American Cobb salad - recipe. Classic American Cobb salad with original dressing What is a cop salad

Cobb is a traditional American dish. The history of its creation is unusual. Read all about the salad recipe, plus all the cooking details.

Now this salad is on the menu of any American restaurant. A classic dish known far beyond the borders of the “states”. Few people know, but the dish was born from leftover food in the refrigerator of American Bob Cobb. The salad got its name in honor of him.

And it happened like this: while working in one of his own restaurants, the businessman was so carried away by his work that until yesterday he did not eat anything. After the restaurant closed, brutally hungry, he decided to put together dinner from leftover food. I opened the refrigerator and put everything I caught my eye on on a plate. It turned out to be a pretty decent tasting salad. Bob liked it so much that he put it on the menu of his restaurant. Let's get acquainted with the taste and prepare this salad.

Cobb Salad Ingredients

For the salad:

Cobb is a chicken salad that has become the highlight of American cuisine. Shall we try?

  • 1 bunch (80 g) green salad;
  • 1 baked or boiled chicken breast;
  • 2 fresh tomatoes;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 50 grams of blue cheese;
  • 1 red onion;
  • half an avocado;
  • 4 slices of bacon.

For refueling:

  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1.25 tsp. Dijon mustard;
  • 1.25 tsp. grainy mustard;
  • 2.5 tbsp. l. light wine vinegar;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. extra virgin olive oil.

Cobb salad - recipe

Making Chicken Cobb Salad is so easy that just a photo would suffice. But we still attach a small instruction.

  1. Wash the lettuce leaves and, after drying, place them on a large (flat) plate.
  2. Chop the chicken breast into small slices. Cut tomatoes and boiled eggs into half circles. Break blue cheese into pieces. Chop the onion into half rings. Avocado - the thinnest slices.
  3. Place all the chopped products in rows on top of the green salad. There is no need to stir - this is the trick of the dish.
  4. Press the garlic through a press, mix with olive oil, two types of mustard and wine vinegar. Add salt to taste. Pour the dressing into a small jug (gravy boat) and serve separately.

Before cooking, you can watch the video so that there is no doubt:

How to cook

Let's prepare Cobb salad - one of the most popular dishes in American cuisine. Recipes for this simple salad can vary depending on the personal preferences of the person making it. In any case, the dish turns out very tasty, juicy and incredibly satisfying. It can be served as a complete lunch or dinner, rather than as an introduction to these meals.

This salad got its name in honor of Bob Cobb (owner of the Brown Derby restaurant), who, by chance, came up with such a popular dish today. Currently, Cobb salad is usually prepared with boiled, baked or fried breast. Instead of Cheddar with its pleasant cheesy note and slight sourness, you can use aromatic blue cheese (for example, Dor Blue), but our family doesn’t like it. Instead of celery, I use fresh cucumber, as we have no love for this product. Feel free to replace cherry tomatoes with simple tomatoes (1 large), and chicken eggs with quail eggs (8 pieces).

To prepare Cobb salad dressing, you can take any vegetable oil and replace the wine vinegar with apple cider vinegar or even table vinegar, lemon or lime juice. However, if you, for example, decide to add piquant balsamic vinegar to the dressing, the oil must be refined, otherwise the strong aroma of the unrefined one will not be very compatible with the sophistication of the first component. Mustard does not have to be used in grains - regular table mustard will do. In general, experiment and find your favorite version of Cobb salad!


(250 grams) (150 grams) (100 grams) (100 grams) (100 grams) (50 grams) (1 piece ) (2 pieces ) (4 tablespoons) (2 tablespoons ) (1 tablespoon ) (1 pinch) (1 pinch)

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

First of all, let's put the chicken breast to boil. In general, there are two basic rules according to which chicken breast is cooked. If you need broth, place the meat in cold water, and when you are preparing the breast itself (for example, for the same salads), put it in boiling water. Then the breast will turn out juicy and very soft, since it will not have time to give all its juices to the broth. So, put the chicken breast in boiling water and cook at a moderate boil for about 15 minutes (after the water boils a second time - the boiling stops when you add the meat, as the water temperature drops). At the same time, set the chicken eggs to boil hard - 9-10 minutes after boiling over medium heat.

Meanwhile, wash and dry the vegetables. Cut cherry tomatoes into 2-4 parts (depending on size), and fresh cucumber into fairly large cubes. If you find a cucumber with a hard skin, remove it. Instead of cherry tomatoes, you can take regular tomatoes and cut them into not very small cubes.

When the chicken eggs are ready, place them directly in a saucepan under cold running water for about 5 minutes. During this time, they will cool down and the shells will be easier to remove. Peel the boiled eggs and cut them into large cubes. Cut the aromatic Cheddar cheese into smaller cubes.

Remove the peel, remove the pit and cut the flesh into cubes, just like chicken eggs. To prevent the avocado from darkening, you can sprinkle it with lemon juice.

Cobb-salad / Cobb salad-popular salad of American cuisine , was invented in the 30s of the last century, but versions of the origin vary, as usual... Traditional composition: bacon, chicken, lettuce, blue cheese, avocado, large tomatoes, cherry or sun-dried, chicken or quail eggs, spicy dressing. Additionally, stalk celery, sweet corn, olives, and onions can be added if desired. Blue cheese is sometimes replaced with Roquefort cheese, and bacon with brisket.

White wine, lemon juice or wine vinegar add sourness to the dressing. Despite the existing classic version, in your kitchen it is not forbidden to improvise a little on its basis both with the composition and with the serving option... The dish belongs to salads or appetizers, but in my family such a salad completely replaces dinner.

Prepare the ingredients:

Eggs need to be boiled and cooled in advance. Fry thin slices of bacon or brisket.

In the remaining spicy fat, fry the chicken breast pieces until fully cooked.

Place lettuce leaves on a flat dish, for example, in the shape of a ring.

Place portions of bacon and chicken pieces next to each other in strips.

Then, in the same strips, crumbled blue cheese and eggs, sliced ​​or chopped.

Cut tomatoes and avocados into slices or cubes and add to the salad.

Combine and stir dressing ingredients.
Olive oil and Dijon mustard can be used instead of mayonnaise.

Drizzle the dressing over some salad ingredients, such as eggs, chicken and tomatoes.

Cobb salad is ready.

Bon appetit!

Cobb salad can easily replace a full lunch or dinner. Men especially adore this snack - it’s very filling and incredibly tasty. The combination of meat with vegetables and aromatic dressing is an excellent option for all occasions: it can be either an appetizer or a main course, because it is quite filling.

Plus, such a salad will not cause huge harm to your figure: and this is also important! So you simply have to try it: well, I’ll be happy to share my recipe with you and tell you how to prepare Cobb salad easily and quickly.

Product composition

  • 100 grams of lettuce leaves;
  • 150 grams of chicken breast;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • one ripe firm tomato;
  • 3-4 small ripe cucumbers;
  • half an avocado;
  • 100 grams of cheddar cheese.

For refueling

  • 20 grams of sweet ready-made mustard;
  • 20 grams of mustard beans;
  • 25 grams of lemon juice;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 40 grams of olive oil;
  • 1-2 teaspoons granulated sugar;
  • salt - to taste.

Step-by-step cooking process

First, let's prepare the dressing. Finely grate 4 cloves of garlic into a bowl. Place sweet (Dijon) mustard into the same bowl, add lemon juice and olive oil, granulated sugar and a pinch of salt. Mix well with a whisk until creamy. Taste the sauce: add as needed. Lastly, add mustard beans and mix.

Pour the dressing into the sauce boat, as traditionally the sauce is served separately. We tear the washed lettuce leaves with our hands and place them on a plate.

Cut the chicken breast into small cubes. For this salad, you can use grilled, boiled or smoked chicken. You can even replace the meat with ham: everything will be very tasty.

Place the chopped chicken in an even row in the center of the salad. We also cut the pre-boiled hard-boiled eggs into large cubes and lay them out in two strips (on both sides of the chicken).

Cut out the stem of a ripe tomato and cut it into cubes. Lay out rows on both sides of the eggs.

Lay out the next strips of finely chopped small fresh cucumbers.

Cut one hundred grams of any hard cheese (I used cheddar) into small cubes. We lay it out in rows near the cucumbers.

Cut half a ripe avocado into cubes right in the peel, and then scoop out the pulp with a spoon. We form the last strips of lettuce from it.

Pour the sauce over the salad right on the table and mix. If desired, simply place the sauce next to it, each person will dress the salad to their own taste, transferring it to portioned dishes.

Cobb salad is a bright, hearty and very appetizing dish, a classic of American cuisine. The list of ingredients immediately arouses interest, because the most delicious and perfectly combined products are successfully selected here: fried chicken fillet, juicy tomatoes, crispy bacon, boiled eggs, ripe avocado, fresh lettuce and piquant blue cheese. All this magnificent “assortment” is seasoned with a simple dressing based on vegetable oil and mustard. The result is a luxurious dish with a very impressive appearance!

This version of Cobb salad is very close to the classic version, but you can make your own adjustments if you wish. For example, fillet can not only be fried, but also baked, more affordable ham can be used instead of bacon, etc. But still, it is not recommended to deviate too much from the Cobb salad recipe, since everything is perfectly balanced here.

Ingredients for 3-4 servings:

  • chicken (fillet) - 300 g;
  • raw smoked bacon - 50 g;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • blue cheese (Dor Blue or the like) - 50 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - 7-8 pcs.;
  • lettuce leaves - 100-150 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

For refueling:

  • vegetable (refined) oil - 6 tbsp. spoon;
  • lemon juice or vinegar 6% - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • mustard - 0.5-1 teaspoon.
  1. Cut the bacon into small narrow strips and fry in a clean, dry frying pan until lightly crisp. Do not add oil during frying! Place the finished bacon pieces on paper napkins to absorb excess fat.
  2. Cut a piece of fillet lengthwise into two plates of equal thickness. Sprinkle with salt and pepper on both sides. Fry in a frying pan freed from bacon for 4-5 minutes on each side (medium heat).
  3. Cool the fried chicken on paper towels and then cut into small cubes.
  4. Crumble the cheese with your hands or cut it into small pieces. Ideally, blue cheese like Dor Blue is used for cobb salad, but if you don’t like it, you can prepare this dish at home with another cheese of your choice.
  5. Cut the boiled eggs into small pieces.
  6. We divide the cherry into quarters.
  7. Cut the avocado in half lengthwise. We remove the bone and cut off the skin. Cut the pulp of the exotic fruit into cubes.
  8. To dress Cobb salad, combine oil, mustard and lemon juice (or vinegar). Shake the liquid vigorously with a fork.
  9. After washing and drying the lettuce leaves, tear them into arbitrary pieces. Add half of the dressing to the greens and stir.
  10. Place lettuce leaves on a suitable sized plate. We sort the remaining components of the Cobb salad in rows on top - eggs, cherry tomatoes, cheese, chicken fillet, bacon and avocado.
  11. Drizzle our colorful “assortment” with the remaining dressing. If desired, the salad can be mixed or eaten directly - in strips.

Cobb salad is a very impressive colorful dish that can easily replace lunch or dinner. Bon appetit!
