will become your excellent breakfast!

A long time ago I spotted a way to add soda on one website, but I still couldn’t try it - soda is poured with boiling water and then added to the dough. To be honest, I didn't like it. I always really feel the presence of soda, so if you do too, I advise you to quench it separately or simply add it to dry kefir. Or maybe I just had kefir that was not sour... in general, if you bake according to this recipe, write down your results, okay? No one except me smelled the soda, however. And the pancakes turned out simply amazing - thin (it depends on what kind you like and how much flour you add, I always bake thin pancakes), rosy, with a slight cinnamon aroma. I took half portions of food.

So let's get started. Take the products from the list.

Combine kefir with salt, eggs, add cinnamon. I never put sugar in pancake dough - if you like it, add it. Stir the resulting mixture.

Pour boiling water over the baking soda and immediately pour into the kefir mixture.

Gradually add flour, stirring the dough, pour in the oil.

Brew the dough with boiling water and quickly stir with a whisk. Do you see how homogeneous, soft and elastic the dough turned out? It splashes with small, small bubbles.

Bake thin pancakes in a hot pancake pan, pouring the dough with a ladle and distributing it, turning the pancake pan evenly. If you bake in a regular frying pan, it is convenient to grease it with a piece of fresh lard placed on a fork. Well, or, as usual, add a drop of sunflower or butter.

Turn the pancakes over. This is how they turn out holey and rosy.

You can immediately grease them with a piece of butter or brush them with melted butter.

Serve custard pancakes with kefir and boiling water with cinnamon for breakfast or a snack with tea or coffee. Bon appetit!

Custard pancakes with kefir are something new! They can be made in different ways by changing one or more components.

  • Kefir - 2 glasses
  • Flour - 2.5 Cups
  • Boiling water - 1 glass
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups (more or less, to taste)
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Soda - 0.5 teaspoons
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Vanillin - 1 Pinch

1. Mix eggs and sugar well with salt and vanillin, then pour in kefir and mix again.

3. We begin to fry pancakes. I have a Teflon frying pan, so I don’t use oil at all when it’s hot, but that’s how you like it.

4. And you will get such delicate, fluffy and beautiful pancakes. Bon appetit!

Recipe 2: Thin custard pancakes with kefir with photo

  • A glass of sour kefir (volume 250 ml)
  • Two large chicken eggs
  • Sugar – granulated – 2 tablespoons
  • Salt - a pinch
  • A glass of boiling water (volume 250 ml)
  • A glass of sifted premium flour
  • Half a teaspoon of soda
  • Vegetable oil - three tablespoons
  • Vanilla sugar

Let's start mixing the dough for openwork pancakes on kefir with boiling water. Use products at room temperature. Kefir needs to be heated to a “well warm” state.

Break the eggs into a bowl; first remove them from the refrigerator. Add a pinch of salt, two tablespoons of sugar and a packet of vanilla sugar to them. Whisk the mixture. It will become lighter and you won’t have to put in much effort.

Pour in the heated kefir and stir. Choose sour kefir, so it will react better with soda.

Boil a glass of water and pour it into our mixture in a thin stream. The technology is this: with one hand we continuously beat the egg-kefir mass, with the other hand we tilt the glass with boiling water. If you pour a lot of boiling water at once, the eggs will cook and curdle, and you will have to throw away the dough.

As you add boiling water, the dough will begin to lighten and foam. A whole cap of foam will appear on the top. This secret ingredient will give the baked goods the desired holes and make them openwork.

It's time to add flour. Our mixture is hot due to the added boiling water. Therefore, the flour will dissolve perfectly without forming lumps.

Sift it through a sieve and mix with a whisk. My flour dissolved just perfectly, the dough turned out homogeneous.

Mix soda with the last portion of flour, add to the dough and stir. If the proportions are correct, you will get a liquid dough, that’s how it should be. Don't worry, everything will bake perfectly.

Add vegetable oil. This trick will allow you to avoid constantly greasing the pan with oil.

We leave it to “think” for 10 minutes, during which time the ingredients will “endure and fall in love” with each other.

Bakery. Take a special pancake pan with a flat bottom. Or an ordinary frying pan, but with a thick bottom. We warm it up well - this is another secret. If you reheat it poorly, you will ruin half the dough.

The first time, lightly grease the bottom of the pan with oil using a silicone brush. All subsequent times, the oil that we poured into the dough will be enough for us.

Use a large spoon or ladle to scoop up some dough, pour it into the pan and quickly rotate it. Gorgeous openwork holes instantly appear along the bottom.

There is one trick here - you need to pour it in a very thin layer, then there will be a lot of holes. If you pour it in a thick layer, there will be much less of them. So learn to pour a thin layer on the pan.

Make the heat on the stove higher than medium. The first side bakes instantly. Lift the edge with a spatula - if it is golden brown and comes away well, then you need to turn it over.

How you do it is your choice. Some craftswomen throw and turn over in the air. Some are turned over with your hands, some with a spatula.

Fold the finished delicacy into corners or simply stack it on a plate. There is no need to grease with butter or jam; the filling will leak out through the holes anyway. This is not a recipe to be stuffed or greased on the inside. This is an option for lovers of the recipe for thin kefir custard pancakes with holes.

This amount of food is enough to feed two to three people. For 1 liter of kefir, increase the amount of products four times.

Recipe 3: Custard pancakes on kefir with boiling water

  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Boiling water – 1 glass;
  • Kefir – 1 glass;
  • Flour – 1 glass;
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Soda – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tablespoons.

And if there is a double portion (20-24, depending on the diameter of the pan):

  • 4 eggs;
  • 2 cups boiling water;
  • 2 glasses of kefir;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 4 tablespoons sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Beat the eggs with a mixer until fluffy: a minute or two at medium speed. Meanwhile, the water on the stove is boiling...

And now - the trick of the recipe: pour boiling water in a thin stream into the beaten eggs, without stopping beating!

Naturally, I first had a question: won’t boiling water curdle eggs? But, as practice has shown, nothing collapses! The main thing is to pour in a thin stream, slowly, and constantly beat at medium speed. At the same time, the foam becomes even more fluffy and voluminous: I was so surprised to see that it was rising higher and higher, and now it almost ran over the edges of the bowl! I had to stop the process for a minute to pour the whipped mixture into a larger bowl!

Pour kefir into the lush mass. I baked it with sourdough (liquid, like 1 percent kefir, a fermented milk product) half and half with homemade thick kefir, like yogurt.

After mixing with kefir, sift the flour mixed with soda.

Mix again and add sugar.

Now beat the dough a little with a mixer so that there are no lumps left.

Add vegetable oil and stir. The dough is ready!

This is how fluffy and airy the dough is.

Before the first portion of dough, grease the frying pan with a thin, even layer of vegetable oil and heat it very well. If the pan is not hot enough, the dough will seem to spread; if it’s done properly, then it immediately hisses and is taken in by the openwork holes.

After pouring a scoop of batter onto a hot frying pan, spread it in an even layer by shaking and bake the pancake over a slightly higher heat than medium until browned on the bottom side. While the edges are pale, do not rush, because a half-baked pancake may tear. But when the edges turn golden brown, it’s time to turn them over.

In reviews of this recipe, there have been more than once opinions that turning such delicate pancakes is difficult, and you need to get used to them. I didn’t have any problems with flipping: the pancakes didn’t tear and came off easily – perhaps because I baked them in a ceramic pancake pan.

Turning the pancake over, bake on the second side until golden brown, then remove to a plate. If you bake longer, the edges will be fried and crispy, and the middle will be tender; if you hold it a little less, the pancakes will be softer. After baking, you can grease each pancake with a piece of butter; when they lie warm, on top of each other, they will become even more tender.

Before scooping out a new portion of dough, mix it. Pancakes are ready!

Recipe 4: Kefir with milk custard pancakes and pancakes

  • Milk (any) - 1 tbsp.;
  • Kefir - 500 ml;
  • Baking soda - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp;
  • Eggs - 1 pc.;
  • Butter or vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Pancake or wheat flour - 1.5 cups.

1. Select a small saucepan and pour kefir into it. Over low heat, heat the fermented milk product to about 50 degrees. Be careful and stir the kefir constantly. Also check the temperature so as not to overheat it and cook the cottage cheese.
As soon as you remove the pan from the heat, you can start preparing the dough. First of all, add soda to kefir. There is no need to turn it off. You will notice how much soda changes the consistency of the fermented milk product. It immediately turns into a foam, similar to whipped cream. Now add the egg, salt and sugar to the dough.

2. Carefully distribute the flour over the surface of the dough using a sieve, portionwise, and mix immediately.

3. The dough at this stage turns out similar to pancake dough or ten percent sour cream, but everything is in bubbles.

4. All that remains is to add milk and vegetable oil. Pour the milk into a metal container, add butter and boil everything together.
When the milk boils, immediately remove it from the heat and immediately slowly add it to the dough. In this case, you need to quickly mix everything with a spoon.

5. Place a dry and always clean frying pan on the stove and heat it well. For the first pancake, grease it with any oil. Scoop the dough into a ladle and pour it into the pan. In this case, the pan must be constantly tilted in different directions so that the dough is evenly distributed.
Advice: so that the pancakes do not even think of sticking to the frying pan, it is advisable not to wash it immediately before preparing the pancakes. If you are already planning to cook tomorrow, then wash the dishes the evening before and in the morning you can start baking pancakes. As a last resort, grease the pan thoroughly with lard (you can do it several times).

6. After 1 minute, turn over and fry the pancake on the other side. The fire should be medium.

Serve hot pancakes with kefir and milk with sour cream, jam, honey or melted butter. You can cook it and wrap it in your culinary masterpiece with any filling you want.

Recipe 5: Kefir pancakes with custard cottage cheese

Custard pancakes made with kefir and cottage cheese are denser than usual, but much more tender and softer.

  • ½ l kefir;
  • 1/5 kg of homemade cottage cheese;
  • ¼ tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 400 ml of boiling water;
  • ¼ tsp. vanillin;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 400–500 g of premium flour;
  • ½ tbsp. l. baking soda;
  • ½ tsp. table salt;
  • 4 tsp. granulated sugar.
  1. A few hours before you plan to prepare pancakes, you need to remove the kefir from the refrigerator and let it warm up a little.
  2. Place the cottage cheese in a clean, dry bowl and grind thoroughly to avoid any grains. Then combine with kefir until smooth. If you don’t have homemade cottage cheese on hand, then unsweetened curd mixture will do.
  3. In another bowl you need to beat 4 eggs, taking them out of the refrigerator. To make the work easier, add salt. Add sugar and vanillin little by little to form a soft foam.
  4. Combine the resulting mass with curd and kefir.
  5. Sift flour and soda into a clean bowl. Then, gradually introduce them into the batter. Its consistency should be the same as for pancakes.
  6. Boil water, pour it into the dough, stirring vigorously.
  7. At the end, vegetable oil is added to the resulting mass.
  8. Pancakes with cottage cheese need to be fried on both sides, preheating the pan. Pour oil onto it only for the first portion of dough.

Recipe 6 step by step: Custard pancakes with semolina and kefir

  • semolina – 30 grams;
  • one egg;
  • salt -2 grams;
  • soda – 3 grams;
  • sugar – 5 grams;
  • flour – 60 grams;
  • kefir – 250 ml;
  • sunflower oil – 30 grams;
  • warm boiled water.

We start by adding sugar, salt, semolina, soda and egg to kefir, mixing everything thoroughly until smooth. Then gradually add flour. Then carefully pour warm boiled water into the dough, making sure that the mass does not become too liquid. And at the very end, add sunflower oil. It is best to beat the resulting mass with a blender or mixer to avoid lumps.

After the dough is ready, we proceed directly to preparing the pancakes. Such pancakes should be fried on a hot, preferably a special pancake frying pan. You don’t have to lubricate its bottom with anything, since there is already oil in the dough, or you can add just a little refined oil. Fry each pancake on both sides, turning over the moment it stops being liquid.

These pancakes are good either with salty fillings (for example, chicken + mushrooms + onions), or with sweet jam, honey or condensed milk. You can also make cottage cheese filling with raisins or simply serve pancakes with sour cream.

Recipe 7: Yeast pancakes on choux pastry with kefir and semolina

Yeast pancakes with choux pastry and semolina. It turned out well for the first time, very tasty, tender and you want more.

  • Semolina - 0.5 cup.
  • Wheat flour (heaped) - 5-6 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • Sugar (+ 1 tsp) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Yeast - 1/3 tsp.
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs
  • Water - 350 ml
  • Kefir - 300 ml
  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp.

Pour semolina with kefir and leave it on the windowsill overnight, or 5-8 hours.

Boil 200 ml of water.
Sift 2 tbsp into a bowl. flour and pour boiling water, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps. Cool the brewed flour a little.
If there are still lumps. Add 150 ml of water, stir and rub through a sieve. If there are no lumps, then simply mix with water.

Dilute 1 tsp in a glass of warm milk. sugar, yeast and 1 tbsp. flour. Leave for 20 minutes.
Lightly beat the eggs with 1 tbsp. sugar and salt, add the custard flour mixture (already diluted with water), semolina with kefir and yeast mixture. Mix everything well, add the remaining 2-3 tbsp. flour with soda, vegetable oil, mix.
The dough should be thick, like sour cream; during the proofing process it will become a little thinner, but it should still be thicker than for regular pancakes, but thinner than for pancakes.
Cover the dough and place in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours.
The dough should rise and a nice foamy cap should appear on the surface.

Heat the frying pan. Lubricate.
Mix the dough a little, without overdoing it, just lightly, otherwise it will fall and the tenderness of the pancakes will be reduced to a minimum.
Bake pancakes small in size, 12-14 cm in diameter and slightly plump.

The dough is very delicate, and you need to adjust when baking, with the heat level so that it doesn’t burn and bake, otherwise it’s difficult to turn over an unbaked pancake.
The pancakes turn out super tender, melting in your mouth. Bon appetit!

I offer a recipe for custard pancakes with kefir, the dough for which is brewed at the last stage of its preparation. Sometimes they boil beaten eggs first and then prepare the dough, but the first option is much simpler and somehow has caught on more. Pancakes can be prepared in almost any thickness from thin to solid. They are good with any sauces and fillings, both sweet and savory. Sour cream, preserves and jams, melted butter, cottage cheese, fruits, mushrooms, cheeses, sausages, potatoes... the list of additions to pancakes is almost endless!

Prepare flour, kefir (any fat content or even whey), eggs, sugar, salt, soda (and sometimes I do it without it), refined vegetable oil and water for boiling water.

Combine kefir, soda, eggs, salt, sugar, vegetable oil.


Add flour.

Stir until the dough becomes thick, almost like pancakes.

Pour in boiling water while stirring - this is brewing the dough.

The finished dough has the usual consistency for pancakes and has bubbles. It is advisable to let it sit - rest for a few minutes and then bake.

In special Teflon or hardened cast iron pancake pans, you can bake pancakes without greasing them with oil or grease them only before the first pancake. Fry each pancake on both sides.

In frying pans with a diameter of about 18 cm, I made 20 thin openwork pancakes with kefir.

Bon appetit!
