Liver rolls with filling. Chicken liver rolls with cheese How to make chicken liver roll

Liver is a tasty and healthy product. You can make so many delicious dishes from it! This recipe is one of those delicious things. I don’t cook it often, but every time I try to add something to the recipe to make it unusual and interesting!

And there is something to add! I’ll tell you now about additives to the “dough”, fillings and little tricks that will help you get the most delicious dish!

  • Liver – 1.5 kg (for 2 large rolls or 3 smaller ones);
  • Eggs – 3-4 pcs. (depending on size);
  • Onion – 3 pcs.;
  • Carrots – 1 pc. (small);
  • Garlic – 3 teeth;
  • Lard – 50-70g;
  • Flour – 2-3 tbsp;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Dried herbs.


Grind the liver. Each roll requires 1 egg. I have one roll large, the other small. I added one egg here and there.

Pour herbs into the liver - about 1 tbsp. spoons (or to your taste), salt and pepper. Mix everything well.

If you have chicken liver, for greater tenderness and fat content you can add 1 tbsp. sour cream.

We chop the onion finely, but do not chop it, so that the onion itself is not felt in the roll, but its juice makes the dish juicier.

Garlic must be in the roll. The smell of cooked liver is unappealing, and the only thing that neutralizes it is garlic. Therefore, it is better to chop the garlic rather than press it with a press (in this option, it quickly loses its bright flavor).

We grate the carrots, and it doesn’t matter, finely or coarsely, to your taste.

Salo! Let me explain the presence of this ingredient in the roll. The fact is that boiled liver is very bland, there is no fat in it, and therefore in a dish with boiled liver (namely boiled, not baked, not fried, but boiled) there is not and cannot be juiciness and tenderness!!!

We “create” the tenderness of the roll by adding juicy onions, fatty lard, and sauces (mayonnaise or sour cream). In some cases, I would recommend lightly stewing the carrots so that they absorb the oil, and in the roll it would look like a “zest.”

So, chop the lard very finely!

Add onions, carrots and lard to the liver. Mix, evenly distributing vegetables and lard in the “dough”.

Add flour. You don't need to add a lot of it. Boiled, it holds together well when only a couple of spoons are needed. If you add more flour, it will “clog” the liver and the dish will be tough.

Checking the consistency of the dough. It slides off the spoon, slowly but surely.

Learn from my mistake. The first time I used a baking sleeve instead of a simple, clean, intact plastic bag. And, as it turned out, in vain. The package is better, more reliable and has a more attractive roll shape.

We tie the bag on one side. LUBRICATE it with vegetable oil (which I forgot). Place it in a bowl; This will make it easier to pour the dough into the bag.

Pour out half the dough. Add a boiled egg (for a small roll one is enough, for a large one you can take 2). You shouldn’t tamp it down or level it.

Pour the second half of the dough into the bag.

We tie the bag and cut off the “extra” tail.

Place the roll in boiling water and cook covered for 1 hour 20 minutes. We don’t submerge. Most of the roll is under water, and that's enough. But, if you need to calm your darling, after an hour we turn the roll over in the water.

We take out the cooked roll and let it cool COMPLETELY.

I didn’t, and that was my second mistake. As a result, the package was not removed as easily as usual.

Remove the bag, the roll is dense and tastes airy.

The cut of the roll is stunningly beautiful!

Bon appetit!

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Recipe for a tender and tasty dish - chicken liver roll

Chicken liver roll

No holiday is complete without snacks. And it doesn’t matter what it’s made from, the main thing is that the appetizer pleases the guests in appearance and, undoubtedly, in taste. Let's make a chicken liver roll with you according to my recipe, which is not a shame to serve on the holiday table, as well as on weekdays, especially for breakfast. Believe me, the roll will turn out tender and soft, you’ll just lick your fingers.

So, to prepare a chicken liver roll we need: half a kilo of chicken liver, two tablespoons of flour, an onion, two tablespoons of thick sour cream, two boiled eggs, fifty grams of cheese, fifty grams of butter, nutmeg, ground black pepper, salt to taste and vegetable oil for frying.

First, wash the chicken liver and clean it of films, roll each piece in flour. Now heat a frying pan with vegetable oil and, turning over, fry the liver for two to three minutes. Cut the onion into thin half rings and add it to the liver in a frying pan and fry the liver and onion. But make sure that the onions are not fried too much, otherwise you can spoil the delicate taste of the pate. Add pepper, salt, sour cream and a pinch of nutmeg, mix everything, cover and cook for seven minutes over low heat until the liver is ready. Cool the liver and puree it using a blender. It is necessary that the pate is not very liquid, as it is necessary that it holds its shape, and also too thick, in which case your roll will turn out dry. Now let's make the filling for the roll. Grate the cheese and eggs, soften the butter and mix everything until smooth and add salt and pepper to taste. Spread cling film on a cutting board, on which place a layer of pate, on top of which apply a layer of filling. Now carefully lift the edges of the film and roll up the roll, twist and tie the ends of the film. Now we need to put our roll in this form in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, maybe more. That's all, now you know how to cook a tender and tasty chicken liver roll. And I will also offer you simple culinary recipes that will be useful to you and will delight your loved ones at the table.

A tasty snack is not a store-bought sausage with an endless list of preservatives and dyes, but a homemade treat made from quality ingredients. So, for a snack at work or as an aperitif for the main dishes for a holiday, you can learn how to prepare a tender, and most importantly, healthy chicken liver roll.

We offer interesting options for this treat, including dietary (for those who love a healthy diet) and hearty (for those who are not afraid of extra calories).

This snack can also be made from beef offal, following the technology. But liver roll made from chicken liver turns out to be more tender and does not have the characteristic odor that a product of cow origin suffers from.

For the roll, you can also use a frozen product, but, of course, fresh is best. More tips on preparing rolled liver appetizers are in the recipes.

Delicious chicken liver roll, recipe with butter


  • — 900 g + -
  • — 1 pack + -
  • 1 medium root vegetable + -
  • - 1 head + -
  • - 1 bunch + -
  • - 2 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 1 tsp. + -
  • - 1/2 tsp. + -

Step-by-step preparation of chicken liver roll with butter

The peculiarity of this appetizer is the oil-dill layer. Cow butter makes the meal more satisfying, and greens add a pleasant aroma. If you don’t have that much butter in the refrigerator or want to make a less fatty snack, you can replace it with mayonnaise.

Chicken liver roll with egg as filling is also a great option. Instead of an oil layer, place chopped boiled eggs on the pate layer - the appetizer is ready!

Let's start preparing the liver roll snack by washing the main product.

  • We cut off the veins from the liver, remove the bile ducts and sac (if any), dry the washed liver on paper towels, since we don’t need excess moisture.
  • Now let's boil it. To do this, put it in a saucepan, fill it with water, add some salt and cook for 10 minutes (no more, otherwise it will be too tough!) after the water boils.
  • Place the prepared product in a colander and wait for the excess moisture to drain.
  • In the meantime, peel the onion, chop it finely into cubes, and chop the peeled carrots on a coarse grater.
  • Sauté vegetables in vegetable oil for 5-7 minutes. You can cover the pan: this will make the vegetable slices softer faster. Don't forget to mix.
  • Using a meat grinder or chopper, grind the boiled chicken giblets with onions and carrots. It is advisable to pass the mass through a meat grinder twice to obtain the most homogeneous pate.
  • Pepper it, salt it, add 1-2 tbsp. l. butter, knead, spread on food-grade polyethylene in an even layer up to 5 mm thick.
  • Place the butter in a blender, add washed and finely chopped herbs (if desired, you can add parsley), blend until smooth.
  • After adding a little salt, spread the butter cream evenly over the pate.

  • Next, carefully roll up the pate with butter in the middle using film so that you get a roll.
  • We put it directly in the film in the refrigerator on the top shelf and leave it for a couple of hours for the oil layer to harden.

Before serving as a cold appetizer, cut the finished roll into portioned slices approximately 1 cm thick.

Chicken liver snack rolls with vegetable filling

This treat will delight lovers of liver cakes. We bake pancakes from giblets in the same way as for a cake, but we will not stack them, but roll each one separately and serve, stuffed with stewed vegetables (you can add mushrooms to them) and cut into portions.


  • Chicken liver – 350 g;
  • Medium chicken eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • Fresh cow's milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • Premium flour – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Carrot – 1 small root vegetable;
  • Medium onion – 1 pc.;
  • Vegetable oil 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • Mayonnaise – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt – ½ tsp;
  • Pepper - to taste.

Making a roll appetizer with liver flavor and vegetables

  • After rinsing the liver with tap water (it’s convenient to do this by putting it in a colander), let the water drain.
  • We pass the raw product through a meat grinder, add 2 eggs, pour in milk, sprinkle in flour, add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Mix everything - the consistency of the “dough” for liver cakes should be the same as for ordinary thin pancakes.
  • Cover the heated bottom of a frying pan (preferably with a non-stick) under each pancake with a thin film of oil.
  • We bake liver-flavored pancakes in the same way as flour pancakes: pour in the “batter” and, using circular movements of your hand in the pan, distribute the mixture along the bottom in a thin layer. As soon as the wet shine disappears on the raw side, turn the pancake over and bake on the other side for just a minute. You need to bake liver pancakes over high heat.
  • While the finished flatbreads are cooling, make the filling in the same way as in the previous recipe. We clean the vegetables, chop them and simmer in oil until soft. It will take 10-15 minutes over low heat while stirring.
  • At the same time, hard-boil the remaining 2 eggs. When they are ready, let them cool, peel them, grate them on a coarse grater, and add them to the stewed onion-carrot mixture.

  • Season the filling with mayonnaise.
  • When the pancakes have cooled, we begin to form the rolls. We cover the inside of the pancakes with filling, and then roll them into rolls and cut each one into 3 parts.
  • Place the prepared appetizer on a flat dish and decorate the top with sprigs of fresh aromatic herbs.

You can serve the snack rolls lukewarm or after cooling in the refrigerator.

Warm chicken roll with liver, chicken and mushrooms in the oven

And this treat can be served at the holiday table as an alternative to boring roast potatoes and meat. Chicken fillet, mushrooms and liver baked in chicken skin look very elegant, and they are also very tasty in this combination. The main difficulty is to properly remove the skin from raw chicken. How this operation is done - read below.


  • Chicken carcass – 1.2 kg;
  • Fried champignons in slices – up to 100 g;
  • Raw chicken liver – 100 g;
  • Small onion – 1 pc.;
  • Olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Powdered sugar – 1 tsp;
  • Thyme and basil - 0.5 tsp each;
  • Salt – 1 tsp.

Cooking liver roll from chicken liver, mushrooms and fillet: recipe for the oven

Let's prepare the meat for the roll with our own hands

  • We wash the bird carcass. To easily remove the skin without damaging it, first remove the outer phalanges of the wings (there is no meat there). Now we cut the skin in a circle along the edges of the legs, around the cloaca, along the entire sternum (from top to bottom).
  • We begin to remove the skin from the chest part, like a vest, going to the wings, then the shanks are next. This must be done carefully and slowly, cutting off the inner hymen from the pulp with a knife. As a result, we should get a completely edible baking film that will give the treat the desired shape.

If for some reason you don’t want to use the skin, you can wrap the roll in foil. The taste of the roll will be no worse, which cannot be said about its appearance. Therefore, the skin is best!

  • Now we will trim the fillet from the carcass and chop it very finely with a sharp knife.
  • Salt and spices (you can add black pepper powder) should be crushed in a mortar and added to the minced meat.
  • Place the loin part of the roll under food-grade polyethylene and place it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Let's deal with onions and liver

  • Chop a finely peeled onion and fry until golden in 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.
  • Liver slices (whole, unbroken pieces!), after washing and drying them, cut them in half lengthwise.
  • Fry them in 1 tbsp. l. heated oil for a couple of minutes. Blood no longer comes out when pressed, which means they are ready.
  • Remove them from the pan, cool naturally and cut into small cubes.
  • Add chopped liver and fried mushrooms along with onions to the chopped meat, mix everything.

How to form a delicious liver roll correctly and quickly

  • Grease a baking tray with oil and place parchment paper on it. Then turn on the oven and let it heat up.
  • We turn the folds of skin from the legs and wings inward.
  • Spread the triple filling along the skin with a roller and roll the skin to form a roll. Turn the fold downwards.
  • We wrap the paper in the form of an envelope so that the rolled “seam” ends up on top.
  • Place the raw delicacy in a mold and place it in the oven. At 200 degrees on medium, the roll will be ready in 25 minutes.
  • When the time is up, carefully open the roll, sprinkle sweet powder on top (thanks to it, a delicious golden brown crust forms on the skin), cover it again with tracing paper and put it in the oven again for 15 minutes.
  • Serve the roll slightly cooled, cutting into thin slices. If desired, the chicken skin can be removed.

And again, we were convinced that incredibly tasty meat delicacies can be prepared from the most budget-friendly products. Offered as an appetizer, a roll of tender chicken liver is made quickly and turns out so tasty that a request for more is guaranteed. Moreover, it will not only be big fans of offal that will ask for it.

Bon appetit!

Liver rolls with filling are a real salvation when friends or relatives come to visit unexpectedly. This is a tasty, satisfying and inexpensive dish, of which housewives know many variations.

In addition, liver is available in any grocery store and is cheap. At the same time, the offal is very healthy and nutritious, since it contains Mg, Zn, Ca, Fe, and vitamins. The liver is especially recommended for children and pregnant women.

It is better to buy a young liver. It has a light shade of red. The older ones are brown; it is recommended to soak them in a container with milk beforehand.

It is very important to be able to prepare this offal. To preserve the beneficial properties of the liver, it is not recommended to fry or stew for a long time. The product is prepared very quickly, and the human body absorbs it very easily.

How to cook liver rolls with filling - 7 varieties

Liver rolls - classic recipe

The simplest variation of this dish, but no less loved by all offal connoisseurs.


  • Liver (it is better to take beef) - 0.25 kg
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 egg
  • Hard cheese - 150 grams
  • 50 ml milk
  • 80 g mayonnaise
  • Flour - 100 g
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic, pepper, salt - to taste
  • Any greens - 50 g


The liver needs to be washed and dried, placed in a blender along with the onion. Add milk, chicken egg, 2 tablespoons of butter, wheat flour, seasonings. Salt everything. Fry pancakes from the resulting mixture. Grate the cheese, mix with mayonnaise, garlic and herbs. Spread the resulting liver pancakes with filling, roll into a tube, and cut diagonally. If served with sour cream, it will be even tastier.

This appetizer will seem original to everyone present at the table, since the rolls will turn out to be a rich green color.


  • 0.5 kg liver
  • 15 grams sunflower oil
  • 3 eggs
  • Flour - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • ½ cup cream
  • 1 large onion
  • 50 g butter
  • Salt and pepper.


The first step is to prepare the roll.

To do this, separate the chicken whites from the yolks.

Place spinach, yolks, salt in a blender and beat everything.

Add flour there, mix again, pour the whole mass into a separate container.

Beat the whites separately, then add them to the dough.

Place baking parchment on a baking sheet and pour the entire mixture there. Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for about 12 minutes.

Then comes the filling:

Rinse the liver, dry it, remove all veins.

Add just a little sunflower oil to the frying pan, heat it well and place the liver in 1 layer.

Fry for 3-4 minutes, the other side for 2. Add onion.

Fry the whole mixture over low heat, pour in the cream, add salt and pepper to taste.

Cool the resulting mass, put it in a blender with butter, and beat everything.

You can start assembling the roll. Spread butter onto the dough in a thin, even layer and top with liver pate. Carefully roll everything up, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator to soak completely. You can keep it there for an hour, but better all night.

A very original dish, because it has carrot, onion and egg and cheese filling.


  • 500 g pork or chicken liver;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • 0.5 glasses of milk;
  • 100 g flour
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

Filling No. 1:

  • 2 large carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 3 tbsp. mayonnaise.

Filling No. 2:

  • 5 eggs
  • 70 grams of Dutch cheese
  • 3-4 spoons of mayonnaise
  • Garlic to taste


Rinse the liver thoroughly and grind in a meat grinder or blender. Add chicken eggs, milk, salt and ground pepper there. Then flour.

Mix everything well.

Fry pancakes from the resulting mixture.

Now you can start filling No. 1:

Grate the washed carrots and mix with chopped onions.

Fry all this in a frying pan.

Apply mayonnaise, onion, carrots, and garlic squeezed through a press in an even thin layer on the liver pancake.

Place this filling in only half of the pancakes. Cut the rolls in half diagonally.

Let's move on to filling No. 2:

Finely chop the boiled eggs.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

And evenly apply mayonnaise, eggs, cheese and chopped garlic to the rest of the pancakes.

Also roll the rolls and cut them into 2 halves.

An easy and tasty recipe that will be a great summer snack. As for beets, they are available in any store and are quite inexpensive.


  • 250 g liver;
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 onion (120 g)
  • Olive or sunflower oil
  • 2 eggs;
  • Flour - 20 grams;
  • 3 medium-sized beets;
  • 2.5 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • Garlic, salt and seasonings at your discretion


Boil beets, grate, add chopped garlic and mayonnaise. Mix all.

Rinse the liver, dry it, remove the films, grind it with a blender.

Combine milk, flour, salt, pepper, 1 egg, mix everything so that there are no lumps.

Add the resulting mixture to the liver.

Start baking pancakes over medium heat.

Add beetroot filling to each pancake, roll into tubes, and if necessary, cut into halves.

This is a great offer for lovers of savory snacks.


  • 0.5 kg liver
  • 1 large onion
  • ½ glass of milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 150 grams of mayonnaise
  • 0.5 kg Korean carrots
  • 0.150 kg wheat flour


Rinse the liver, remove the veins, and grind in a blender.

Combine the resulting minced meat with chopped onions. Add eggs there and beat everything.

After this, add salt, warm milk, flour.

Place the resulting rolls in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Before serving, you can cut and garnish with parsley.

Following this recipe, you can prepare a very juicy, melt-in-your-mouth snack that will decorate any table.


  • Chicken liver - 500 g
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs
  • Champignons – 200 g
  • Large carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Low-fat sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - 70 grams
  • Garlic, salt and pepper to taste


Grind the liver in a blender, add eggs and flour. Salt, pepper, mix everything.

Cut the champignons and fry them in a frying pan with carrots and onions.

This is probably the simplest, but very delicious chicken liver roll recipe. To prepare the roll you will need: chicken liver, onions, carrots, butter. If you wish to do stuffed roll, then you can use chicken eggs, cheese or mushrooms as a filling.

The prepared roll, according to this recipe, turns out tender and appetizing. Of course, you can use any liver, but it is chicken liver that makes the roll so tender.

The dish is a cold appetizer. If you prepare it in the evening, you will save time for preparing other dishes on the eve of any holiday, thereby leaving more time for yourself! And now I’ll tell you in detail, how to cook chicken liver roll with various fillings.

For reference:

  • Add 20-30 grams of butter - thanks to the butter, the future roll will not crumble.
  • Cut the finished roll with a hot knife; this technique will also help cut the roll without crumbling it.
  • Always place the rolled roll seam side down.
  • The ideal filling for any liver roll is butter.


  • Chicken liver – 500 grams;
  • Fresh carrots (medium size) – 3 pieces;
  • Onions (medium size) – 2 onions;
  • Sour cream – 100 grams;
  • Butter (softened) – 200 grams;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Fresh herbs (dill, parsley) - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.

Preparing the roll:

1) In advance, before you start preparing the chicken liver roll, remove the butter from the freezer and leave it warm.

2) Examine the chicken liver carefully; if you notice bile, carefully remove it. Rinse the liver under the tap with running water, place in a colander and let the liquid drain.

3) While excess liquid is draining from the liver, start preparing the vegetables.

  • Wash the carrots, peel them, grate them on a coarse grater.
  • Peel the onion and cut into cubes, you can cut it coarsely.

4) Cut the liver into medium pieces and fry in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil and sour cream until cooked.

5) The onion will also need to be sautéed in vegetable oil until transparent.

6) Add grated carrots to the onion and fry until tender.

7) After all the ingredients are prepared, take out the meat grinder and grind them all in a meat grinder or grind them in a blender.

8) After twisting, mix well until smooth, add salt and pepper to taste.

Here you go! The minced meat for their chicken liver roll is ready!

9) Now let's get to the rolling part of the roll. For this you will need cling film.

  • Spread the film on a flat surface.
  • Evenly distribute the minced liver over the entire surface of the film (1 cm thick), leaving a margin of 5-7 cm of free space at the edges - this will be needed for tying the roll.
  • Later, if you wish to make a spring roll, add the filling. How to do this will be individually described for each filling option (later in the article).
  • After the filling is placed, carefully roll the roll using cling film.
  • Wrap the formed roll with the same cling film, tie the film around the edges and put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.
  • After the time has passed, remove the roll, remove the cling film, carefully place the liver roll on a beautiful dish and coat it with softened butter.
  • Pre-mix the oil with finely chopped parsley and dill. (If you are going to make a liver roll with a filling and it will contain butter, then you don’t need to coat the top of the roll with butter - it will be too greasy, although this is not for everybody!
  • Put it back in the refrigerator.

Serve immediately after removing from the refrigerator.

What filling should I use to make a liver roll?

Filling for liver roll from chicken eggs and mayonnaise

To prepare this filling you will need:

  • Chicken eggs – 3 pieces;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;
  • Fresh herbs - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

1) Hard boil the eggs, peel them.

2) We have already prepared the minced liver, evenly distributed it over the cling film, now:

3) Lubricate our minced meat with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

4) Place whole eggs in the middle of the dough.

5) Finely chop the fresh herbs and sprinkle them on the eggs.

6) Roll the roll, wrap it in film, tie it and place it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Serve chilled. Once you cut this roll, your guests will be pleasantly surprised. Cut chicken eggs in a liver roll look quite impressive.

To prepare the cheese filling you will need:

  • Hard cheese – 100 grams;
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pieces;
  • Butter – 100 grams;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Greens - for decoration

1) Boil the eggs hard, peel and grate on a fine grater.

2) Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

3) The butter should be softened. Mash the butter with a fork.

4) Mix eggs, cheese and butter, add salt to taste. Stir until smooth.

5) Spread the filling in an even layer over the minced liver laid out on cling film.

6) Roll up the roll, secure the edges of the film, and put it in the refrigerator.

Before serving, unroll the chicken liver roll, garnish with herbs and serve.

To prepare the mushroom filling you will need:

  • Mushrooms (any) – 400 grams;
  • Smoked sausage cheese – 200 grams;
  • Onion – 1 onion;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste.

1) Fry the mushrooms in a frying pan in vegetable oil with onions, add salt, stir, and cool.

2) Grate the sausage cheese on a coarse grater.

3) Mix mushrooms, cheese with mayonnaise, add salt.

4) Distribute the prepared filling evenly over the minced liver laid out on cling film.

3) Roll the roll using cling film and put it in the refrigerator.

4) After the roll has cooled, remove it from the refrigerator, unwrap it, garnish with herbs and serve.

With this filling option, the roll can be coated with softened butter and herbs on top, as described above.

Processed cheese filling for liver roll

To prepare the cream cheese filling you will need:

  • Processed cheese – 2 pieces;
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves (or to taste);
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

1) The processed cheese will need to be grated. In order to do this conveniently, you need:

  • Release the cheese from the food foil in which it was located and place it in a plastic plastic bag.
  • Place our cheese in a bag in the freezer for 30-40 minutes.
  • After the time has passed, take out the cheese - now you can grate it.
  • Take the cheese by one edge, and bend the bag from the other - rub it.
  • As the cheese decreases, move the bag until you have grated all the cheese. The melted cheese is ready!

2) Peel the garlic and pass through a press.

3) Mix processed cheese, garlic, mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

4) Spread the filling evenly over the minced liver and roll it up.

5) The remaining steps are as described above.

Liver roll stuffed with mushrooms and eggs

To prepare the roll you will need:

  • Mushrooms – 400 grams;
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pieces;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Oil – for frying;
  • Salt, spices - to taste.

1) Fry the mushrooms with onions in vegetable oil until cooked.

2) Eggs need to be hard-boiled, peeled and grated on a fine grater, mixed with mayonnaise.

3) Place the mushrooms in an even layer on the minced liver and the eggs next to them. You will get a two-color filling (as in the photo).

4) Form into a roll (as described above). One moment! Roll along the laid out filling, and not across, otherwise it will turn out that half the roll is with mushrooms, and the other half is with eggs.

5) Once the roll has cooled in the refrigerator, spread the whipped herb butter on top and place it back in the refrigerator until it is time to serve. This chicken liver roll will look very beautiful when cut.

Also use butter or soft processed cheeses as filling. Mix them with fresh herbs - it will turn out very tasty, and preparing such fillings is very quick and easy.

In fact, you can come up with the filling for a chicken liver roll yourself. You just need to turn to your imagination.

The liver goes well with various types of cheeses, eggs, butter, mushrooms, onions and carrots. Combine products. Try making liver rolls with fillings using these recipes or come up with your own signature recipe. Happy cooking!

Bon appetit!

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