Bake pink salmon in the oven with cheese and sour cream sauce. Pink salmon in sour cream sauce in the oven Cook pink salmon in a frying pan in sour cream sauce

Pink salmon is a valuable fish of the salmon family. Its muscle tissue is reddish in color. Because of this, pink salmon, like representatives of the sturgeon family, are called red fish. When males swim to the spawning ground, a characteristic growth similar to a hump grows on their back, which gives the name to this species. A variety of pink salmon dishes have been very popular in Russian cuisine since ancient times and to this day.

Beneficial features

Pink salmon contains unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. They delay the aging process and give a beautiful appearance to the skin, hair and nails. This fish also contains vitamins A, B, C, PP and minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, potassium, magnesium. Pink salmon dishes are essential for the circulatory system of the brain, thyroid gland, digestion and nervous system.

Doctors advise older people to eat this fish, as it prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease and strengthens teeth and bones. Nutritionists say that this product is low in calories, but contains a lot of healthy protein.


Product selection

To choose the right fresh fish for preparing any dish, Look out for the following signs:

  • carefully examine the eyes and gills - the eyes of fresh fish are always clear and clean, and the gills are light red in color;
  • the white color of the abdomen indicates that the product is frozen;
  • fresh fish has shiny and smooth scales, the skin fits tightly to the meat;
  • there should be no bruises or traces of mechanical damage on the fish carcass;
  • a bad sign if the tail and fins are dry and wrinkled;
  • fresh fish does not smell of ammonia;
  • the meat of the male is more juicy - it can be distinguished from the female by its brighter body color, the so-called hump, sharp head and short rear fin;
  • if you buy fillet, it should be pink; lighter shades indicate that the carcass is frozen.

Before you start preparing delicious dishes from this healthy fish, We recommend that you carefully read the following helpful tips.

  • pink salmon has virtually no fat, so to prevent it from becoming dry during cooking, it is marinated in sour cream or butter;
  • stewing makes the product juicier than frying;
  • It is better to fry this fish with the skin;
  • It is not recommended to cook pink salmon for longer than 20–40 minutes;
  • It is ideal to use olive oil for frying;
  • this type of fish is combined with herbs such as rosemary, basil, thyme, sage;
  • if pink salmon is baked, then it must be greased with sour cream in order for a crust to form;
  • As a side dish for fish stewed in sour cream, it is recommended to serve potatoes, stewed vegetables, rice, pasta or porridge.


This fish is suitable for stewing, frying, salting, and canning. It is used to prepare soups, cutlets, aspic, steak, pates, and rolls. Often the carcass is stuffed with mushrooms, vegetables, and cereals. Sour cream gives dishes made from this fish juiciness, softness and exquisite taste. Pink salmon stewed in sour cream sauce in a frying pan is easy to prepare, it is nutritious and incredibly tasty. Try the following recipes.

Stewed in sour cream sauce with carrots and onions

You need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • pink salmon – 800 grams;
  • sour cream – 5 tablespoons;
  • onions – 2 pieces;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • wheat flour – 30 grams;
  • water – 250 milliliters;
  • rosemary – 2–3 sprigs;
  • black pepper - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.

The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. clean, wash and dry the fish;
  2. cut off the fins and tail, cut into portions 2 centimeters wide;
  3. prepare sour cream sauce - in a separate container, combine sour cream, flour, water, salt and ground black pepper; mix everything thoroughly;
  4. cut the onion into strips and grate the carrots on a fine grater;
  5. heat the frying pan, pour olive oil and fry the onion;
  6. after a few minutes, add carrots to the pan and fry with onions for 3-4 minutes;
  7. Place fish pieces on top and pour sour cream sauce;
  8. cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes;
  9. turn off the heat, add rosemary to the finished dish and serve after 7 minutes; Mashed potatoes work best as a side dish for this recipe.

In a frying pan with mushrooms

The dish can be varied with mushrooms, which will give the stewed fish a special taste and aroma. It is worth preparing the following list of products:

  • pink salmon fillet – 700 grams;
  • sour cream – 250 grams;
  • champignons (or any other mushrooms) – 500 grams;
  • onions – 3 pieces;
  • wheat flour – 70 grams;
  • olive oil – 60 milliliters;
  • turmeric, basil and black pepper - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.

The preparation is as follows:

  1. cut the champignons into slices;
  2. heat the frying pan, pour olive oil and fry the mushrooms for 10 minutes;
  3. cut the onion into half rings, add to the pan with the mushrooms and fry everything together for another 7 minutes over low heat;
  4. add some flour to the mushrooms and onions, sprinkle with turmeric and fry until the flour turns golden brown;
  5. add sour cream; mix everything thoroughly;
  6. add basil, black pepper and bring to a boil;
  7. Cut the pink salmon fillet into pieces, roll in the remaining flour and fry in another frying pan, turning, until brown;
  8. immerse the fried fish in the sauce with mushrooms, mix and simmer all together for 10 minutes until the sauce thickens;
  9. When serving, sprinkle the finished dish with any fresh herbs.

Dishes made from pink salmon are low in calories, but very nutritious. This is a delicious fish, especially if you cook it using various sauces. Pink salmon will not only bring considerable benefits to the body, but will also delight your family and friends with its exquisite taste.

For information on how to cook baked pink salmon in sour cream and mushroom sauce, see below.

Do you want to cook something special and at the same time simple from pink salmon? Then this recipe is for you! Juicy pink salmon in the oven with sour cream retains the unique natural aroma of this fish, and at the same time it turns out deliciously tender and soft.

If you simply fry or boil pink salmon, then its inherent dryness will appear in all its glory and is unlikely to please you in the finished dish. But baking in sauce allows you to avoid this. I have already offered you a recipe for pink salmon baked in cream sauce.

But when you are too lazy to strain and prepare the sauce, there is a wonderful and easy way out - bake pink salmon in the oven deliciously with sour cream. Now I'll tell you how :).

Pink salmon baked in the oven with sour cream

We clean the fish, fillet it, leaving the skin, and cut it into small pieces. You can bake it by simply cutting it into steaks, if you’re really too lazy to cook, but then don’t be too lazy to pick out the bones while eating :). Salt the fish pieces and sprinkle with fish spices or just pepper.

Place the pieces close to each other on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Place skin side down.

Finely chop the parsley.

Mix sour cream with parsley.

Spread sour cream on fish pieces.

Grate hard cheese on a fine grater.

Sprinkle the fish with cheese.

Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

And here we have a fragrant fish on the table. The coat of sour cream and cheese preserved its juiciness, and now you can truly enjoy this tasty dish. Bon appetit!

How many types of fish there are, how many ways to cook it. It’s impossible to list everything. Today I have pink salmon baked in the oven in cheese and sour cream sauce.

I won’t talk much about the usefulness of red fish; everyone has known about it for a long time. It, like other varieties, is recommended to be included in the diet. So, let's get down to business :)

How to bake pink salmon with sour cream and cheese sauce


  • pink salmon fillet - 400 g;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • hard cheese - 40-50 g;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • dill - 3-4 sprigs.

Step by step recipe

Cooking time: 1 hour

Servings: 4 pcs.

Cuisine: European

1. Wash pink salmon well with cool water. Cut into portions.

I used fish fillet for baking, but you can also use steaks for this recipe.

2. Prepare the marinade: mix soy sauce, lemon juice, sunflower oil in a bowl.

3. Place pink salmon fillet in a mold and pour marinade on top. Turn the pieces over so that they are evenly saturated with it. Leave for 30 minutes.

There is no need to salt the fish, because soy sauce is salty. This is quite enough.

4. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. Leave a small amount of marinade in the form with the fish. Place on the top level and bake for 10-15 minutes.

5. While the fish is cooking, prepare the sauce: finely chop the dill and grate the cheese.

6. Mix greens, sour cream and cheese in a bowl.

7. Take out the fish, distribute the prepared sauce among all the pieces and put it back in the oven for 2-3 minutes so that the cheese melts. Serve pink salmon hot.

Thanks to the marinade and cheese and sour cream sauce, the pink salmon turned out juicy and soft. As a side dish, I cooked rice with spices and served fresh vegetables. I think it will also be tasty and satisfying with boiled potatoes or spaghetti.

Fish in the oven will turn out juicy and very aromatic if you cover it with sauce before baking. The basis for the sauce can be sour cream, natural yogurt, mayonnaise, ketchup. They are supplemented with fresh or dried herbs, garlic and coated with fish.

Pink salmon baked in the oven with sour cream with the addition of chopped garlic, dill and suneli hops turns out to be very tasty, juicy and aromatic.

Pink salmon baked in the oven with sour cream: step-by-step recipe

Ingredients for two servings:

  • Pink salmon fillet – 400 g;
  • Sour cream (20%) – 4 tablespoons;
  • Garlic – 2 large cloves;
  • Dill – 2 large sprigs;
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Khmeli-suneli – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Salt.

Cooking time: 30 min.

How to bake pink salmon in the oven with sour cream sauce

1. To prepare, use ready-made pink salmon fillet or cut a piece from a whole fish. We wash the carcass, remove the scales and fins. If the fish is not gutted, then cut the belly, remove the entrails and wash. We place a long sharp knife at the base of the head, make a cut to the central bone, but do not cut the bone. We point the knife away from the head and cut off the desired size piece. We get a fillet with small bones, which we grab with tweezers and remove. We wash the piece and dry it with a paper towel.

2. Place sour cream in a bowl.

3. Add suneli hops, salt (2 pinches) and ground black pepper. It is better to use freshly ground pepper, it gives the dish more flavor.

4. Peel the garlic, chop it very finely and put it in a bowl with sour cream. To quickly peel and chop the garlic, place the unpeeled cloves one at a time on a board, press firmly with the wide side of the knife and easily peel them.

5. We tear small sprigs of dill from the stems, chop them finely and add them to a bowl with other ingredients. Mix well and the sour cream aromatic sauce for fish is ready.

6. Place the pink salmon fillet on the bottom of a small metal or glass baking dish (pre-lubricate with oil). Let's add a little salt.

7. Place thick sour cream sauce on the fish and, using a large spoon, distribute over the entire surface. Set the oven to 220 degrees and heat for about 5 minutes. Place the dish with fish and sauce in the oven and bake for about 20 minutes.

8. The fish cooks quickly, so the garlic in the sauce and dill do not have time to burn. If you use this sauce for meat, then the dish will need to be baked under foil. When baked for a long time, fresh garlic and herbs burn and add bitterness to the meat. Remove the aromatic fish dish.

9. Juicy baked pink salmon with sour cream sauce is ready. Cut it into 2 parts, transfer it to plates, serve with a hot side dish and chopped fresh vegetables.

Khmeli-suneli goes well with garlic flavor, but it can be replaced with ground coriander and cumin seeds.

The fish will turn out no less tasty if you replace fresh dill with parsley, basil or cilantro. If we use fresh basil, then we exclude suneli hops and add a mixture of Provençal or Italian herbs to the sour cream.

The dish can be prepared from fish on the bone. Cut portions into about 3 cm thick, place in the mold and continue as per the recipe.

Pink salmon in sour cream - in the oven... If you don’t like dry pink salmon, then try it with sour cream. The fish acquires a delicate and juicy taste. Recipes for pink salmon in sour cream will delight all connoisseurs of red fish; no one will remain indifferent to this culinary delicacy called pink salmon baked in the oven.

Pink salmon in sour cream in the oven - recipe with photos

Pink salmon in sour cream in the oven is easy and simple to prepare. Fish cooked in sour cream goes well with almost any side dish. This fish can be served for lunch or dinner. can become a decoration for any holiday table. Try it!


To cook pink salmon in sour cream in the oven we will need:

  • pink salmon fish about 1kg
  • sour cream 150g.
  • onions and carrots 2 pcs.
  • bell pepper 1 pc. (optional) finely chop
  • eggs 2 pcs.

How to bake pink salmon in the oven

  • Wash the fish, cut into portions, dry with a paper towel, add salt and sprinkle with your favorite spices.
  • Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  • Cut the onion into half rings.
  • Finely chop the bell pepper.
  • In a separate bowl, combine the prepared carrots, onions, bell peppers, add sour cream, eggs, salt, spices, mix.
  • Place pink salmon in a baking dish or cast iron frying pan greased with vegetable oil. Place onion and carrot mixture on each piece of fish.
  • Bake pink salmon in the oven for 30-35 minutes (depending on the oven), temperature 180 degrees.

Pink salmon baked in the oven with carrots, onions and sour cream (Zhytomyr style)

This recipe for cooking pink salmon in the oven is slightly different from the previous recipe. We will prepare pink salmon in Zhytomyr style from pink salmon fillets, followed by frying in a frying pan, and then bake in sour cream with vegetables in the oven.


  • pink salmon fillet, cut into portions of about 1 kg.
  • onions, carrots and eggs 2 pcs.
  • sour cream 150g.
  • a little flour for dredging the fish
  • vegetable oil and spices.

How to cook pink salmon in sour cream Zhytomyr style

  • You can buy ready-made pink salmon fillets or make them at home from the fish.
  • Cut the fish in half lengthwise, remove the bones and remove the skin. Cut pink salmon into portions (2cm wide). Wash the fillet pieces, dry with a paper towel, add salt and pepper, roll in flour and fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil.
  • Place the fried pink salmon fillet in a baking dish greased with vegetable oil.
  • Finely chop the onion. Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Mix onions, carrots, eggs, sour cream, salt and spices in a bowl. Spread the prepared carrot and onion mixture in a thick layer on the pink salmon.
  • Place the mold in the oven and bake, as in the first recipe, at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Pink salmon baked in the oven with sour cream - a simplified version

In my opinion, this is the easiest recipe for cooking pink salmon in the oven in sour cream. If you bought ready-made fillets for this recipe, then it is better not to defrost it completely, so the fish will retain its shape and will not spread out.


  • pink salmon fillet about 300-350 gr.
  • sour cream 150 gr.
  • onions 1 pc. optional
  • salt, white or black pepper
  • vegetable oil

How to bake pink salmon fillet according to recipe

Pink salmon fillet should be washed, cut into portions 2 cm wide, placed in a baking dish, pre-greased with vegetable oil, add salt and pepper to taste. If the fish has been completely defrosted, then add a little water to the mold, and then pour in sour cream. If desired, you can first sprinkle the fish with finely chopped onions, and then pour sour cream on it. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

  • These recipes can be used not only for cooking pink salmon; you can cook any other red fish in the same way: salmon, salmon, trout, chum salmon.
  • The best oil for cooking red fish is olive oil.

Selection of spices for the recipe “pink salmon in sour cream”

Choose spices that are most suitable for fish. It can be anise, white pepper, rosemary, fennel, thyme, tarragon, sage, mint, basil, white mustard.

Choose the right fish when purchasing

  • Pink salmon's eyes should not be cloudy, there should be no damage to the skin, and the gills should have a bright light red color.
  • Pink salmon fillet should have a pleasant pink color, and not white, which indicates that the fish has been frozen. Dishes made from such pink salmon will be dry and tasteless.
  • Before baking pink salmon in the oven, it is necessary to heat the oven well to the temperature specified in the recipe.

Now you know exactly how to deliciously and correctly cook pink salmon with sour cream in the oven. Try it, experiment.

Video recipe “Pink salmon baked in the oven”

Bon appetit!
